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Experimental Alien Martial Artist


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Val Char Cost Roll Notes

0 STR -10 9- Lift 25.0kg; 0d6

0 DEX -20 9- OCV: 0/DCV: 7

1 CON -9 9-

1 INT -9 9- PER Roll 12-

13 EGO 3 12- ECV: 8 - 5

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6


0 OCV -15

7 DCV 20

8 OMCV 15

5 DMCV 6

4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12


15+4 PD -2 Total: 15/19 PD (15/19 rPD)

15+4 ED -2 Total: 15/19 ED (15/19 rED)

0 REC -4

0 END -4

15 BODY 5

40 STUN 10 Total Characteristic Cost: -2



Flight: 11m/22m


Cost Powers END

23 Manipulatory Extrusions: Telekinesis (20 STR), Fine Manipulation, Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DCV; +0) (40 Active Points); No Range (-½), Side Effects (Triggers both Mental and Physical Damage Shields; -¼) 4


15 My equivalent of a nervous system is a network of energy flows: Cannot Be Stunned 0


10 These pathogens and toxins do not even interact with my system: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases) 0


2 I should be able to make it home before I get hungry: Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per year) 0


30 My structure persists: Damage Negation (-3 DCs Physical, -3 DCs Energy) 0


30 I am resistant to disruptiive energy: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0

30 I am resistant to such rearrangement of my matter: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0


4 My outer skin is part of my consciousness - it is otherwise with you?: Resistant Protection (2 PD/2 ED/1 Mental Defense/1 Power Defense) (9 Active Points); Perceivable (energy field plainly visible to Sight and Mental Senses; -½), Nonpersistent (-¼), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼) 1


16 My hide.: Resistant Protection (2 PD/2 ED) (Protect Carried Items (natural pouches)) 0


17 I can feel pain. I prefer not to: Combat Luck (15 PD/15 ED) (30 Active Points); Against STUN Only (-½), Side Effects (Stunned when STUN damage penetrates this Power; -¼)


4 My structure restores itself: Regeneration (1 BODY per Day) 0


15 Restorative touch: +10 REC, Usable By Other (+½), Grantor can take back power at any time (15 Active Points)


19 Every action has only ONE equal and opposite reaction? Motion is easy to understand here: Flight 11m, Position Shift, Usable As Running (+¼), Usable As Swimming (+¼) (24 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (-¼) 2


-35 You can tell what things look like. : Blind (-35 Active Points) 0


27 I can tell what things ARE like: Spatial Awareness (Mental Group), Discriminatory (Detect Class of Minds; See Aura), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Perceive into a related group of dimensions (Astral, Ethereal, Mind Zone, Near Past and Future), Rapid: x10 (55 Active Points); Limited Power Double Range Penalties (-½), Side Effects (Percieving a character with a Mental Damage Shield triggers it. Can avoid perceiving a given character or object with an EGO roll - but then the unpercieved is treated as Invisible; -¼), Perceivable (visible to Mental Awareness; -¼) 0


9 +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0


8 I percieve your meaning: Universal Translator 12- (23 Active Points); Limited Power Does not work on writings, recordings, or broadcasts - operates via limited mental contact with the communicating being (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼), Perceivable (visible to Mental Awareness; -¼), Side Effects (Communication (either way) with a character with a Mental Damage Shield triggers the Damage Shield; -¼) 2


4 I am a visitor here: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Related Group of Dimensions, Any Location corresponding to current physical location), Safe Blind Travel (+¼) (40 Active Points); 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Season (-3 ½), Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1 ½), Extra Time (20 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1 ¼), Costs Endurance (-½), Requires A Roll (Navigation Skill roll; -½), Side Effects (Travel to wrong destination; -½), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼) 16


6 Your minds are very alien to me.: Mental Defense (10 points total) (9 Active Points); Side Effects (If Mental Defense is breached, take 6d6/phase Mental Blast; -½) 0


6 I draw energy from (untranslatable concept): Endurance Reserve (20 END, 0 REC) Reserve: , 64 clips of 16 Boostable Recoverable Charges (+¼) (6 Active Points) [16 bc]

5 Fast Draw: END Reserve 10-


3 I take notes. I am here to explore and learn: Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); IIF (-¼), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; Targetting it with a Mental Attack will erase it; -¼)


I am a warrior

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

5 Counter Strength with Absence -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove

4 Parry +2 +2 Block, Abort

3 Hold Person -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 50 STR for holding on

5 Counter Weakness with Strength -2 +1 12d6 Strike

5 Power in Motion +1 +0 8d6 +v/10; FMove

3 Control Movement +0 +1 8d6 +v/10, Target Falls

5 Thief of Arms +0 +0 Grab Weapon, 50 STR to take weapon away

5 Running Interdiction -1 -1 Disarm, 50 SR to Disarm; FMove

16 +4 HTH Damage Class(es)



1 Communion Orb: Contact: Can be used for emergency return home. (7 Active Points); 3 Charges which Recover every 1 Week (-1 ¾), OAF (Personal; anyone else using it would have a somewhat disturbing experience of contact with an alien mind; -1), Concentration (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -¾), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½) 16-



18 Initiative: Lightning Reflexes (+18 DEX to act first with All Actions)



36 Capable: +3 Overall

14 Capable of doing two things at once: +3 Overall (36 Active Points); Limited Power Cannot Stack with Capable (-1 ½)

3 Can you feel that astral wind?: Navigation (Astral, Dimensional) 9-

7 We are reasoning beings, are we not?: Deduction 11-

3 We have gravity too: Breakfall 9-

3 It was not hidden from my senses: Concealment 9-

3 My form is flexible: Contortionist 9-

3 I do not understand color, but it seems "gray" is not beautiful - but is useful: Stealth 9-

3 We shall disrupt their plan: Tactics 9-

3 I have no hand to be quicker, nor an eye to be quicker than?: Sleight Of Hand 9-

4 I am an intelligent life form: +1 with all Intellect Skills


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 400

Total Cost: 398


400+ Matching Complications

325 Base Points

15 "I am having trouble with units of time and distance. What is the speed of sound again? And of silence? " Physical Complication: Ignorant of local language, culture, technology, physics, etc (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)

10 "Nothing here constitutes sustenance for me" Physical Complication: Alien physiology and anatomy (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)

15 "Like your own, my body is a complex structure of matter and energy." Distinctive Features: Dull gray rubbery cylinder narrows to a "neck" and then expands to a bulbous "head." Bottom rests on six stumpy legs, and top is crowned by six antennae or tendrils of some kind. (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 "I feel you scanning me, but why do you not examine from (untranslatable concept) half-directions?" Distinctive Features: Very alien mind, aware and interacting on multiple dimensions (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses: Mental, Magical, or Interdimensional)

10 "May I help?" Psychological Complication: Honorable. Keeps word, protects the innocent, repays favors, tries to be courteous as far as it understands local courtesy (Common; Moderate)

10 "Some.....force....strives....to undo my structure! It will destroy me!" Susceptibility: If subjected to Transform 1d6 damage per Turn (Uncommon)


Total Complications Points: 398


Background/History: A Strange visitor from another universe governed under a different set of physical laws. It is hard to tell if it is a tourist; some kind of religious pilgrim; a scientific explorer; a knight errant; or a martial artist of the "gunslinger" mentality seeking new challenges. Some even suspect it of being a commercial or military scout, looking for resources to exploit, a market for whatever goods its people produce, or military intelligence in advance of an invasion.


Personality/Motivation: Among motivations observers have identified: An apparently sincere desire to help others, especially those who have helped it. A strong tendency to keep promises, bargains, and wagers. Loyalty to friends. Apparently innocent intellectual curiosity. Enjoyment of music. Delight in friendly conflict and competition from board games (at which it does poorly) to debate (at which it does erratically, depending on such things as how well it can communicate its alien point of view or how well it grasps a concept as Humans understand it) to martial arts combat (at which it excels once the rules are understood and agreed on.) Paragrin's attitude to authority seems ambivalent or erratic. In speech it has trouble with gender and sometimes even number and person, making its use of pronouns a chancy business.


Quote: I am a guest of the universe. It is a privilege to be here.


Powers/Tactics: Paragrin has several weaknesses; no ranged attacks, blindness and a special weakness to Mental Powers being among the more obvious. With a large suite of martial manuevers, it will try to vary tactics with the enemy and the situation, grabbing or throwing an opponent with superior movement then using its most powerful strike, using a full move strike against a slower but dangerous opponent, frequently making a half move and holding an action, etc. Paragrin has implied that it may develop new Powers (such as Stretching or Teleportation) as it adjusts to this universe and its laws.


Campaign Use: Built on 325 Base Points plus 75 points in Complications, Paragrin is suitable for a standard superhero game. It can be zany comic relief or handled more seriously (if no less surreally) as a study in interacting with a truly alien mind. If used as a Player Character, make sure the player can handle representing the alien point of view, especially blindness (playing the role of someone who cannot see and never has seen can be harder than expected.)


Appearance: Distinctive. See Complications.


by Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: Experimental Alien Martial Artist


Very nice but I'm curious about how this is resolved:


17 I can feel pain. I prefer not to: Combat Luck (15 PD/15 ED) (30 Active Points); Against STUN Only (-½), Side Effects (Stunned when STUN damage penetrates this Power; -¼)
Exactly how much Physical/Energy STUN before defenses does it take to Stun this character?

It doesn't look like much since his Damage Reduction applies AFTER other defenses.

(I'm counting 19 defenses plus 3d6 Damage Negation which will stop an average of only 8d6 Normal)


from 6e1 page 185:



A character with Damage Reduction applies his defenses normally to the damage done by an attack. If his Damage Reduction applies to the attack, he then uses it to reduce the remaining damage. If reducing the damage by a percentage yields a fractional result, the damage rounds in favor of the character per the standard HERO System rounding rules.

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Re: Experimental Alien Martial Artist


Exactly how much Physical/Energy STUN before defenses does it take to Stun this character?

It doesn't look like much since his Damage Reduction applies AFTER other defenses.

even a million Stun won't work:

15 My equivalent of a nervous system is a network of energy flows: Cannot Be Stunned 0

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Re: Experimental Alien Martial Artist


Very nice but I'm curious about how this is resolved:


Exactly how much Physical/Energy STUN before defenses does it take to Stun this character?

It doesn't look like much since his Damage Reduction applies AFTER other defenses.

(I'm counting 19 defenses plus 3d6 Damage Negation which will stop an average of only 8d6 Normal)


from 6e1 page 185:


maybe I should reconsider that....


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is stunned at one end

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Re: Experimental Alien Martial Artist


Interesting - I started reading from the top down as by the time I hit CON I was :confused:. It definitely feels alien!

I've tried extreme constructions before, but not quite to this extent - it works, though.


One thing - why the INT 1? Is it that he's naturally imperceptive / slow on the uptake? Or he can only think in certain ways?

If it's just for mechanical reasons, I doubt the utility - Int 8 is cheaper. But there is a certain charm in constructing it this way, just for the :nonp:.

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Re: Experimental Alien Martial Artist


To be honest, I was expecting more commentary...but perhaps no one knows what to make of it!


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is noticing a couple of vulnerabilities I had overlooked besides the too-easily-stunned

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Re: Experimental Alien Martial Artist


To be honest, I was expecting more commentary...but perhaps no one knows what to make of it!
When something is this different, normal quibbles seem a little pointless.

Nonetheless - is there a specific reason for the 1 point of Power Defense, or is it just for the concept?

Not specific to this one, but I like the way you list abilities, gives a clearer picture of the character. I've tried doing something similar when I manually format characters (grouping things by their source instead of skills/talents/powers), and I like the way it comes out.


The palindromedary is noticing a couple of vulnerabilities I had overlooked besides the too-easily-stunned
Is grappling/entangle one of them? With no Martial Escape, it looks like he's at only 20 STR to break out, and absolutely no chance to casual out (or resist Grab).
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Re: Experimental Alien Martial Artist


Nonetheless - is there a specific reason for the 1 point of Power Defense, or is it just for the concept?


It fits the concept. If I had more poins to play with I might have made that Power greater, but I was trying to stay within guidelines.


Not specific to this one, but I like the way you list abilities, gives a clearer picture of the character. I've tried doing something similar when I manually format characters (grouping things by their source instead of skills/talents/powers), and I like the way it comes out.


Thanks. Sometimes, in Hero Designer, I'll even put Skills and Talents in the Powers section to group them together with Powers they would be associated with.


You're referring to things like the way I put these three in a row: The Blindness, the extra sense it has that "replaces" sight, and the +3 with perception?


Is grappling/entangle one of them? With no Martial Escape, it looks like he's at only 20 STR to break out, and absolutely no chance to casual out (or resist Grab).


It is now.


The low INT is kind of an "anti munchkin" thing, but I enjoy being an anti-munchkin sometimes as much as I enjoy being a munchkin.


I may revamp this one and do a "Mark II" but no promises.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary likes that phrase, "extreme constructions"

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