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Teleport Mega Scale and willing passengers


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I have sort of been making Teleport a little too easy for my players by allowing mega scale teleportation take only the phase they use it.


So the Teleporter gets everyone ready and everyone else holds their phase and he then teleports mega scale into combat and everyone apart from the teleporter takes their phase with no penalty. He is at 0 OCV and 1/2 DCVuntil his next phase but everyone else is free to act.


Or the reverse of they need to get out of the area by forming on the teleporter and they teleport straight out with mega scale.


Rereading the rules it states an extra phase is required.


So if the Teleporter takes a half phase on phase 3 and then activates teleport and he then acts on phase 6 on his dex at half a phase he is 0 OCV and 1/2 DCV until this point (obviously the teleporter could hold until phase 5 and then activate to teleport on phase 6 on his dexterity).


What about the people he wants to take with him? Are they on 0 OCV and 1/2 DCV until Phase 6 and the dexterity of the teleporter?


Thanks for any help

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Re: Teleport Mega Scale and willing passengers


I have sort of been making Teleport a little too easy for my players by allowing mega scale teleportation take only the phase they use it.


So the Teleporter gets everyone ready and everyone else holds their phase and he then teleports mega scale into combat and everyone apart from the teleporter takes their phase with no penalty. He is at 0 OCV and 1/2 DCVuntil his next phase but everyone else is free to act.


Or the reverse of they need to get out of the area by forming on the teleporter and they teleport straight out with mega scale.


Rereading the rules it states an extra phase is required.


So if the Teleporter takes a half phase on phase 3 and then activates teleport and he then acts on phase 6 on his dex at half a phase he is 0 OCV and 1/2 DCV until this point (obviously the teleporter could hold until phase 5 and then activate to teleport on phase 6 on his dexterity).


What about the people he wants to take with him? Are they on 0 OCV and 1/2 DCV until Phase 6 and the dexterity of the teleporter?


Thanks for any help


Assuming we follow the rules for the moment...


All the people being teleported are at that penalty until they act on their next phase. It is not dependent on the Speed of the teleporter.


Using your example, say you have the teleporter (let's say Dex 24)and his passenger(Dex 20) and let's assume they are also both at Speed 6. On phase 4, the teleporter activates his Teleport power and is now committed. Teleporter is now 0 OCV & 1/2 DCV. As per the rules, on phase 6 at his Dex, he now teleports to point B. The teleporter is now at point B and his phase 6 action done. At phase 8, he may now act freely and is at his normal OCV & DCV. The passenger, on the other hand, has to stay motionless beside the teleporter(DCV 1/2), if he wants to still be the recipient of the teleport. He can act on phase 4, if he chooses. He arrives at point B at the teleporter's Dex on phase 6 and remains at 0 OCV & 1/2 DCV until he acts on his next action, in this case, at Dex 20.


Now, let's assume instead of Speed 6, the passenger is Speed 5. On segment 5, the passenger can still act, he arrives at point B on segment 6 and is at 0 OCV & 1/2 DCV until the passenger acts at segment 8. Now, suppose the passenger held his action from phase 5, after the two of them teleport to point B, the passenger can now take advantage of his held action to move away from the teleporter or whatever other action he chooses with his normal OCV & DCV.

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Re: Teleport Mega Scale and willing passengers


So if the Teleporter takes a half phase on phase 3 and then activates teleport and he then acts on phase 6 on his dex at half a phase he is 0 OCV and 1/2 DCV until this point (obviously the teleporter could hold until phase 5 and then activate to teleport on phase 6 on his dexterity).

I would take the Rules from "Extra Time: Extra Phase" limitation here:

"Extra Phase (-¾) means the power requires a Full Phase plus an extra Full Phase to activate and use." - 6E1 376

So it will need two complete full phases (or 4 1/2 phase actions or 1/2 phase + 1 Full Phase + 1/2 Phase) to complete. So using the left half phase won't do any good (in fact it means he is vulnerably for 3 aditional segments). He better holds it to abort.

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