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New to Hero System 6E - Give me the run down


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Ok, I am relativity new to Hero System and I am looking at purchasing hero system 6th Edition opposed to GURPS.


I am a long time P&P RPG fanatic.


I have purchased Hero system products in the past and I have enjoyed them very much but that was 5E and I really did not understand it.


Can some one give me the run down on what I will need and what and how hero system plays.

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Re: New to Hero System 6E - Give me the run down


I'm honestly a bit uncertain how to address "purchased" and "enjoyed" but "did not understand." Maybe if you explained what you enjoyed and what you did not understand. I'd love to help more, but I really am unsure how to do so. 6e is a lot like 5e. If you got 5e then the new system is a snap. If you say you didn't get 5e... I think we should look at that.


The easiest way to grasp the system is to pick up one of the basic rulebooks. Either hard copy or the PDF (both links are the same book, just one's a PDF).


Hard copy: https://www.herogames.com/viewItem.htm?itemID=242420


PDF: https://www.herogames.com/viewItem.htm?itemID=242107


That's the very, very basics of what you need. You will eventually need some more books, and you might feel that you have to pick up a genre book or two right away, but the basic book will get you started.


(Speaking of genres what genre are you interested in most?)


Eventually, you should get the hard cover books. These are big books, but Hero does not do splat books, so these books contain all the rules, like, ever, and are a one time buy. (The basic rule book is easier to pass around the table during play and also less likely to tip over and crush a player.)

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Re: New to Hero System 6E - Give me the run down


Basic Rulebook is one of the best ways to see if the system is "right" for you. It might also be a good introduction for new players. It's by no means fully compatible to the full rules or any of the other Rulebooks and once you got the "real" Rulebooks (6E1 and 6E2) it's just a Paperweight.


The real rulebooks and te bare minimum to use any of the other sourcebooks are:

Volume 1 (Character Creation):


ISBN: 978-1-58366-120-8

Price: $39.99 US


Volume 2 (Combat and Adventuring):


ISBN: 978-1-58366-121-5

Price: $39.99 US


Set Price: $69.99 US if you buy both books at once

Try to get them as bundle. Buying only one of them won't get you anywhere. They are usually referred to as 6E1 and 6E2 respectively. After that, it depends on the genre.


Regarding the "enyoed but not understood": As far as i heard, the earlier version of 5E lacked heavily in the area of examples. 5E revised corrected that and 6E has a lot of examples too (but not in the basic rulebook).

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Re: New to Hero System 6E - Give me the run down


Sixth Edition Vol.1 and Vol.2 to start. You need both. Basic book is handy for table use for quickie rules checks when you don't want the big books mangled. After that, Hero System Martial Arts, Hero System Equipment, then whatever Genre support book you desire. Powers is a handy book for rookies as well.


~Rex....as for what the game is about? Any Game, Any Genre, Any Time, Anywhere.

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Re: New to Hero System 6E - Give me the run down


Sorry internet was down for a few days :(



But now it is back up :D


Ok, now as for I "Enjoyed the System but did not understand it" it was basically I understood that you put together a character with a certain number of points. You get more points for the more weaknesses/problems that you choose but the more strengths you choose it balanced out that. Combat I did not under stand but i thoroughly enjoyed making characters, Items, and other things :)


Hope that explains it :)

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Re: New to Hero System 6E - Give me the run down


6E coutns differently/gives a fixed maximum and requires a lot less Complciations.

You usually have a number called "Total Points" and "Matching Complications".

You average Super (what is built most often on these forums) is the 400/75 Average Superhero.

He gets 325 "Base Points" for free and can get up to 75 points extra by taking complications.

Anotehr way to look at it: You get 400 Points but have to take 75 points worth of complciations. When you take less than 75 points of Complciations, then you used some of the 400 Total Points to "buy them off".

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Re: New to Hero System 6E - Give me the run down


OK that make sense. Enjoyed playing but not a system maven or anything like that. Yeah that Hero In Two Pages is probably just what you need. Gets you the basics down fast so you understand better what the rolls are doing and how, in general, characters work.


If you decide to buy some books, I'd recommend the Basic Rulebook, just like I linked to above. I think it's a good step up for someone who isn't a system maven and wants to learn more. Talk to your GM what genre or background books he's using, and what he'd suggest you get. Those can be helpful because you'll see how the rules are used in practice. So you have a practical endpoint for reading the rules.

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