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Sci-fi Mech Build


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Greetings Lords of the Forum,


I am here again with another question.


A friend of mine is interested in hosting a Sci-fi setting in which the heroes use gigantic mechs in their adventure.

Going from world to world, fighting other mechs and saving Earth or Mars from space pirates or Alien invaders.


I have no idea how to start with the building process of a Mech using the Hero 6th Edition.



Variable Power Pool?


Suggestions and advice?

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Re: Sci-fi Mech Build


First target should be Vehicle Rules. After all they are just walkign vehicles with weapons :)


Multiform might be better for superheroic games.


Hi Christopher,


I gave the vehicles section a good read and i think i can put it together.

But it leaves me with one question. How do i link the weapons (powers) to it? Do i just make them in a MP or VPP and link that to the vehicle?!

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Re: Sci-fi Mech Build


I gave the vehicles section a good read and i think i can put it together.

But it leaves me with one question. How do i link the weapons (powers) to it? Do i just make them in a MP or VPP and link that to the vehicle?!

You just buy the weapons as part of the Vehicle.

If it is a multi-driver vehicle (tank, 2 person aircraft, Bomber) you might have to define who can use the weapon (i.e. if the weapon can be fired by the driver, or needs a special gunner).

You might want to take a look at the limited firing arcs limitations (good for heavy chest beams).

You should also inlcude a Endurance Reserve to power the weapons and Movement. This might be the reactors powerlimit, or a heatlimit (like in some Mechwarrior Computergames and the handweapons in Mass Effect 1).


When you want multiple weapons, you can make use of the 5-point doublign rule for equipment.

One example base has this armament written up:

48 Exterior Defensive Blaster: RKA 4d6, 4 clips of 125 Charges each (+1); OIF Immobile (-1½)

15 Exterior Defensive Blaster: 7 more Blasters, as above, spaced equidistantly around the base’s hull


A example underwater base has a "Elektrocute the Kraken" power:

49 Electrified Outer Shell: Blast 8d6; Area Of Effect (Base’s Surface Damage Shield; +2¼), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼); OIF Immobile (-1½), No Range (-½), No Knockback (-¼)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Sci-fi Mech Build


I have mechs in my supers campaign, but only available to villains and alien invaders. I pretty much just write them up as a character and ignore the squishy thing driving it. While I could use the vehicle rules, it just wasn't worth it for my purposes. If PCs were to ever get them, they'd just have two character sheets - one of the mech, and another of the character when not driving.


I've considered running a Battletech campaign using Hero for all non-mech combat and any character interactions, and the Battletech rules for when mech combat occurred. It wouldn't be hard at all to move back and forth between the two.

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Re: Sci-fi Mech Build Here's a sample mecha I wrote up some time ago. It's in the 5th edition format, but that's no big deal. It's also a bit complicated, but they can be made much simpler. This is just for reference on what kind of stuff can go in a Mecha vehicle and what they should look like when you are done writing them up. Here it is: Wing Gundam Zero (custom) from Endless Waltze.


Model: XXXG-00W0

Height: 16.7 meters

Size: 9 [8 hexes tall](45)

Mass: 16 Tons

Size Mod: -6

KB mod: -10 (1)

Characteristics: STR: 60(5) Damage: 12D6N

DEX: 21(33) CV: 7

SPD: 5(19)

BOD: 25(6)

PRE: 25(15) PRE ATK: 5D6

COM: 18(9)

DEF: 12(30)


Armor Plating: Armor 13pd/ed(39) Hard(+1/4) 49pts

EMP Shielding: Power Defense 10pts (10) Hard(+1/4) 12pts

Polarized Screens: Visual Flash Defense 10pts (10)

Sound Proofing: Audio Flash Defense 8pts (8)

Sensor Hardening: Radar Flash Defense 12pts (12)



Running: Running 26"[X2](52) No Turn Mode(+1/4) 65act --Cost End(-1/2) 43pts. 260"/turn 156kph/97mph End=32/turn

Leaping: Leaping 16"[X2](16) Cost End(-1/2)x2 End(-1/2) 8pts. End=3/leap

Booster assisted Leaping: X4 noncombat leaping(5) Requires Fuel(-1/4) 4pts Note: each leap uses up 3 seconds worth of fuel.

Flight: Flight 106"[X8](222) Sideways manueverability(+1/4) 1 Continuing Charge [6 hours fuel](+1/4) 333act --OIF(-1) 166pts. 4280"/turn 2,544kph/1,580mph. Mach 2.35 8.8 G's accel.


Power Plant: Fusion Power Plant: Rec-60(60) End-120(12) 72act --IIF(-3/4) Extreme Side Effect: 3D6+1K Explosion. Occurs whenever Power Plant is destroyed by an attack(-3/4). 29pts.



Advanced Controls: +3w/Combat Piloting(6) IIF(-3/4) 3pts

Mecha Limbs: Extra Limbs [2 arms/2 legs](5) Limited Manipulation(-1/4) 4pts.

Manuevering Verniers: +6 lvls w/Flight(18) OIF(-1) 9pts.

Spotlights: Images [sight Group](10) +5 Perc(15) 4" Radius(+1/2) 38act --OIF(-1) No Range(-1/2) Only to create light(-1) 15pts.



Screens: [add to pilots visual perception] +2Perc(2) IR Perception(5) Nightvision[+4 vs Darkness penalties](5) Telescopic +8Rmod(16) IIF(-3/4) 17pts.

Phones: [add to pilots Audio perception] +1 Perc(1) Ultrasonic Perception(3) Teleaudio +6Rmod(12). IIF(-3/4) 10pts

Radar: [Radio Group] Detect Physical Objects(5) +2 Perc(2) Discriminatory(5) 360^ Arc(5) Ranged(5) Sense(2) Targeting(10) +12Rmod(12) IIF(-3/4) 26pts.

Radar Detector: [Radio Group] Detect Radar(3) +3 Perc(3) 360^arc(5) Ranged(5) Sense(2) Targeting(10) IIF(-3/4) 16pts



Radio:[Radio Group] High Range Radio(12) +3Perc(3) IIF(-3/4) 9pts

Laser:[Electromagnetic Group] Mind Link(5) Any Target(10) IIF(-3/4) Only with other vehicles with Mind Link(-1) Affected as Hearing Group and Electromag Group(-1/2) 4pts.



Laser Rangefinder: Absolute Range Sense. 3pts

Target Aquisition and Tracking System: +3 lvls w/Ranged Combat(15) Linked to Radar(-1/2) 10pts



ECCM: Power Defense 15pts(15) Hard(+1/4) 19act. IIF(-3/4) 11pts.

ECM: Change Environment 4" radius(15) Megascale Area(+1/4) [1"=1Km] Selective(+1/2) Invisible Power Effects(+3/4) [invisible to Sight and Hearing. Visible to Radio and EM groups] Cost End(-1/2) IIF(-3/4) No Range(-1/2) Req Skill Roll(-1/2) 12pts

Radar Jamming: -4vs Radar (5) MAD Jamming: -4vs M.A.D. (5) Radio Jamming: -8vs Radio (11) Total cost 33pts



Zero System: Mind Link to Pilot(5) No Range(-1/2) IIF(-3/4) Side Effects(-1) 1pt. --Find Weakness 12- (15) w/all weapons(10) 25act. IIF(-3/4) Linked(-1/4) 13pts

--+4 Overal Skill Levels(40) IIF(-3/4) Linked(-1/4) 20pts Total Cost: 34pts [note: The Side Effects is a 6D6 Mind Control which turns the pilot aggressive, then ultimately, homicidal as use of the Zero System continues. Roll for control 1/turn on Post Segment 12)



Sealed Pilot Compartment: Self Contained Breathing(10) 30 chgs/1 hour duration each(+1) 20pts

--Safe Environment: Lowpressure/Vacuum(2) High Pressure(1) Radiation(2) Intense Cold(2) Intenese Heat(2) IIF(-3/4) 17pts

CBR Filtration System: Immune to: All terrestrial disease and Biowarfare Agents(10) All Terrestrial Poisons and Chemical Warfare agents(10). IIF(-3/4) 11pts.



Machine Cannon: +1OCV(5) +4Rmod(8) 5D6+1RKA(80) AP(+1/2) Auto-10(+1) +1Stunx(+1/4) 500Chgs(+1) 360act. OIF(-1) 200pts. Range 1500" X2(5) Total cost 213pts


Beam Swords: +1OCV(5) 5D6HKA(75) APx2(+1) +1StunX(+1/4) 169act OAF(-1 1/2) STRmin(-1/2) +3" Stretching(15) 0End(+1/2) 22act OAF(-1 1/2) Always Direct(-1/4) No noncbt(-1/2) Only to cause Damage(-1/2) No Velocity(-1/2) 6pts. X2(5) Total cost 183.


Twin Buster Rifle: +1OCV(5) +6Rmod(12) 8D6RKA(120) AP(+1/2) PEN(+1/2) +1StunX(+1/4) X5Range(+1/4) 300act. --OAF(-1 1/2) STRmin(-3/4) 98pts. X2(+5) 103pts.



INT: 25(15)

EGO: 0 (N/A)

DEX: 18(24)

SPD: 4 SKILLS: Analyze: Fighting Style(3) 14- Analyze: Mobile Suit(3) 14- Combat Driving(5): 14- Combat Piloting(5): 14- Accurate Sprayfire(5) Rapid Autofire(5) Cryptography(3): 14- Navigation(5): 15- Systems Operations(7): 16- Weapon Familiarity(2): Mecha Weapons

TALENTS: Clock: Absolute Time Sense(3) Compass: Bump of Direction(3) Memory: Eidetic Memory(3) Math Processor: Lightning Calculator(3)

PROGRAMS: (6pts) Autopilot: uses Combat Driving or Combat Piloting to travel a preplotted course. Attack Target: Use weapons systems to attack selected targets. Search for Targets: Use available sensors to track and identify targets in range Analyze Target: Use available sensors to analyze targets capabilites Plot Course: Select a safe travel route to selected destination. Decode Encryption: Use Cryptograhy to decode encrypted messages recieved.



The Wing Gundam Zero (custom) is a redesign of the Wing Zero. Though it looses its Neo Bird Mode in the redesign, it gained a set of High Maneuverability Wings which allow it to survive re-entry and glide in atmospheric conditions. These "Wings" also contain a vast number of maneuvering verniers....small rockets which are used to increase the manueverabilitiy of mecha and ships in space. As its main weapon, the Wing Zero Custom uses its Twin Buster Rifle which is capable of great distruction. It packs more than twice the power of standard beam rifles. For melee combat, it relies on the tried and true Beam Sabre of which it carries two. For support, it has twin 90mm machine cannons mounted on the chest/shoulders, which is used for anti-vehicle and anti-missile fire. (The Heavyarms Custom has an identicle pair mounted on it as well). Unlike most of the other Gundams, the Wing Zero Custom does no mount Head Vulcans, relying on its Machine Cannon to replace these.


The most notable piece of hardward on the Wing Zero Custom is its Zero System. This is an Interface system that feeds tactical data and combat simulations directly to the pilots mind. The system is unstable, however, and only very strong willed individuals can use the system to its fullest. Even then, they can be highly susceptable to any hidden demons they may have buried, as the Zero System has a way of bringing these things to the surface of the pilots mind. The Gundam Wing Zero Custom's pilot if Hiro Yui.


Explaination: Okay here we go. How it works and why I did it (for the most part). First, the characteristics are pretty cut and dried. The main thing being the Wing Zero's agility, which is the highest of all the Gundams. Thus, I made the Wing Zero's Dex a 21, compared to the next highest (Gundam Nataku and Tallgeese 3) at Dex 20. This garuntees the Wing Zero initiative. Whats that you say? Not agile enough? Ah, but it is! This will be explained a bit later, however. The Speed Characteristic was a no-brainer. Most Mobile suits should be around Speed 3. Top of the line suits at Speed 4. Gundams (in Gundam Wing) speed 5. Technically, the Wing Zero would probably be speed 6, but #1, Hiro Yui is not that fast and would never be able to take advantage of it and #2, that would make the Wing Zero entirely too fast, movement-wise The Body is pretty self explainatory. A 25 makes it durable...able to withstand a few hits from a Beam Rifle or a hit or two (at most) from a Beam Sword, but doesn't make it invulnerable, which is pretty much how things work in Gundam. Getting hit by attacks is BAD so the best defense is don't be there, hence, the buff agility of all the top-of-the-line Mobile Suits.

The Defense characteristic represents the inner-defense of the Gundam...its endoskeletal frame and "skin" as it were. It isn't hardned, so AP attacks reduce this Def normally. The PRE and COM were added for those who decide they want to use them. This is appropriate in the Gundam Wing universe considering how impressive looking the Gundams (and other Mobile Suits) are, and using them to perform presence attacks isn't outta the question. COM is merely a consideration as to how "cool" the Mobile Suit looks, and is mostly for roleplaying considerations ("Hah! I have the most Beautiful mobile suit in the colonies!") and can easily be replaced by mere Distinctive Features Disad or ignored entirely.

The Armor defenses are pretty self explainatory. The "Armor" power was used to represent the Gundarium armor plating. It is hardened, so resists armor piercing attacks (the Hardened will block AP first, then PEN). This method is used so that enterprising (i.e. Sadistic) GM's can represent "Armor Breaches" where a portion of the Mobile Suits armor is torn away, exposing the soft undersides. The base Defense still applies in this case, so there is at least some consolation in that ...

The movement is fairly standard. Note that the slot listed as "Booster assisted Leaping" is when the Gundam engages its flight system briefly to enhance its leaping capability. This is why it uses up the fuel. This form of leaping requires a Combat Piloting roll. (Normal leaping does not, unless one is leaping onto bad terrain) The flight speed is fast...according to gundamofficial.com, the Wing Gundam has a thrust to mass ratio of 8.8/1, thus I made its movement equal to 8.8 G's of thrust all told. (using the Simplified method as laid down in Star Hero and The Ultimate Vehicle of 60"/turn = 1G. Note however that I only used the Combat Move in this calculation and not the full noncombat movement, as only Combat Move is used to determine accelleration) As far as the Power Plant is concerned, note the Side Effect. All mobile suits in the Gundam Universe have this side effect. They blow up quite easily when the power plant is compromised. This is evidence of some sort of (extremely) volatile power source such as hot Fusion reactors. The damage is not very significant, only 10DC, but with no armor applied, it is likely to completely destroy the mecha....especially if its just taken a hit powerful enough to breach the Power Plant. It does have the Explosion advantage, so any mobile suit in the area of effect may take collateral damage as a result of being too close to the explosion. Better Dive for Cover! Of course, even if the Mobile Suit isn't destroyed, it is useless because the Power Plant is now gone...it can do nothing!

The Advanced Controls indicate the sophistication of the control system present in the Wing Gundam. It gives the pilot a degree of control not present in other Mobile Suits (excpet for, of course, the other "Gundams"). The Maneuvering Verniers is what gives the Wing Gundam its incredible maneuverability. With +6 levels with Flight movement, it is the most agile mobile suit ever created. (Deathscythe, Epyon and Tallgeese III each have +5 lvls) This is achieved via the Wing Gundams "Feathered Wings". Each "feather" in its wings is actually a maneuvering vernier that can vector 60^ individually of each other. The result is the ability of the Wing Gundam to outfly anything in space or in the air. Remember, Movement skill levels can be used for reducing Turn mode, Increasing accelleration, decreasing accelleration, can add to Combat Piloting rolls for maneuvering and may add to DCV when moving as well. When used defensively, this makes the Wing Gundams DCV a total of 13! At full combat velocity, the Wing Gundam normally has a turn mode of 21", but because of its vernier system it can reduce that to a mere 15". Braking is similar. When added in with the bonus for "Advanced Controls" the Wing Gundam can add a total of +9 to the Pilots Combat Piloting for maneuvering. Is that agile enough for you?

.....But wait! There's more! The Overall Skill levels that come with use of the Zero System may also be used as additional Movement Skill Levels. Yes, thats a total of +10 MSL's that the Wing Zero has at its command. Oh baby! More on the vaunted Zero System later. I most certainly hope that the senors are self explainatory. Assume maximum range is equal to whatever range the sensor can read up to a penalty of -10.

Example: The Radar has a Range Modifier of +12. This means it can read targets up to 500 meters (250") away with no penalty. -10 is 16Km (8000") which is the "limit" of its sensor capacity. Get it? The Target Aquisition and Tracking system only works when the Radar has a successful lock on a target (i.e. made a successful perception roll). Any Mecha pilot worth his salt can do combat without Radar, its just more difficult.

The ECM/ECCM is very basic. Most mobile suits, even the Gundams, don't seem to have very much ECM capability. Obviously, there are ships in every fleet dedicated to this role, so Mobile Suits do mount basic ECCM systems. The Power Defense protects it from advanced ECM such as those used to disable Sensors (Suppress and Dispel). Sensor Hardening is listed under standard defenses, which protects it from short EM pulses designed to take out radar temporarily (Radar Flash Defense). The ECM suite is very basic as well. When activated, any enemy suit in the area of effect (4km) is hit with the listed penalty. Use a skill vs skill roll, using the respective pilots Systems Operations skill. If the defending suits can beat the skill roll of the pilot using the ECM, they do not suffer from the penalties. If they fail, then the listed penalties apply to their sensors and communications. Pretty simple really.

Now we come to the Zero System. The basic power is Mind Link. If the Mind Link is somehow disabled, the other powers in the Zero System turn off immediately. When the Zero System is active, several things occur. 1st: The pilot now has the ability to use Find Weakness on his opponents. The Zero System effectively feeds tactical information about his target directly into the pilots mind, which allows him to instantly analyze his target to best take advantage of any weaknesses in their defense. This is part of what makes a Zero System enabled mobile suit so deadly. 2cnd: The Zero system predicts the actions of the opponent, and projects these predictions directly to the pilots mind, so that he/she may act upon them instantly. This gives the Wing Zero 4 overall skill levels to use. The pilot may use them in any way he/she desires, as long as they deal with the Mecha in some way. Examples include: Movement Skill Levels: The overall levels can be used as MSL's for any of the Wing Zero's movement modes, including leaping. Combat Skill Levels: The overall levels can be used to enhance the Wing Zero's combat capability, including OCV, DCV and +DC's for hand to hand/melee combat. Sensors: The overall levels can be used to enhance the pilots Systems Operations skill roll when he uses the Wing Zero's sensors. They can also enhance the pilots skill when using ECM systems. Piloting: The overall levels can add to the operators Piloting skill rolls. Find Weakness: They can even enhance the Zero System's Find Weakness roll! As you can see, the Zero System is a serious boon to any pilot.....who can control it that is. 3rd: There is a serious problem with the Zero System. It has the tendency to bring out/mess with a pilots psychological limitations. In its most basic form, this represents itself as the ability to force the pilot into a state of rage/single-minded-destruction via Mind Control. Roll this once per turn (Post Segment 12) and the Pilot gets to make a breakout roll as normal. The level of effect needed depends on the Pilots state of mind and Psych lims. (a character with an Enraged will be driven mad on an Ego+ roll! However a character with the Psych lim: Peaceful will become angry on an Ego +20 or higher). Treat this as an Enraged, possibly as a Berserk, depending on circumstance. Gm's who wish to mess around with their PC's can have the Zero System Side Effect be a bit more versatile. Since the Zero System is already "Mind Linked" to the Pilot, it can read any of the Pilots psychological limitations. The Zero System is in effect, a special system that reads the pilots intentions and does its best to carry those intentions out to the fullest. A Pilot who is using the Zero System is supposed to be in a specific state of mind such as "Destroy My Enemies" or "Complete My Mission To Rescue Releena!" However, Psychological limitations (especially strong ones) have a way of creeping up into our train of thought at the most inopportune of moments. Thus, the Zero System will oftentimes latch onto these Psych lims and do its best to carry them out to its fullest. It will reinforce these attitudes to the pilot, making the operator obsessed with them. This effect varies from individual to individual, so there are too many variables to go into here. GM's are encouraged to use their twisted imaginations as they will, based on the Psych lims of their PC's. The Wing Zero's weapons are pretty conventional. The Machine cannons are best used as Anti-missile weapons and close-in deterrents for bargin-basement Mobile Suits. The Beam Swords are its main weapon for Hand to Hand combat. They are built as HKA's which means the Mobile Suits strength adds to the damage. Mobile Suits also often use Maneuvers to enhance the damage as well (Move-by and Martial Arts maneuvers are popular). Since the Beam Swords are double AP, they tend to cut other Mobile Suits to ribbons. When using the Beam Swords with the Zero System active, the Wing Zero is an especially dangerous opponent (enemies Defenses are at 1/4!) The Twin Buster Rifle is the Wing Zero Custom's main ranged weapon and its power is undeniable. It posseses two of these rifles, which resemble the standard Beam Rifle of other Mobile Suits, but the Twin Busters can be combined to form a single, powerful Beam Cannon capable of great destruction. It was purchased as two seperate beam rifles (each capable of 8D6K ap/pen attack) but when its combined, use it as a 0 penalty Multiple Power Attack with a single attack roll for both rifles. Apply damage to defenses seperately then add together for total damage (similar to a Reduced Penetrating attack). This allows the Twin Buster to produce up to 96 Body worth of damage in a single attack, making it incredibly powerful compared to other Mobile Suit weapons. Even colonies won't be safe!

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