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Creating a "Flare" effect. Need help.


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Hi every one.

So I'm trying to create a power for one of the Hero's in the game ill be running.

This is a utility guy who fights crime, but also helps Search and Rescue, or to help police in case of mobs/rioters, etc. all his weapons are non-lethal. (Even has code against killing.)


What the power would be:

Flare launcher on the back of his power armor. Has 2(maybe more, but no more then 8) flares. Shoots a flare up into the air that slowly falls to earth via parachute. Will light up a good size area for about a minute before burning out. Might have a range of up to 200m before lighting up an area.


Either that or an intense Light to help light up a cone like area.(no End, switch on/off when ever he needs it.)

I would prefer the flare effect, but either way the power can't cost to many of his points since it will only see limited use through out the campaign.


Any help will be appreciated!



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If the character has the typical powered armor Attack Multipower it would be simple to just build another slot with this this ability (ensuring a real cost of around 4-5 points).  Off the top of my head, either Change Environment or Images (with continuous charges) would be the base power to start from.

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Sorry about that Steve! Thank you for moving it here.



Wasn't sure it would be allowed in his multipower. I guess if I change the name of multipower from Combat systems to "Power Armor Devices" it would work!


Ok, so here's what I've been able to come up with. Please let me know if you see flaws or better ways to do it.


Flare Launcher:

Images +2 to sight group. 20pts

AoE: Explosion. 200m. (+1.25.)

Time limit: 1 minute (1/2)

55 active points

Charges: 4 (-1)

Only to create light (-1)

Limited Range(-1/4). 250m

OIF: Flare launcher (-1/2)

Limited: Common (-1/2)

(Cannot use in confined spaces)

55/3.25= 17pts (2F in multipower.)


This is a flare that is shot up into the air, lights up a huge area for a minute before burning out.

At night, It provides a +2 PER for sight groups for first 100m radius, and only +1 for the last 100m radius. (Hence the explosion modifier.)

It cannot be used indoors. (Needs altitude to light up an area.)

The flare has enough propellant to launch it up to 250m away.

The launcher holds 4 flares.

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DOH! Didn't notice the time charges. Lol


With that I was able to upgrade to +3 PER, reduce AoE to 125m, change to time charges, and it comes to a 24pt power. Or a 2f slot.


Oh, the "limited: common" is to represent it can't work in a confined space.

80% of the game will take place in a city. Since he can't use it in buildings, or even, say an alley, I felt the limitation would be deserved.


I went with an explosion to represent the "fading" of the light further from the flare.

So first 45m would be very well lit up(+3), the next 40m would be fading a bit(+2), and last 40m wouldn't be as bright.(+1).


I might be trying for a little to much realism maybe...

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DOH! Didn't notice the time charges. Lol


With that I was able to upgrade to +3 PER, reduce AoE to 125m, change to time charges, and it comes to a 24pt power. Or a 2f slot.


Oh, the "limited: common" is to represent it can't work in a confined space.

80% of the game will take place in a city. Since he can't use it in buildings, or even, say an alley, I felt the limitation would be deserved.


I went with an explosion to represent the "fading" of the light further from the flare.

So first 45m would be very well lit up(+3), the next 40m would be fading a bit(+2), and last 40m wouldn't be as bright.(+1).


I might be trying for a little to much realism maybe...

Looks good to me.  I would go with explosion as well rather than an AoE but, if you're looking to save some points, thematically you could probably drop it down to half that range since 125 meters is pretty big (about 400 feet radius).  Granted, if you want this to be like the things they used in like WW2 where they were meant to illuminate an entire battlefield, then it's fine as is.  But, if you're just looking for the immediate area, going down to 64 or so is probably fine.


If you wanted to do the cone effect then it would just be a similar build to what you have minus some of the constraints and probably 16m at best for range.

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Yeah. In a framework it won't save any points. But I think your right. A 750ft diameter(125m radius, that's like 2 football fields) is a bit much for what he needs. I think a 360ft diameter(60m radius) is a little more fitting.

And then its easy to average the bonus out too.

+3 center 20m radius. +2 out to 40m radius, +1 out to the 60m radius. I can switch it out by doubling the amount of charges he has instead.


Any one know how to make a tow cable?

Thought that could be a useful gadget for a safety minded hero like him.

I was thinking maybe TK strength with an OAF that's breakable(to account for the cable.), no END, and a blanket limitation that the TK strength is only good to pull things towards himself, or to let things fall away safely. (Just like a real cable.)

But how much do you think such a limitation would be worth? (Sounds like a -1 to me, but I'm rather new to the system.)

Also with the limitation "Willing target, or magnetic surface". How much should that be worth?


I appreciate the help guys.


This guy will have an energy gun that is non-lethal(Doesn't do body) that can be single shot or rapid fire. A grenade launcher that shoots 4 types of grenades: Concussion(Blast damage+hearing group flash. AoE), Flash grenade(sight group flash. AoE.), Stun grenade(Energy blast, AoE, no body.), and a Sticky grenade(entangle AoE).

An energy shield module in left forearm that lets him turtle in a force bubble if he's in trouble.

A Taser in right hand(Energy stun, no body.)

The flare launcher, and I'd like a cable too.


I know its a lot, but this guy is meant to foil some of there non combat plans. The guy that leaps around trying to save the innocents while the rest of the Hero's battle the PC Villains. If there's no civilians to rescue, well, the villains aren''t being very villainous are they! So they deserve the pot shots and grenade volleys!

He has a code against killing, hence all the none lethal weapons. It's also why he doesn't trust any one else to use the power armor he invited. Want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself kinda guy.

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For the tow cable i might use the "Physical Manifestation" limitation on the TK (since there is an actual cable that could be cut) although OAF works as well (just realize that means the cable can be "disarmed" from the hero.) If it is a cable built into the suit then OIF would probably be better (since it cant easily be "taken away" from the hero).


As far as your limitation is concerned how to price it is up to the GM based upon how limiting he thinks the custom modifier will be in the campaign, although a -1 limitation might be about right for that IMO (possibly even more if he cant do ANYTHING else with the cable, no matter how "creative" he might get).



Edit: should have been OIF not IAF, its quite obvious that the cable is the source of the power, its just not easily accessible.

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