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Leaping into the Air (Full move) what's next? Change Enviroment to suppress leap.


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How would you handle this:

Character A has the Power Change Environment, -12M of Mode of Movement (Leaping), Area of Effect 12M Radius, Personal Immunity, No Range.

This Character also has Flight (24M).


Character B has 34M leaping (Accurate).


Character A is flying directly in front of (20M away) and slightly above (6 M UP) Character B.


Character B can see a weird warped area around Character A, but does not know the exact effect of the power.


Character B decides to do a move through on Character A by leaping into the air and moving through him to attack. As I understand this leap, it would take all 32M of Character B’s leap to make this attack (20m for forward movement, and 12 for the 6M up distance). Leaving 2 M to move through.


I would assume an arced leaping path to accomplish this.

When Character B hits Character A’s movement suppression field, I would assume he has moved 8 M forward, and roughly 4 M up (costing 8M or the leap), so he has already moved a total of 16M. The change environment reduces his move by 12, leaving him with 8 M of movement.


What happens next?


Does Character B simply move 6 M closer to Character A, Stop (Failing to connect with the move through), then land Next phase on his DEX, directly below where his movement ended?


Would this premature ending of a leaping path cause Character B to “Fall” out of the air?


How about if there were no change environment effect, and character B was successful with the move through. Would he simply land on the next phase, or would he “fall” the 6M down (possibly taking damage, or being prone).


Ignore it if I calculated distances wrong in my examples, I am really just after the just of what happens at the end of a mid air leap in different situations.


Thanks for your input!




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The way you describe the situation, even if there wasn't a Change Environment in play Character B would still fall starting the next Segment after his Phase.  He used his entire leap to reach the airborne Character A, and regardless of whether or not his Move Through is successful, he doesn't get to just magically float in the air until his next Phase.

Short version, if you jump up and don't land, you start falling.

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With CE it can heavily depend on the Special Effects involved. It's one of those power with a big need for GM intervention (in turn it is a fallback power if nothing else fits). CE in generall can also be defeated by Special senses, Environmental Movement, Lifew Support and similar low cost Powers.

If this effect is gravity based, it would work as below.

If it is instead based on "weakening jump muscles", it would affect the landing a tops (he suddenly lacks the leaping to properly land without damage) and any jumps out of the field.


I think the question you ask:

When Character B enters A's disruption field, how would it affect him and his ability to continue his move?


Since the CE in question is a Cosntant AoE, it would affect the Character leaping into it.

If a characters movement becomes unable to sustain his current speed (drained, affected by CE) he instantly enters "uncontrolled movement". In this case he would fly 8 meters controlled (the rest of his leaping movement) and then go uncontrolled (fall).

One of the big downsides of leaping is that you cannot alter you trajectory after jumping off, thus this CE is in it' right to produce a comically looking fall. Asuming the special effects are fitting.

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If it only affects Leaping, then I would say it has to be in place at the time of the Leap. Thus, entering the field while in mid air after a leap would have no effect on the leaper. They already gave themselves the momentum when they left the ground, and even if you drained their leap to 0 while they were in air, they still keep their current momentum. So I would say this CE only works if it catches the Leap when it happens, it has no effect otherwise.

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