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Extending Senses


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I've got this idea for a sensory power. Essentially, I extend the range of my senses, but entending them as an AOE. 


I want to be able to extend my senses so all my senses apply out to a range of a mile. So essentially I can see/touch/taste/etc everything in that range. I can quickly locate any particular individual in that range (barring powers, darkness or other factors my normal senses cannot perceive) and so forth.  The potential to add new sensory capabilities easily into the power to "expand" it later might be a worthwhile consideration.


I thought a naked advantage, but I don't see how. Any suggestions on how to build this?

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Buy each sense and/or sense group with which you want to do this with a 360 degree Arc of Perception ... and get GM permission to Mega-Scale it.  Be warned, though: unless you have the crazy PER roll due to piles of Telescopic also bought on each sense, you're going to encounter sensory overload the moment you activate such a power.  (Without Telescopic on each sense with which you can do this, at a certain range you'd lose the ability to distinguish individual things ... even with Discriminatory and Analyze in play.)


If I were your GM I'd allow such a power, but require 0 DCV Concentration ... and for the power to take Extra Time (at least an extra phase).  I'd also make you hate that power from time to time.  For example: "There's a water treatment plant within a mile of you -- so for the next several hours you can smell and taste only feces mixed with urine mixed with dishwater and vomit.  All rolls within that period of time will be made at a -2 due to your inability to get that foul taste out of your mouth."  It'd certainly limit potential abuses ...

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Good points.


25 Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) with all Sense Groups

06 Naked Modifier: MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) for up to 25 Active Points

06 Telescopic +2 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group and Hearing Group


Something like this? Havent' stuck in limitations yet, which are substantial. This is essentially like a Jedi searching the area for dangers, or Darth Vader reaching out to locate Luke.

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Some drawbacks from RAW on your power set


1) As a GM, your power doesn't allow you to sift through everything that happens within 1 mile of you.  For that you need rapid.

2) Your power is blocked by normal things such as walls, conflicting noise, etc.  For example, you can be outside but not see something if there is not a clear line of sight to it.

3) Some sense like touch and taste need to be ranged.

4) Do you really want to TASTE/SMELL EVERYTHING in a 1 mile radius.  (someone left sour milk in the fridge, a can of dog food is opened, the cat takes a #2 in the litter box, etc.)  How about FEEL everything (so that's what a rotting belly full of maggots feels like)?  How about SEE (OMG Mom, what are you doing with the dog!)


Another way to build this is with clairsentience(smell/taste group, normal sight, normal hearing, normal touch), NRM, 1024 perception points.  170 active points with a range of 1.7km (1.05 miles)


Add Concentration, Extra Time(full phase), and Blackout for a total of -1 1/2 and the cost drops to 68 points.


If you want the Jedi power, think Danger Sense , functions as a sense, out of combat, any area 37 points.

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This is essentially like a Jedi searching the area for dangers, or Darth Vader reaching out to locate Luke.

Umm, a Jedi searching the area for dangers is ... Danger Sense.  And, ummm, Darth Vader reaching out to Luke is Mind Scan (followed by Telepathy for the communication).



You can't really apply range or area advantages to sense powers, at least not legally.  Buying Clairsentience and then building from there is probably the best way to do what you're trying to.  But in truth, a lot of what you want to do can be done with simpler powers like detect and mind scan.

You can if your GM says you can.  Legally, even.



Some drawbacks from RAW on your power set


1) As a GM, your power doesn't allow you to sift through everything that happens within 1 mile of you.  For that you need rapid.

2) Your power is blocked by normal things such as walls, conflicting noise, etc.  For example, you can be outside but not see something if there is not a clear line of sight to it.

Good points.  Rapid would be needed ... along with Discriminatory and potentially Analyze (both of which I alluded to in my initial response).  Penetrative would resolve the blockage issue you mention, as well.

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Good points.


25 Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) with all Sense Groups

06 Naked Modifier: MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) for up to 25 Active Points

06 Telescopic +2 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group and Hearing Group


Something like this? Havent' stuck in limitations yet, which are substantial. This is essentially like a Jedi searching the area for dangers, or Darth Vader reaching out to locate Luke.


If this is for sixth edition, you need it for more than 25 Active Points


Lucius Alexander


Megascale Palindromedary

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