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Delayed Regeneration

Black Rose

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Trying to figure out how to get this effect right. Let me say first that I know I could use Healing, but I really didn't like Fifth Edition's Regeneration build.


This pulls from Champions Powers, specifically Immortality Syndrome (pg. 379). I want the character to be able to "die" (go below un-adjusted negative BODY),  then Regenerate back up to 0 BODY, and then Recover from there. But I want it to take a long time before they can come back to life, even if they have fully recovered all the negative BODY damage.


To reference the example from Champions Powers, Immorto (15 BODY) suffers 35 BODY damage, enough to take him below his un-adjusted negative BODY by 5. His Regeneration... regenerates... 20 BODY, bringing him to 0 un-adjusted BODY after four minutes. But the Limitation I want means that, for example, they cannot come back to life until "a day, a night, and a day" has passed. Or seven days, or a month, or nine months (they must be "spiritually reborn"). Or whatever I want.


Specifically, the time frames I'm thinking of are:

1 Year

9 Months

1 Season

1 Month

3 Days

1 Day


Extra Time doesn't seem quite right, but I can't think of anything else that doesn't seem kind of fiat.


HEROdom Assembled, any thoughts

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Rapid Healing (5 Active Points); Gradual Effect (6 Hours; -1 1/2), Only to 0 BODY (-1)


Naturally, Gradual Effect has a large selection of timeframes. Set the interval you want, and he regains body up to 0 and can take recoveries from there. No limb regeneration :)

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To me it sounds like you are not time limiting the regeneration at all? It begins instantly and if they are injured again (someone sticks a stake through their heart) the regeneration would start working on that as well? You have a limitation on it that it only gets you to Zero Body, though. Well, more specifically, zero body and stabilized, since you can still be dying at 0 body.


So what you have is a limitation on their REC score, to me. I would use Extra Time for convenience. So something like:


10 REC, Time Limit to begin after regenerated to 0 body (-x)


- E

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How about a limitation on the "resurrection" aspect of the Regen.  Only that part.


a)  Slow...1 Body per hour.

b)  Side effect:  1d6 REC Drain.  Delayed Return Rate:  5 points per day or week.


Cant' start recovering consciousness until the Body restores...by which point the REC is 0, and stays until the Drain goes away.

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On 6/27/2018 at 1:59 AM, unclevlad said:

How about a limitation on the "resurrection" aspect of the Regen.  Only that part.


a)  Slow...1 Body per hour.

b)  Side effect:  1d6 REC Drain.  Delayed Return Rate:  5 points per day or week.


Cant' start recovering consciousness until the Body restores...by which point the REC is 0, and stays until the Drain goes away.


When I first read this, I thought, "damn, I didn't get my point across." But then I reread it, and I see I did get my point across. :D


This is a weird, but entirely effective way to produce the effect of "I died, but came back to life after a given (fairly long) period of time". Which is exactly what I wanted.


On 6/27/2018 at 6:08 AM, dsatow said:

6th ed brought regeneration back (yeah, I disliked 5th ed's regen build too) so you can set the regen  to whatever only to resurrect.


1 Body Regeneration per week resurrection only (-2) 22 active 7 real


It's not so much the Regen frequency I'm concerned about (and yeah, 5th Ed'? Worst. Regen. Ever.) as wanting the character to stay dead for a while, then come back to life, but the amount of time isn't exactly related to how much damage they took.


Forex: Rebirth Guy (10 BODY) takes 21 BODY damage. This is just barely enough damage to "kill" him. But Rebirth Guy has a power that lets him resurrect after seven days. And so, seven days later, he comes back to life. Later that month, Rebirth Guy takes 100 BODY damage. This also "kills" him (and leaves a nasty stain). But, just like last time, he's up and running after seven days.

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15 hours ago, Black Rose said:

It's not so much the Regen frequency I'm concerned about (and yeah, 5th Ed'? Worst. Regen. Ever.) as wanting the character to stay dead for a while, then come back to life, but the amount of time isn't exactly related to how much damage they took.


Forex: Rebirth Guy (10 BODY) takes 21 BODY damage. This is just barely enough damage to "kill" him. But Rebirth Guy has a power that lets him resurrect after seven days. And so, seven days later, he comes back to life. Later that month, Rebirth Guy takes 100 BODY damage. This also "kills" him (and leaves a nasty stain). But, just like last time, he's up and running after seven days.


You can do it either as a regen with a weekly time or probably better regen with a start up time of a week:

7 days from the grave: - 2 Body per turn regen with resurrection and can heal limbs, Resurrection Only -2, Start up Time 1 Week -2.5*

Act: 57, Real: 10


* normally not allowed in 6th ed. Regen but I would see it as the character being out for a week as a pretty severe limitation.

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36 minutes ago, dsatow said:


You can do it either as a regen with a weekly time or probably better regen with a start up time of a week:

7 days from the grave: - 2 Body per turn regen with resurrection and can heal limbs, Resurrection Only -2, Start up Time 1 Week -2.5*

Act: 57, Real: 10


* normally not allowed in 6th ed. Regen but I would see it as the character being out for a week as a pretty severe limitation.


On one level, it's kind of a big deal, but on another?  No.  Fact is, you're coming back at all.  I'm willing to listen, but this is primarily a dramatic limitation, not a functional one, isn't it?  And you're already piling on a major limitation in Resurrection Only.  

Another issue...the body's dead for a week.  Lots of bad things happen...like, decomposition.  Like permanent tissue degradation.  (In cardiac arrest, apparently the rule of thumb is 4-6 minutes from arrest to the onset of bran damage.)  What OP is aiming for, I think, is a living body, showing vital signs...but in a deep coma.  

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13 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

Another issue...the body's dead for a week.  Lots of bad things happen...like, decomposition.  Like permanent tissue degradation.  (In cardiac arrest, apparently the rule of thumb is 4-6 minutes from arrest to the onset of bran damage.)  What OP is aiming for, I think, is a living body, showing vital signs...but in a deep coma.  


Yeah, scientifically, all sorts of things can happen to the body but this is FMS, so all that flies out the door.  Basically the start up time means the character is out of play for that much time which probably means the rest of the session or more.

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8 minutes ago, dsatow said:


Yeah, scientifically, all sorts of things can happen to the body but this is FMS, so all that flies out the door.  Basically the start up time means the character is out of play for that much time which probably means the rest of the session or more.


It's doing it because you're letting it go by the wayside trying to get a huge Limitation, so, nothing personal, but that's a very self-serving position.  And being out for a session, sure, but so what?  You'll be back in with the same character soon enough.  I'm willing to say something like this is worth *something* but not this much.  

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7 minutes ago, unclevlad said:


It's doing it because you're letting it go by the wayside trying to get a huge Limitation, so, nothing personal, but that's a very self-serving position.  And being out for a session, sure, but so what?  You'll be back in with the same character soon enough.  I'm willing to say something like this is worth *something* but not this much.  


I would have said the same thing a long time ago but they use this mechanic in Toon and it actually works.  If the dead person is effectively out of the combat, they are in a sense no longer playing which is why they come to game in the first place.  If the action is moving quickly, 7 days can mean the entire scenario.  They shouldn't be allowed to help the other PCs in any way.  To be honest, they should even be at the game until they resurrect as they will have information which they shouldn't have.  If we look at Infinity War as a game, that player dying when the ring comes to New York means that  they probably are not doing anything for the rest of the movie.


I do agree that if the campaign is a campaign where there isn't a pressure of time, the value of the limitation is a lot less, especially if the players can take a week off and nothing happens.

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1 hour ago, unclevlad said:


On one level, it's kind of a big deal, but on another?  No.  Fact is, you're coming back at all.  I'm willing to listen, but this is primarily a dramatic limitation, not a functional one, isn't it?  And you're already piling on a major limitation in Resurrection Only.  

Another issue...the body's dead for a week.  Lots of bad things happen...like, decomposition.  Like permanent tissue degradation.  (In cardiac arrest, apparently the rule of thumb is 4-6 minutes from arrest to the onset of bran damage.)  What OP is aiming for, I think, is a living body, showing vital signs...but in a deep coma.  

No to the living guy in a coma. I'm aiming for a dead body, but where the decay doesn't really matter. Let's say Returno Lass can come back to life after one full season has passed. She gets killed in the wilderness near the beginning of summer,  so has to wait through the rest of summer and all of autumn; call it 5 months. In that time, she decays, bugs and bacteria eat her soft bits, some animals eat the meat off of her. By the first day of winter, there's not much left. But then she comes back to life and is as good as new, or at least she's not scattered bones across several acres of scrub land.

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