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    Jason S.Walters
    New from Greg Elkins - Realm Of The White Worm PDF
    Villages near the lonely mountain range are scared and need help. A dragon and its henchman have been terrorizing them for months. They take their children and demand food and supplies, something the villagers have little to spare with winter coming.
    They have turned to a mighty band of adventurers for help. They have little to pay other than their gratitude. Legends will be told of the adventurers if they can save the villages from the dragon and the dragon & hoard should be more than enough to make them rich.
    Are you powerful enough to save the villagers? Are you ready to face certain death? Are you ready to fight a dragon?
    Realm Of The White Worm is an adventure for Fantasy Hero with multiple options. It will be up to the GM to decide which one to used.
    It works best with a party of 4-6 characters of 200 to 250Pts. GMs may need to adjust the adventure to suit other point level.
    Check it out here!

    Jason S.Walters
    New from Greg Elkins - TITechCorp Flyer #1 - Defense PDF
    Are you tired of your agents having inferior weapons?
    Tired of your lackeys falling like flies to the superheroes of the world?
    Tired of those dim witted Until agents having better equipment than your agents?
    Then you have come to the right place here at TITechCorp we are dedicated to creating the best weapons, armor and other equipment money can buy.
    So stop by today and pick up the latest blaster or force belt and get a jump on those pesky do-gooders.
    And remember your satisfaction is guaranteed or we won’t see you again.
    Small list of equipment to add to your Champions campaign includes Hero Designer files.
    Find your copy here!

    Jason S.Walters
    Note: if you've already purchased Hero System Combat Manager, you'll find the new version in your account.
    Release Notes for v1.0.7
    New Features:
    Complete rewrite of underlying character management
    Hit Locations
    Hit Locations - Randomly rolled for NPCs
    Target List: Alphabetical would be best

    Bug Fixes:
    Aid/Drain adjustments on GM Attack screen don't display in Combat Table until next phase
    AoE problems occur when target list only has one target
    Creating squads of NPCs stopped working
    Error message when the is a problem loading a combat record
    Flash stopped working
    GM Attack - An attack does not show up in main window and then the processing stops
    Minimum Damage from Injuries
    NND attack doesn't seem to work
    Needed to remove "Strength as a power" from the export file
    Random order (within a DEX) was not working after changes to the new Characters data structure
    Reflection shows up as a nd6 attack which it shouldn't
    Strength Damage is not calculated correctly
    Updates using GM Adjust causes 'screen bounce'
    When Damage Reduction is selected no damage is applied

    Jason S.Walters
    New from Greg Elkins!
    Every fantasy hero campaign needs magical treasures for the adventures to find. This series houses information on varies information on just such treasures.
    Belts, Sashes & Girdles – Every adventurer wants to have wand to help them in their adventures. Here you will find over 30 items to add to your Fantasy Hero campaign. From a Belt that has many handy pockets to a Sash that increase on attractiveness or a Sash that allow one to command many, maybe a Girdle that grants the wearer vast strength.
    The ZIP file includes the PDF and Hero Designer files.

    Jason S.Walters
    ...meanwhile over at Bundle of Holding: "Heads up, hero! Our fellowship of Systematic Heroes brings you TWO simultaneous offers featuring Champions, the superheroic tabletop roleplaying game from Hero Games. If you're just starting with Champions, go get our FIRST offer, the revived Champions Fifth Edition Bundle from September 2014 with the complete HERO System rulebook, the Champions genre sourcebook, and many key supplements. Then return here to get this all-new SECOND offer, the Ultimate Champions Bundle, featuring the Ultimatebooks for Fifth Edition. These comprehensive character archetype books open new horizons in superhero campaigns, fantasy, science fiction, and every genre the HERO System covers -- that is, all of them!"

    Jason S.Walters
    More from Greg Elkins! S.I.D.s is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed.
    It has become a full time job to try and keep track of them as well as update information about the, that is the purpose of this database. The database is designed to give law enforcement as much information as possible on supervillains or superheroes they may need to call for help.
    This is a series of small products that will introduce new villains and heroes for you campaign.
    This installment will introduce a new villain organization Psiforce that rose from the ashes of PSI. This organization has 8 members all of whom are powerful mentalist. This 53 page PDF will outline their formation and the abilities of its members.
    Includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniatures.​

    Jason S.Walters
    Aaron was a very prolific game designer. He produced material for a number of game systems, including Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, and Champions. In fact, he produced some of the first supplements for Champions, such as Organization Book 1—The Circle and M.E.T.E. and Organization Book 3—The Blood and Dr McQuark. He also wrote such influential HERO System books as Lands of Mystery, Mythic Greece, and Ninja Hero.
    I think what surprised me the most, was to discover that a great deal of what Aaron wrote, be it for Hero Games or Steve Jackson Games, was all part of a greater whole. Just about everything Aaron wrote—that was superhero related—was part of the Strike Force universe.
    “Microfilm Madness” (found in an issue of Space Gamer)? An adventure the teenaged superhero group Avant Guard went on (as was the GURPS Supers adventure, School of Hard Knocks).
    The Circle? Just the latest incarnation of a long-running mystic superhero group.
    M.E.T.E.? An important part of Earth-alien relations (and home to a few PCs).
    The Blood? Only one of the most influential factions in Aaron’s universe. They were responsible in whole (or in part) for the origins for a number of PCs, including Phosphene, leader of Strike Force and the PC with the most game session appearances.
    Not only did Aaron mine his setting for sourcebooks, he even ran entire campaigns based around ideas he wanted to write or was asked to write. The Pulp-era lost world of Zorandar became Lands of Mystery, before writing Mythic Greece, he created his Age of Heroes campaign (and ran it for 176 episodes!), and not only ran 70 sessions of his Ninja Hero campaign, but made Yooso one of the supervillain teams of Earth-AU and ran Strike Force through the Super-Boxers adventure included in the book.
    The material presented in the various sourcebooks, while complete enough, only scratches the surface of what went on. While the members of the Circle were all NPCs, the Circle wasn’t a stagnant group. They grew, evolved, and were even destroyed, eventually reforming into a new version of the Circle. M.E.T.E. evolved as well, growing larger as in game events showed a need for a competent source of alien study. For example, Orrad married Marie Dumont. Oh, and The Mighty Pinchus? He’s a Player Character, one of a number to appear in Aaron’s game development (as noted, Phosphene is another).
    And speaking of the Blood, I found it every interesting how much more complex their history is—The Blood and Dr McQuark doesn’t really do them justice. For example, the Affrighter, one of my favorite Blood characters, isn’t what he seems. There are actually two of him. The one who appears in Organization Book 3 (who also appeared in Aaron’s games) and the other one. The real one. And no, I’m not going to explain that, you’ll just have to hope the revised Blood stretch goal is funded!
    Oh, and how was the Circle destroyed? Due to the events of the Super Boxers adventure. And speaking of Ninja Hero, supervillain team Yooso also changed over the years. Strike Force managed to “poach” a number of members, and even fought to defend Iron Ronin from the rest of Yooso. Oh, and Kami became a member of Strike Force.
    About the only thing Aaron wrote that was Hero System related that didn’t appear in the Strike Force universe was his Age of Heroes game. It was one of the few things he ran that had no connection to the large Strike Force campaign and Earth-AU (Allston Universe).

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