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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Does a messy divorce involve green sauce?
  2. How did we get back to chemistry questions?
  3. Exactly. BTW the Dark Knight comics were stand-alone/what-if stories.
  4. Well, who wouldn't like a good 'gluon' and 'quark' discussion?
  5. My favorite Marvel theme is the Marvel logo theme in the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy as young Peter Quill is getting abducted...but it only plays once...for 15 seconds.
  6. Doesn't that make you strong to the finish?
  7. What if we prefer 'archenemy' to nemesis?
  8. Am I the only one who doesn't trust months that contain an 'R' or a 'U' or an 'A'?
  9. Honestly, almost every superhero invented before the late 50s-early 60s had the exact same personality and motivation. Namor, the Sub-Mariner being a significant (and extremely rare) exception. Until comic writing added a level of sophistication and accepted the reader might want more than cool pictures, everyone was exactly the same. For example, Timely Comic Captain America was simply a war propaganda machine.
  10. Won't we always have December? :) :wub:
  11. Is anyone surprised it took 855 pages to bring the Nazis into the discussion?
  12. Could we do this without any inappropriate touching from old men?
  13. If that happened, would it be the very definition of a clusterf*ck?
  14. Did you know crying emoticons won't get you any sympathy from me?
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