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Split Decision

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Posts posted by Split Decision

  1. Re: Split's Serpent Society Thread



    Rachael Leighton



    Val Char Cost

    20 STR 10

    26 DEX 48

    20 CON 20

    12 BODY 4

    15 INT 5

    15 EGO 10

    15 PRE 5

    18 COM 4


    14 PD 10

    10 ED 6

    6 SPD 24

    10 REC 4

    40 END 0

    35 STUN 3


    8" RUN 4

    2" SWIM 0

    4" LEAP 0

    Characteristics Cost: 157


    Cost Power END

    35 Throwing Diamonds Multipower, 70-point reserve, 12 Charges (-1/4), Limited Range: 10" (-1/4), OIF (-1/2, multiple OAFs)

    2u Corrosive Gas Diamond: RKA 1d6+1, NND (+1, defense is PD Force Field or Force Wall), Does BODY (+1), Area of Effect: 1 Hex (+1/2), OAF (-1), Limited Range: 10" (-1/4), 3 Charges (-1 1/4)

    1u Sleep Gas Diamond: 5d6 NND (+1, defense is LS: Self-contained breathing), Area of Effect: 1 Hex (+1/2), OAF (-1), Limited Range: 10" (-1/4), 3 Charges (-1 1/4)

    1u Explosive Throwing Diamond: 3d6 RKA vs PD, Explosion (+1/2), OAF (-1), Limited Range: 10" (-1/4), 3 Charges (-1 1/4)

    1u Venom Diamond: Drain STUN 4d6, Ranged (+1/2), OAF (-1), Limited Range: 10" (-1/4), 3 Charges (-1 1/4)


    12 Basic Bulletproof Costume: 6PD, 6 ED Armor, OIF (-1/2)

    Powers Cost: 52


    Cost Perk

    24 Contact: Avengers 14-

    Perks Cost: 24


    Cost Skill

    3 Acrobatics 14-

    3 Breakfall 14-

    3 Lockpicking 14-

    3 Teamwork 14-

    3 Concealment 12-

    3 Streetwise 12-

    3 Disguise 12-

    3 Conversation 12-

    3 Persuasion 12-

    3 Acting 12-

    3 Analyze: fighting styles 12-

    10 Defense Maneuver I-IV

    6 +2 levels with Multipower


    Judo & Commando Training Fighting Style:

    3 Legsweep

    4 Martial Block

    3 Martial Grab

    4 Martial Escape

    5 Offensive Strike

    4 +1 Damage Class

    20 +4 levels w/hand-to-hand combat

    Skills Cost: 92


    Total Character Cost: 325 = 157 + 52 + 24 + 92


    Val Disadvantages

    5 DNPC: Cutthroat (brother, an assassin working for the Red Skull) 11-

    15 Social Limitation: Public Identity

    20 Hunted: Serpent Society 11-

    15 Hunted: Police (mild) 11-

    20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs. Killing

    10 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful

    10 Psychological Limitation: Sucker for a pretty face or "boy scout" type

    10 Psychological Limitation: Unusually strong fear of drowning

    10 Reputation: Turncoat 11-

    20 Enraged when confronted by those who have previously defeated her 14-/11-

    Disadvantage Points: 135

    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required:

    Total Experience Available: 10

    Experience Unspent: 10


    Wikipedia Page


    Pictures here


    Real Name

    Rachel Leighton






    Known to the authorities



    Adventurer, former criminal, mercenary, boutique clerk



    United States of America


    Place of Birth

    Austin, Texas


    Known Relatives

    Mrs. Leighton (mother), William "Willy" Leighton (brother, deceased), Richard "Ricky" Leighton (brother, deceased), Danny Leighton (Cutthroat, brother)


    Group Affiliation

    B.A.D. Girls, Inc.; formerly Secret Avengers, Savage Crims (gang), Femizons, Serpent Society



    School of Hard Knocks






    142 lbs






    Brown, currently Magenta (dyed). Sometimes wears a pink wig instead of dyeing hair.






    Diamondback is an Olympic level athlete who excels in gymnastics, an accomplished hand-to-hand combatant and expert thrower of knives and other sharp objects.



    Diamondback wields 4-inch long elongated diamond shaped throwing spikes. These diamonds are needle sharp and sometimes filled with various substances. Known diamonds in her arsenal have contained a lethal fast acting snake venom derived poison, an impact detonation explosive with the concussive force of 10 pounds of TNT, a highly corrosive acid and a fast acting sleep inducing narcotic.


    First Appearance

    (As Diamondback) Captain America #310 (1985); (as Snapdragon) Captain America #440 (1995)



    Captain America #400 (1992)


    Significant Issues

    Vs M.O.D.O.K., Porcupine & Captain America (Captain America #310, 1985); kidnapped by Crossbones (Captain America #400, 1992); formed B.A.D. Girls Inc. with Asp & Black Mamba (Captain America #385, 1991); placed on trial by Serpent Society (Captain America #380-382, 1990-1991); shown to be student of Taskmaster (Captain America #403, 1992); B.A.D. Girls Inc. hired by Cable to recover hard drive (Cable & Deadpool #20-23, 2005)

  2. Re: The Death Of Vinnie The Viceroy


    You know, Boomtown Brawler probably worked for Vinnie a time or six. He probably grew up with some of the humps what bought it that night. He might get a little teary-eyed. But business is business. He certainly doesn't have the sense to know what to do with the videotape.


    If he had to do something, he wouldn't keep it. Probably mail it to One Police Plaza in bubble wrap, via a public mailbox, with no return address. Or forget to do it, and let the tape get lost in his apartment.

  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    I wanted to do a street-level vigilante costume that was sort of dark and gritty, but not all black, black and grey, based on Batman or Daredevil, and so forth. So I looked at some villain color schemes, and replaced green with light blue.


    His nicknames are the Slugger from the Slums... the Lavender Lash... the Purple Pugilist... the Violet Vice...


    his enemies call him the Brainless Brawler... the Brawling Buffoon... the Purple Pantywaist... the Hot-Headed Hump


    it's an alliterative-ridden costume and name.

  4. Re: Usable As Attack power question


    Just sounds like an Indirect (bypasses intervening barriers, cannot be missile deflected, does not target from any particular direction) and no range penalty. Total of +1 in advantages. So a 2d6 RKA would be a 60 active point attack. it should also be a Does no KB (-1/4) for a real cost of 48.

  5. Re: Character Background


    I enjoy writing backgrounds in a slightly different format than what is common here on these boards. I write a history of the character as a comic book character in the form of a popular article presented to a reader of today, in order to document what was going on in the character's book, his universe, in the real world, and in the bullpen of creators who worked on his book.


    From that I can distill and embellish to a more traditional character background. But sometimes I will just let the phony historical perspective piece stand on its own.


    It's a little meta, but that's how it comes out of me.

  6. Re: Split's Serpent Society Thread



    Cleopatra Nefertiti (I kid you not)


    Val Char Cost

    15 STR 5

    23 DEX 39

    23 CON 26

    20 BODY 20

    13 INT 3

    10 EGO 0

    15 PRE 0

    16 COM 3


    13 PD 10

    15 ED 10

    4 SPD 17

    8 REC 0

    30 END -8

    40 STUN 0


    6" RUN 0

    2" SWIM 0

    3" LEAP 0

    Characteristics Cost: 130


    Cost Power END

    15 Elemental Control: Venom Blast Power, 30-point power

    7e Radiance: 1 pip RKA vs ED, 0 END (+1/2) Persistent (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Area of Effect: Circle (+1), Fully Invisible (+1), NND (+1, defense is immunity to high radiation), Does BODY (+1), No Range (-1/2), Always On (-1/2)

    20e "Venom-Blast" (sfx: radiation): 7d6 EB NND (+1, defense is ED Force Wall), x4 END (-1 1/2), Limited Range: 10" (-1/4). END: 28


    5 END Reserve: 30 END, 2 REC plus

    5 +14 REC, Concentrate: 0 DCV (-1), Gestures throughout (-3/4). Runs NND. Asp is able to recover endurance to her END reserve quickly by belly-dancing. Again, I kid you not.


    3 Life Support: Immunity to ophidotoxins

    Powers Cost: 55



    Cost Talent

    4 Double-Jointed (+1-3 with Breakfall and Contortionist, GMO)

    3 Lightsleep

    Talents Cost: 7


    Cost Skill

    0 Languag: Arabic Native

    4 English

    3 French

    3 Acrobatics 14-

    3 Breakfall 14-

    3 Seduction 12-

    2 Artist: Bellydancing 11-

    3 Teamwork 14-

    2 AK: Cairo 11-

    2 CuK: Egyptian Culture 11-

    2 KS: Paramedics



    4 Flying Dodge

    4 Martial Block

    5 Offensive Strike 7d6 strike

    Skills Cost: 40



    Total Character Cost: 232 = 55 + 7 + 40 + 130


    Val Disadvantages

    20 Hunted: Serpent Society 11-

    20 Hunted: Crossbones 11-

    15 Social Limitation: Public Identity

    5 Social Limitation: In the US illegally

    15 Physical Limitation: Affected by mutant-affecting powers etc (in Marvel-style universes)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Born follower. Very compliant

    Disadvantage Points: 90

    Base Points: 150

    Experience Required: 0/7

    Total Experience Available: 0/7

    Experience Unspent: 0


    Wikipedia Page


    Real Name

    Cleopatra "Cleo" Nefertiti



    The Temptress (her stage name)






    Professional criminal, mercenary, exotic dancer





    Place of Birth

    Tanta, Egypt


    Known Relatives



    Group Affiliation

    B.A.D. Girls, Inc.; formerly Secret Avengers, Femizons, Serpent Society









    115 lbs.









    The Asp possesses the ability to generate and project an unknown form of radiant energy which causes paralysis in those exposed to it. Her body constantly produces this energy, which upon exceeding her body's storage capacity, discharges itself in minute amounts through her skin. (Prolonged physical contact with the Asp is fatal to human beings.) By tapping her body's total store of energy, she can emit directed, visible, lightning-like discharges she call her "venom bolts." She generally projects them from her fingertips. At maximum strength, these venom-bolts can kill an average size man standing six feet from her. The energy causes a rapid paralysis of its victim's nervous system. A non-fatal discharge will retain its potency for about four hours, depending upon the strength of the blast and the strength of the nervous system of the victim. The venom-bolt has effects on anything other than living organisms.


    After discharging her body's total store of energy, it takes the Asp about one half hour to regenerate her power to peak levels. She can recharge her body's store of energy faster by accelerating her metabolic rate through physical activity. She generally rebuild her energy level by making swaying and undulating motions with her torso and arms. An accomplished dancer with superb muscular control, the Asp moves in a manner that is almost hypnotic in its provocativeness. Engaging in her "snake-dance," the Asp can regenerate her energy to peak capacity with in ten minutes.



    The Asp possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. She possesses the skill, grace, coordination, and muscle control of an accomplished dancer. Deploring violence, she has never learned traditional methods of hand-to-hand combat.








    First Appearance

    Captain America #310 (1985)


    Significant Issues

    Joined Serpant Society (Captain America #310 ,1985); advertised the Serpent Society to Kingpin (Captain America #311, 1985); vs. MODOK {Captain America #313, 1986); aided Diamondback on her date with Captain America (Captain America #371, 1990); helped Diamondback survive the Serpent Society's death sentence (Captain America #380-382, 1990); ambushed by Anaconda, joined the Femizons, betrayed Superia (Captain America #385-391, 1991); reunited with the B.A.D. Girls (Cable & Deadpool #20-23, 2005)

  7. Re: Character Background


    Yes- origin is something to think about even before youd ecide what you want your playing piece to do. A general, and then more specific, examination of your character's origin is vital to determining not only who they are now, but who they were before, and how that might have changed.

  8. Re: Archaeologist


    Yep. Deduction and Cryptography are requisites. To be a famous archaeologist, you may wish to add some Luck dice. All the preparation and persperation in the world can't turn Al Capone's Vault into the Great Pyramid.

  9. Re: Who homages the Watchmen or those the Watchmen homaged?


    back in the day' date=' but one guy we played with seemed to make nothing but unconscious Sally Jupiter homages...[/quote']


    I bet we all played with That Guy. I have to very conciously avoid becoming That Guy. Sometimes I have to steer well clear of a concept because it gets into Sally Jupiter territory, and I embarass myself. I think I'm a little too sensitive to this, in fact. Making superwomen in general is harder for me than making supermen since I get super-critical about the sex object angle.


    Am I alone?

  10. Re: Character Background


    Yes, make up the playing piece first, and then assign the background. Sometimes, from a very general background, and the spent character points on a sheet of paper, the connection between them is obvious.

  11. Re: Variable Point Pool in a Multipower?


    I'm thinking that if it's a few different types of special extras, like five or less, make it into a multipower. Each slot would be an Energy Blast plus a linked attack power, such as flash or whatever. If it's more, make it a variable power pool. But there oughtn't be all that many applicable extras you want to slap on that a VPP becomes cheap.


    And unfortunately, you cannot put one power framework inside another, which is what it looks like you're asking from the title of your post.

  12. Re: Who homages the Watchmen or those the Watchmen homaged?


    I can't even put Dr. Manhattan in the "character" box. Through his portrayal, I inferred that nobody had free will- it was just that he was aware that he had no free will. Although he did not always know exactly what was about to happen, he always knew that what was about to happen was knowable with certainty.


    Which means he didn't have the illusion of free will, and free will is one of the illusions that we need to have to have a character be a character. If a certain object, no matter how character-like a game object may be, if it cannot make its own choices, then it is not a character.

  13. Re: Inceptum Terminus: Enter Bloodrain


    I need to spred Rep before I cat hit Patriot again. I love Illuminatus. Maybe rename his Neutron Slap because Slap doesn't connote HKA to me... but he's brilliant in a few ways.


    Is it true? Harmony, Dark Sun and Illuminatus all have blaster elements?

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