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Posts posted by Spectrum

  1. Re: WWYCD: Snakes on the Plane!


    Shadowfist: Not too much he can do so he would do what he can to get the passengers somewhere safe.


    Spectrum: "This wasn't in the brochure." Then proceed to fend off the snakes with his EB and use his force wall to hold them at bay for as long as possible. If given the chance he'll check on the pilot and co-pilot and if they have been incapacitated or worse, being a pilot himself, he'll grab the controls and land that muther ****in' plane.

  2. Re: The cranky thread


    The only phone number I have was for that particular store. I walked the entirety of the mall in hopes that they did relocate. I heard that it was bought by the same company that owns FYE and if that's correct they might remodel but who knows.

  3. Re: The cranky thread


    The plug to OddHat's cell phone has been sucked into a Black Hole. :mad:


    I have searched our small apt. top to bottom. I have looked under furniture, in my closet, through MY things, I have checked all the logical places I might put it about twenty times each. I have emptied several drawers.


    I know that after Gen Con I took it out of the little purple pouch I packed it in, then I wrapped up the cord and strapped the holder strap around it.


    Then WHAT ??????? :mad:


    Logically, I'd put it in his desk. It's not there. Maybe I'd put it in our junk drawer. It's not there. I even looked in his briefcase. Not there.




    He'll just have to look into getting a new one on Tuesday.


    If they tell him they don't have parts for that phone and he has to buy a new one, somebody is gonna die. HE JUST BOUGHT THIS PHONE A FEW MONTHS AGO !!!!!! :thumbdown


    Chances are it'll turn it when you're not looking for. That always happens to me, I actively search for something and I find it when I'm looking for something else.

  4. Re: Comic Book Physics


    If it can be explained, it can be done.


    "I charge my body with negative gravity particles to give myself the power of flight."

    How those hokey explanations interact with the real world is a little more controlled. Why can't NGP man create a negative gravity particle engine for industry? What are the limits of NGP production?


    Keith "Science!" Curtis


    That's similar to my take on comic book physics. If you can make it sound plausible then it works.

  5. Re: The cranky thread


    I recently updated my livejournal with a picture of me with one of the guests at Gen Con and some anonymous @$$hat left a comment which made a crack at my appearance. Suffice it to say, it's something I have little tollerance for (yes, I'm a bit sensitve about things like this).


    I have since then deleted the comment and changed the comment settings for my LJ account.

  6. Re: WWYCD - The Night of the Dead


    Shadowfist: It would most likely be his grandfather. They'd spend the time talking, probably about what's happened in the time since he died and that would be pretty much it. He might wonder how or why it happened but he wouldn't question it and just be happy for a chance to see him one more time.


    Spectrum: There's no one of great significance here.

  7. Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


    Shadowfist: He wasn't involved in the first place so there wouldn't have been much he could've done at the time.


    Spectrum: If he was there, he was there in his civilian ID and would be looking after the people there to make sure no one was hurt and then he'd probably wonder what the Hell was going on.

  8. Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


    Shadowfist: Wouldn't involve himself in anyway. He would more than likely ignore groups like the KKK and go about his daily life.


    Spectrum: If there's anything in the protest that would be "anti-mutant" he would probably join in a couter protest and if things got really heated would find himself using every bit of willpower to keep himslef from getting into trouble through some display of his powers to embarass the other side.

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