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Posts posted by Spectrum

  1. Originally posted by Hermit

    Q: Would you be willing to watch Roseanne's new "reality" show?


    A: It seems to be a giant monument created by some phalus obsessed culture.


    Q: What will archeologists say when they dig up the Bill Clinton Presidental Library?


    A: I don't know, it looks like a hubcap

  2. I see myself as mostly a narrativist. I like to do stuff with my character that I think is just cool. My particular playing style as a couple of friends have said is "style over substance." I'm currently in an Exhalted campaign and on of the optional rules that we use in the game is the "stunt rule" where you can get extra dice for actions based on how you describe them.

  3. I thought it was a pretty decent movie. I was iffy on it at first but found it to be a fun movie to watch, although I think it's one that if you must see it in the theater, catch it durring a matinee when the tickets are cheaper.

  4. Originally posted by MisterD

    Darkman (I think. The guy who hears evil and has the nice power armor wit the glowing right eye)


    Actually I think that was Nightman. Darkman was the guy from a Sam Raimi movie who was horribly burned, wore masks of synthetic skin and could perfectly mimic other people's voices (given enough practice)

  5. To take take him out, go with snipers on every rooftop, you can never have enough snipers. If that fails, nuke the city (I know it's been said already but c'mon, it has potential) And if by some miracle he lives, well you could always cut the breakline on his car (assuming he has one).

  6. For me, the name is usualy the last thing I come up with. (mostly becuase it takes me longer to come up with one) I tend to start off with powers, then a background and as I develop those I think about the character and an idea for a name hits me based on one or both of those things. Although for some of the characters I've developed for a campaign I'm working on, their names are derived from their powers which I found works out fairly well.

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