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Posts posted by Spectrum

  1. Re: An approach to resurrection (not the power, not a rules issue)


    An intresting approach indeed. For some reason I'm reminded of the anime Fullmetal Alchemist when the two brothers try to resurrect thier dead mother and everything goes wrong.


    A couple of questions though. The character obviously has the tech and know-how to essentally copy the mind and the body (I've seen enought sci-fi to get a good idea has to how that can be handled) but how does he intend to contain the "life energy" and have you set some kind of time limit as to how long he has till it moves on? I'm just curious.

  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Things you'd like to learn to say in Japanese.


    (note: the following is spoken with overdramtic arm gestures)


    Hey! Get away from that mech before I blast you with my special Ultra-super-mega-fire ball-missile bomabardment attack.

  3. Re: Why that costume


    For any of the characters I've come up with, the costume design is almost random in some ways. I just come up with a look I feel suits the character, sometimes the color scheme has some relation to thier powers. Spectrum for example has a yellow and black costume, the yellow due to his light powers and the black....well I just thought it looked cool.


    They have no in game reason for thier costumes (mainly due to the fact that I haven't been in a game for quite some time), except for Shadowfist. He was a ninja, that pretty much dictated what he would wear from the instant I came up with him.

  4. Re: Another CoH thread


    I'm on Infinity as one of the following:


    Shockdrive, lvl 28 tech blaster

    Crashdive, lvl 18 tech scrapper

    Gravzone, lvl 16 tech controler

    Delivery Ninja, lvl 5 natural scrapper

    Shooty McBang, lvl 6 natural blaster

  5. Re: The cranky thread


    Oh, and the fact that cross traffic will squeeze into virtually every conceivable spot to get to where they're going. Six lanes of traffic on a four lane road, anybody? It's like trying to sqeeze 10 pounds of crap into a 5 pound bag.

    What do you think sidewalks are for?

  6. Re: The cranky thread


    It took me nearly THREE HOURS to make a normally 20 minute commute home yesterday.



    I think IQs just drop sharply in cold weather. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to not realize that YOUR CAR IS NOT GOING TO MAKE IT PAST THE INTERSECTION!!!!!!


    I sat through 11 light changes at Rt. 7 and International/Gallows. Without moving. At all. By the 10th one, I was ready to get out of my car, and recruit a few other drivers to go and stand in front of the cross traffic that hadn't yet broken the white traffic line on their side, and just stand there, letting our lanes of traffic go.

    Welcome to winter driving in the D.C. area, the place where people freak out if they see one snowflake touch the ground.


    Although I can't stand the jackasses with four wheel drive that think that because they have four wheel drive they can just go speeding past me and not have to worry if they end up spraying snow all over my windshield giving me absolutely no visibility what-so-ever. (this has happened to me twice)

  7. Re: The cranky thread


    Which one? Tysons? Fair Oaks? I don't think we got a chance to meet at that small Game Parlor gathering...

    I work at the one at Dulles Town Center. I think we did meet at the Game Parlor gathering but I couldn't stay for very long becuase I had to work that day.

  8. Re: The cranky thread


    Our backroom looks pretty good, we had our inventory just past Sunday and talk about redundancy. We count everything before they come, they come and count everything and then we count what they just counted. And if something's off they count it agian and we count it again after that. Although cries of "SKU check" have now become a running gag.

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