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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. And finally, we come to the oyabun of the Eight-Headed Gumi himself: Tako (a.k.a. Octopus) (And yes, all of these are based off of The Arc's original pics which were posted at an earlier point in time during the run of this thread; I simply put my own spin on some of them.) Major Tom 2009
  2. Here's a member of the organization who has an agenda of his own: Moon Spider Major Tom 2009
  3. And here's someone who puts me in mind of the schoolgirl assassin from the first Kill Bill movie: Ronin Major Tom 2009
  4. And now, here are the missing members of Arc's Eight-Headed Gumi. First up is: Technician Major Tom 2009
  5. And, to finish out this particular bunch, here's one of the many faceless minions who do the Baron's bidding: Trooper of the New Republic Major Tom 2009
  6. And here are some of the Iron Baron's special agents: Black Panzer, Blitzsturm, and Shatten (EDIT: due to The Arc's post at #9451 on this thread, I've changed the name of the female super so that she has her original name.) Major Tom 2009
  7. And here are my interpetations of some of The Arc's villains from a few years ago, starting with this disagreeable chap: Ulrich von Wulfcragge, the Iron Baron Major Tom 2009
  8. Here's a little something I put together this morning during I.V. therapy this morning -- a new version of a certain mystical outcast who frequents these boards: Pariah Major Tom 2009
  9. Onyx's power set looks a lot like that of one of the supers in next year's upcoming Russian superhero movie Guardians: Soviet Union Superheroes. One of the good guys has the ability to control rocks, able to not only levitate them and use them like a whip, but also to form them around his body to use as armor. Major Tom 2009
  10. Have you considered a version of Irezumi's mask that, instead of having the eyes be visible, is more like that worn by Spider-Man (the area around the eyes being a different color than that of the mask, while the eyes appear to be white)? Major Tom 2009
  11. If by that do you mean if the other three 'generals' of the BoD have Acolytes and Shocktroopers under their command, then the answer is yes, they do. However, that's mostly to provide 'muscle' for whatever operation they have underway, as well as personal protection for themselves (they do, after all, have to deal with superheroes who are less than sym- pathetic to their primary mission). Major Tom 2009
  12. Here's another set of redone pics (plus one new addition) of a supervillain group suitable for either a Champions or Post-Apocalyptic Hero campaign -- The Brotherhood of Desolation: From left to right, the core members of the Brotherhood are Father Armageddon, the leader of the group; Mother Meggido, the BoD's second-in-command and Father Armageddon's lover; Sister Apocalypse, a new recruit to the Brotherhood who has psionic powers; Brother War, Sister Death, Brother Pestilence and Sister Famine, the field generals of the Brotherhood's army. Each of the four has a specific area of responsibility within the BoD; War leads the BoD's army into battle when needed, while Death works to come up with plans which will cause the greatest number of fatalities. As twin siblings, Pestilence and Famine often work together to weaken a target area through the use of their signature weapons -- disease and starvation. Apocalypse has a special mission of her own; she is to find an officer with access to nuclear weapons and the means to fire them. Once she has accomplished this, she is to telepathically condition the officer so that -- once the Brotherhood is ready to launch its master plan -- he or she will launch those weapons upon receiving the telepathic command. The objective of the group is to somehow bring about the Apocalypse; their belief is that a world whose organized governments and supporting military forces have been largely destroyed will be far easier to conquer and rule over. Below are pics of members of the BoD's army -- an Acolyte, who serves as a 'commissioned officer'-type of leader within the Brotherhood's forces, and a Shocktrooper, a thousand of whom make up the Brotherhood's army. The BoD's army is split up into units of 50 Shocktroopers each which are commanded by an Acolyte; BoD bases are home to two such units. Major Tom 2009
  13. Arc: just out of curiousity, will you be finishing up the membership of the Eight-Headed Gumi at some point in time? Major Tom 2009
  14. Here's a new batch of villains that's in plenty of time for Halloween, as they all have a supernatural theme to them. And so, without further ado, here's the Dark Covenant: The members of the Dark Covenant are as follows: Count Blood, a member of the British peerage who is secretly a vampire and the leader of the group; Shadow Witch, the group's second-in-command and a practicioner of witchcraft of the blackest, most evil sort, in addition to being the Count's lover; Skinwalker, an Amerind-Caucasian lycanthrope with a penchant for 'playing' with his prey, drawing out his or her fear and suffering for as long as possible before the kill; Herr Doktor, a German-born scientist of questionable ethics who has not only continued the work of Victor Frankenstein, but has also improved upon it as well -- as embodied by the fifth member of the group, the artificial lifeform known only as the Construct. Not only was Herr Doktor able to create the creature using an advanced version of the process originally used to create what became known as Frankenstein's Monster, he also had access to better 'raw materials' -- to wit, the remains of slain metahumans. Because of the metahuman bodies used in its creation, the Construct has superhuman strength and slightly faster-than-normal reflexes, not to mention an inhuman level of endurance and resistance to physical harm. It also possess a powerful attack in the form of an optic energy- beam, which it can fire from its right eye. The final member of the group is Swampbeast, an amphibian horror of unknown origin which appears to have been created from a combination of several species, in- cluding human beings. The creature is highly intelligent, and delights in terrorizing lone groups of boaters out on what it considers to be its hunting grounds. The primary focus of the Dark Covenant appears to be the acquisition of items of great mystical power -- magic artifacts, grimores, etc. -- for purposes which only they know; the few law-enforcement agents who have gotten close enough to discover the group's secrets have, to a man, met with a horrifying demise. Major Tom 2009
  15. In recent years, a mystic force of great power has begun to manifest itself within the boundaries of the British Isles, a force that only appears whenever a great evil threatens both the land and the innocent who call it home. At such times, this force chooses a mortal host through whom it can work, enabling said host to use its great powers; while most of these hosts have been men, on occasion this mystic force has chosen to manifest itself within a female host. Regardless of whether the host is male or female, this force always causes the host to appear as an armored warrior possessing speed and strength superior to that of any normal human being, while also possessing a martial prowess that is second to none. On the one occasion when law-enforce- ment officers were able to ask the being who he was, he replied with the following statement: "I am the Pendragon, and I stand ever ready to defend the Realm against those who would seek to ravage it, or to oppress the innocent who dwell within it." In the weeks and months since making that statement, the Pendragon has appeared on a number of occasions to battle supervillainous threats to the British Isles; with few exceptions, these threats have been individuals or groups with ties to VIPER or one of its front organizations. Thus far, the Pendragon has prevailed in every such instance. The Pendragon The force that creates the Pendragon is similar to what is known to certain cosmic entities as the Uni-Power, which on the Earth of the Marvel Universe manifests itself within a human being in a time of crisis, granting said being the powers and uniform of the superhuman champion known as Captain Universe. Like the Uni- Power, the force which creates the Pendragon moves from one host to the next, and -- so far as is known -- has never manifested itself within the same host more than once. Unlike the Uni-Power, however, the force which creates the Pendragon has not yet manifested itself within a host already in possession of metahuman abilities of his or her own; it is unknown what the end result of such an occurence would be at this time. Major Tom 2009
  16. Here's a villainess whose particular mutant powers -- pheromone-based powers of mind control and seduction -- make her especially dangerous: Mistress Dominique Dominique's power enables her to manipulate or seduce most men (her power only works on men; however, metahuman males with powers which grant them immunity to biological or chemical agents are safe from her powers) into doing or giving her whatever she wants. Her 'legitimate' business front -- that of a 'gentlemen's club' whose members all wear masks whenever they're attending in order to preserve their anonymity for a few hours while they enjoy some feminine companionship -- allows her free and unrestricted access to some of society's most influential and powerful men. Major Tom 2009
  17. And while we're on the topic of bad girls, here's an Aussie supervillainess that was originally done for a thread dealing with supercriminals Down Under: Black Opal Major Tom 2009
  18. Here's anther of my do-overs, this time of a supervillainess with Darkforce-like powers: Nightshroud Major Tom 2009
  19. Here's an alien superheroic sorceress suitable for either Champions or Galactic Champions campaigns: Magistar Major Tom 2009
  20. Coldfire I've been trying lately to redo some of my earlier FdH pics (which I lost access to when my original laptop's screen got broken somehow), so here's the first of the new version pics. IIRC, she's from the same campaign as another character called Morningstar (I think the PC group was called the New Champions, but I don't remember who originally created and posted the character of Cold- fire). Major Tom 2009
  21. Sooo...Calgary's finally got its own superheroine now, eh? Major Tom 2009
  22. I'm guessing that these guys are a nod to a certain servant class that used to serve a hidden metahuman society in the Marvel Universe? Major Tom 2009
  23. Didn't need to talk to any of the palindromedaries; some lines are just that memorable -- like, for instance, "I am not a number! I am a free man!" or "Open Channel D." Major Tom 2009 Uncertified retroculture geek
  24. I think that it'd also be safe to say that the Adam West Batman suffered from mild Unluck, as embodied by the classic line from the original Batman film: "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." Major Tom 2009 Holy Taglines, Batman!
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