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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. I don't suppose that someone in that game session started playing the song "Barroom Blitz" at that moment, did they? Major Tom 2009
  2. If the Goa'uld have any brains at all, the answer will be a resounding "YES!" Major Tom 2009
  3. And now, here's the girls' main archfoe, who is forever trying to make monkeys out of them: (This pic assumes that said archfoe would, at some point in time, get tired of having his furry behind kicked by the girls, and decide to upgrade to a larger and more powerful form .) Major Tom 2009
  4. That was who the pic was modeled on; I simply tried to do what I did for the previous pic and give the guys names which were different from what the official ones were (as far as not all starting with the letter 'B'). Obviously, I was less than successful in that task... Major Tom 2009
  5. And here are their equally grown-up archenemies: Berserker, Redstone, and Blitzer Major Tom 2009
  6. A few years back, there was a thread here on the boards about what a grown-up version of the Cartoon Network's Powerpuff Girls might look like. Like a few of the posters on that thread, I had posted my idea in the form of a FdH2011 picture (other posters had entered pics from sites such as DeviantArt); unfortunately, my original laptop suffered damage to its display screen, so I'm not able to repost the original pic. What I can do is to post the new pics of them that I've done lately. So, without further ado, here are the pics (with code-names based on their outfit colors): Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire Major Tom 2009
  7. One of the TWC channels here ran the second ST movie not too long ago, so I took a close look at the scenes involving the torpedo pod's destruction; the first Khanoid (to use your turn of phrase) was some poor unfortunate schumck in a ship corridor inside the main hull, with the next one being blown off one of the 'transparent aluminum' walkways in the Engineering section. The hit that killed Joachim (Khan's No.#2) on the Reliant's bridge was the last part of that particular attack from the Enterprise IIRC. As for the Oberth-class ships, I've not only seen the pics of the class but also heard some of the gripes made about its design as well. I suspect that the chimpanzees that Scotty accused of having had something to do with the Enterprise's design (or some similar complaint) in the fifth ST film got hold of the Oberth's design first. Major Tom 2009
  8. I was in a Call of Cthulu game almost as long ago (back when I first got involved with RPGs in the late '80s) and the PC group I was part of went through a similar situation, in that we somehow got temported from the 1920s to (what was then) the modern day, with no way to return. Major Tom 2009
  9. GM: It's not fair, I'm the GM, I HAVE to listen to this stuff. Yes, that's a definite drawback to earning a GM's "Devious, Sadistic Rat B######" Merit Badge, all right... Major Tom 2009
  10. Violet Song jat Shariff Major Tom 2009
  11. Thanks; Cleric Preston is, of course, the central character in the motion picture Equilibrium. I was initially tempted to do the character pic as he appeared near the film's end (the all-white "Killer Man From Glad" look), but decided to stick with the basic black outfit instead. I do find it funny that, not long after Equilibrium, there was a similar character that appeared in an anime series (Trinity Blood, if memory serves me correctly) who could do the same things, but only because he was a cyborg. Major Tom 2009
  12. My first new post to this thread in some time: John Preston, Cleric of the Tetragrammaton and master of the Gun-Kata Quote: "I don't feel anything." Major Tom 2009
  13. You do realize that you're perilously close to the Flogged-With-A-Whip-Of-Wet-Pasta threshold with that one, don't you? Arc of the Covenant?! Major Tom 2009
  14. If you have a copy of Michael Z. Williamson's Freehold (or can check out a copy of it from your local library), give Chapter 46 a close read; it has a description of how FTL drives can be used as weapons of planetary bombardment. Major Tom 2009
  15. Hero Shrew: But if I can get my hands on one of them, I WILL have a weapon And Clubber's spiritual descendant makes his appearance... Major Tom 2009
  16. I did this one last year on a website other than this one; I wound up with a positively demonically-misogynistic supervillain name -- Devil-Slicer, the Assassin of Women (I even did a pic for him over on the DC - Type thread). Major Tom 2009
  17. I'm beginning to think that Kavorog's particular...foibles...would make even Jrska do a double-take (Deadpool style). Major Tom 2009
  18. Here's a genre-crossover nightmare mashup of two films and a 4th Ed Champions supplement: Dead Snow White and the Huntsman of the Black Forest. Major Tom 2009
  19. There's a particularly interesting drug mentioned in the David Weber novel In Fury Born called the Tick. This drug (actually a 'cocktail' of several different drugs, which is available only to members of an elite military unit called the Cadre) when taken somehow alters the user's perception of time, making it look -- from the user's viewpoint -- as if the world around him or her is suddenly moving in slow-motion, in effect giving the user more time to think about and react to situations more effectively than a non-user. What those other than the user see is the person under the drug's influence moving at speeds that, while not exactly superhuman, are faster than ordinary human beings are capable of. The downside to the Tick is that, once its performance-enhancing abilities are no longer needed and the counter- agent is taken, the user becomes physically ill for a brief time (losing their lunch, etc.). In the universe of In Fury Born, military personnel have an implanted device called a pharmacope, which is an internal drug reservoir that contains various medications -- anesthetics, stimulants, etc. -- that would be useful to soldiers in combat situations; the version used by the Cadre has these same drugs, but also includes the Tick as well, in addition to a neurotoxin that is automatically administered in the event that the Cadre member is captured and about to be subjected to interrogation and torture. Fortunately, the counteragent to the neuro- toxin is also included in the pharmacope's inventory of drugs. Except for the neurotoxin and its counteragent, the pharmacope's drugs can be consciously accessed by its user as needed. Major Tom 2009
  20. How about Argo (after the ship that carried the heroes of Greece in search of the Golden Fleece) or Heyerdahl (after 20th-Century explorer Thor Heyerdahl)? Major Tom 2009
  21. Just a long shot, but...you could always try to find the guy who painted the portrait of that Gray fellow. Someone like that would undoubtebly know how to do the job right. Major Tom 2009
  22. It's a reference to Herbert Lom, the actor that played the part of Inspector Charles Dreyfus in the Pink Panther films, starting with the second film in the series (A Shot in the Dark), who had the misfortune of being Clouseau's boss. Basically, any time he heard Clouseau's name or had to deal with him in any way (after his first appearances in the films), he would get this nervous twitch in the corner of his eye. IIRC, he eventually wound up trying to have Clouseau killed from time to time. In retrospect, I should've called it Dreyfus' Syndrome, but I didn't know the character's name at first; I did some 'Net research after I'd made the initial post. Major Tom 2009
  23. Something tells me that, before this campaign comes to an end, this particular team will become known as the group that gave Doctor Destroyer Lom's Syndrome... Major Tom 2009
  24. IIRC, the Equinox was a Nova-class starship (the same class of ship that future Harry Kim was in command of in the final episode of ST: Voyager). Major Tom 2009
  25. Here's a couple more OSC-inspired cross-over nightmares: Speaker for the Dead Poets Society White Shadow of the Hegemon Major Tom 2009
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