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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. With regards to #1, they did address this design flaw in the first movie, when (during the wormhole scene) the armrests of the Captain's chair (as well as those of certain other Bridge personnel) flipped over the upper legs of those sitting in them, thus acting as a seatbelt of sorts. It wasn't until Star Trek: Into Darkness that the chairs had "actual" seatbelts (I use the term "actual" in the sense that the chairs had technology similar to that used in the Lost In Space movie, in that the seatbelts appeared around the chairs' occupants). As for #2 through #3, one phrase pretty much explains them: Scriptwriters and the Need to Create Drama for any given TV episode. Major Tom 2009
  2. Is this what you had in mind for him (visually speaking)? Major Tom 2009
  3. My first new pic in a while -- Argali: I'm not entirely happy with the horns; the ones that I would've liked to use are probably over on the FH2014 version, which I've never been able to make work for me ( ). Major Tom 2009
  4. My weird dream (back when I was still in high school) was about somehow finding myself on the cowcatcher of a train going at high speed, only for the train to crash not long afterward. It was vivid enough to wake me up with my head coming up off of my pillow; unfortunately, I was sleeping on my side at the time and wound up (for lack of a better term) spraining my neck. Can we say 'Ouch'? Sure we can. Major Tom 2009
  5. It would depend upon the stalker in question; said stalker could be a superhuman himself (or herself; if Criminal Minds has shown us anything, it's that some crimes are Equal Opportunity in nature). Major Tom 2009
  6. Aspara, being an actress, could very well have the Disad of Hunted: Stalker. Ember, on the other hand, could have the Psych Lim of being Arrogant (a fairly common one for aristocratic characters). Major Tom 2009
  7. Ewwwwwwww...only a Drhoz post could be so disturbingly hilarious ( ). Major Tom 2009
  8. What exactly is Dismissable? I've come across the term in Champions Powers, but it's not mentioned anywhere else in any of the 6th Ed. books that I have (Vol. #1 and Champions), and there wasn't anything to indicate its cost or whether it's an Advantage or a Limitation. Major Tom 2009
  9. I think that the biggest threat in a "Zombie Apocalypse" campaign wouldn't be the zombies themselves -- it'd be the idiot Hollywood screenwriters who keep 'upgrading' the bloody things (I mean, really -- zombies that run as fast, if not faster, than their victims?!). Major Tom 2009
  10. It wouldn't be the first time that Foxbat managed to accidentally reactivate some technological device or another -- he did, after all, manage to reactivate Plasmoid's self-repair capacity (in Enemies for Hire, IIRC). Major Tom 2009
  11. While not a mystic himself, Powerstar (who has more than a passing familiarity with the occult due to his years of fighting crime in Vibora Bay) would definitely seek assistance from a mystic in this matter. Major Tom 2009
  12. Speaking of aliens, I'd done a couple of Neggian pics: I haven't done any for the other alien races you'd mentioned (I'm trying to figure out how I might be able to do a crab-man alien), but I will be getting around to doing them. Major Tom 2009
  13. More like this, you mean? How about this for the previous version of Kerbolish -- that instead of being the "pet" itself, it's the result of an inhuman experiment to see if human and alien DNA could be combined to create a hybrid being... in this particular case, the DNA of Kerbolish? Major Tom 2009
  14. This is what I came up with for Kerbolish's look: I wanted to use the more animalistic-looking legs for her pic, but the stripe option in the Leg part of the menu only fits the human(oid) legs (bummer). EDIT: I changed the name of the pic to Kerbolish-human hybrid in order to avoid confusion, since both pics were labelled with the same name. Major Tom 2009
  15. Flash Mob: There. Happy now? (I was hoping for a group of at least five in this pic -- FM and 4 duplicates -- but the laptop started to slow down after Duplicate No.#2, so I had to settle for the original and two dupes.) Major Tom 2009
  16. Flash Mob is Performance Arts' distraction specialist. A very attractive young woman who possesses the power of Duplication, Flash Mob can create her own large crowd in order to distract not only bystanders but any nearby police as well; her (admittedly) skimpy outfits aid her in this. Once she has the complete and undivided attention of a crowd, her teammates move to carry out their plan. Major Tom 2009
  17. Oh, yeah -- Dingo before he turned into a good guy with a suit of nanotech-based armor. Major Tom 2009
  18. I hadn't remembered it until the above post, but another of the Aussie metahuman pics that I did was of a female meta called Black Opal (the forum member who came up with the idea -- and whose name escapes me at the moment -- had, IIRC, described her as a Green Lantern type), but I can't remember if she was a heroine or a villainess. Major Tom 2009
  19. General Lyonus, commander of Diabolon's pirate army: Major Tom 2009
  20. Some of the last FdH2011 pics that I did before my laptop got wrecked were of some Australian supervillains. Maybe you can use the ideas yourself. Tigersnake: this female UNTIL agent gained her serpentine powers during a raid on a secret VIPER facility which was involved in genetic research aimed at creating agents with superhuman powers derived from the various and insanely-toxic snakes native to Australia. In the course of the fight, a vat containing a compound derived from the venom of the tiger snake was blasted into pieces, dousing the agent in the compound. In a matter of minutes, the compound transformed her into a superhuman being with increased reflexes and strength, plus the ability to deliver a venomous bite. A major side-effect saw her personality shifting from a law-abiding citizen to a murderous supervillain wanted by every law-enforcement agency in the world. Redbelly: another villain with serpentine powers, Redbelly is a cyborg whose upper body is that of a human being from the waist up, and a snake-like torso from the waist down. His body is 20' long, and his costume has a cobra-like hood; this hood helps to maintain stability when he's moving at high speed. He also has a pair of retractable spikes housed within the gauntlets of his costume; these spikes are hollow, and are connected to venom reservoirs which are also housed in the gauntlets. Normally operating as a solo villain, Redbelly some- times works with Tigersnake on a job. Funnel-Web: this villain, instead of being a snake-themed criminal, has powers like those of one of Austraila's most dangerous spiders. These are the ones that I can remember right now, but there might have been one or two more. Major Tom 2009
  21. Well, I imagine that most of these villains can be some real PITAs, so calling them enemas might not be too far off the mark ( )... Major Tom 2009
  22. Luparr, commander of the Starwolves, Diabolon's elite commando squad: Major Tom 2009
  23. You did see in Vixiana's entry where she was described as an alien foxgirl, didn't you? Well, foxes are canines, not felines (although I don't see any reason why there couldn't be both caninoid and felinoid races living on Leo-Prime). Major Tom 2009
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