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Posts posted by cranialspasm

  1. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea...


    Good Idea: Dresden Files Hero

    Bad Idea: Dresden Dolls Hero


    (I may have these reversed the jury is still out.)


    OMG I laughed so hard I had to run to the bathroom!


    If you played Dresden Dolls Hero, you'd have hysterical skills.

    "I have a 8- in piano"

    "What do you play?"


  2. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


    Alright, this isn't Champions related, but I had one of these recently.


    My character in Serenity is a cortex spector Alliance operative with a talent in the gentle art of poisons. She was responsible for killing a city on the planet Athens and has since gone off the grid. She had a child and decided to live on her cousin's ship. She had never given up her love for creating poisons/antitoxins and keeps a small supply in a bolted down locker with super crazy lock in her quarters.


    During a trip to Lilac, the mechanic decided to preen herself up (damn this complication... it causes nothing but trouble) and went looking for jobs. A girl was getting beaten on the sidewalk and the tender hearted Nalani took the girl under her wing and promised to get her off of the planet.


    After we got our jobs planetside, we headed to our next destination. I ended up running to the engine room to see Nalani putting out a small fire and she told me that her lovebot had been deactivated. I ran to my room and my locker full of poisons was opened and empty.


    Wiring on the bridge was missing and we were dead in the black.


    The pilot noticed that one of the airlocks was active and we ran to the room as he tried to disable it remotely. We got to the cargo hold and the girl Nalani had taken under her wing had a grin on her face and pushed the button and all of our very expensive/deadly/defensive things went out into the black.


    My exact words were - "Oh S&*T. Ima f*&^in' kill Nalani"

  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    Show the third graders how a gummy bear screams when you light it on fire...


    I bet a bunch of you are gonna try it now, huh?



    -leaving my first reply as it's just twisted, but I didn't see the "high school" in the NT...


    How about dropping a glass of water on the ground, letting your mouth gape open in horror, screaming like a girl, and running like hell out of the room?

  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Of all the funny stuff in that post, this is the funniest. Repped, of course.


    (Now put up some more posts so we can all see how much Rep you have! :celebrate)


    LOL! I didn't know I needed to reach a limit... Hooligan enlightened me today... I have quite a bunch of rep per my user CP. I didn't know that NGD doesn't count. I've got my fingers plucking every thread there...

  5. So I am starting my very first Hero System GM experience with a supers game set in fictional Bigtime, NY. I have gotten a lot of my characters/settings from [ha!] a romance novel Karma Girl by Jennifer Estep.


    Long before game starts, all players will receive several 'clippings' from articles written by reporter Carmen Cole.


    Here is an excerpt from the first article.


    "This reporter is now determined to reveal the true identities of superheroes and villains. No one will be deceived anymore. No woman will come home to find her boyfriend slipping into a neon pink codpiece. No man will be puzzled over why his wife has a strange collection of whips and an odd affinity for black leather. No mother will wonder why her son can never be on time for anything.

    All superheroes and villains have strange, sometimes frightening powers, like the ability to move objects with their minds or shoot red-hot flames out of their fingertips. Since the goals of heroes and villains are at odds, they often engage in long, lengthy battles that destroy bridges, overpasses, and municipal buildings. Some of the bigger cities have several superheroes and ubervillains all battling it out for supremacy and leveling skyscrapers right and left. And they all wear masks to hide their true identities, thus avoiding paying for the public property they decimate on a weekly basis. These misguided people need to be held responsible for their actions, and I will dedicate my life to make sure that they are."


    The reporter unmasks a favorite superhero "Tornado" aka Travis Teague and two days later he commits suicide (or so they all think... a dude that can fly jumping out of a window and plummeting to his death? his instincts and power would overwhelm him and save him)


    The remaining four superheros of the Fearless Five retire, and find a new Fearless Five (the players) to maintain peace in the city and fight against the Terrible Triad. It has been six months since the unfortunate 'suicide' of Travis Teague and reporter Carmen Cole hasn't unmasked another superhero since. She has become the social pariah. Her employers would lose face in the newpaper industry if they fired her, so they've moved her to cover society functions.


    I have two character concepts - One player will be a tattooed superhero that can pull her tattoos from her body and use them as tangible weaponry. She's a reformed villain whose love interest still dabbles in theft.


    The other concept I have is of a girl who can manipulate metal.


    I am still waiting on two guys in group and one girl.


    I'm super crazy excited. I think the best way to get people used to combat is to run a danger room scenario for the first session so people can get used to their powers and tweak them if need be. Would this be a good idea?

  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Alright, so I'm in a Serenity campaign and my character (Vera Elizabeth Cobb - aka Betsy) isn't the nicest in the world. She's much nicer than Michaela, their master of arms who also has a gift with demolitions. Nalani is the all preened up mechanic. She won't leave the ship without gussying up.


    Michaela: I probably have a grenade and an assault rifle."

    Nalani: "I said subtle!"

    Betsy: "For Michaela, that IS subtle!"


    And my best line of the evening...


    Betsy:"'Does this smell like atmo?' and then I hit the airlock."

    GM: *blank stare then uncomfortable laughter*

  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat




    NT: Signs that your new science teacher may be a mad scientist...


    "Today we will be discussing the effects of radioactive isotopes on humans. Our lovely bound and gagged 'volunteer' is Chief of Police Charles Newman. Notice how his eyes start to bulge as he's dipped in the ice goo?"


    ... Yes, I consider a mad scientist to be the guy that uses air quotes.

  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


    I like music. Whatever, it is singing, dancing and listening. I like mostly sad songs. Why because in sad songs you will always get motivational lines in every song. They also give freshness to mind because of soft music. That's why I like this type of songs. I also like rocking songs, but only in dance parties and in journey.

    What's up dears? Tell me something about you.


    I'd consider myself an ecclectic as well. Right now I'm digging Honeyhoney's "Little Toy Gun". It's spaghetti western meets Beach Blanket Bingo with a slice of Habanera. The fact that Kieffer Sutherland is in the music video doesn't hurt either.


    I've also been playing the crap out of "Commentary the Musical" from Dr. Horrible. Nate's song cracks me the eff up.


    Every Sunday that I chill with my dad, we partake in a little of our heritage and listen to a Polish radio station.


    If I'm writing I typically listen to Aphex Twin, Zeromancer, Paul Oakenfold, and I'll typically start my playlist with Muse- Knights of Cydonia.


    If I need to feel sexy, I'll either go old school with some Etta [James] or Ella [Fitzgerald] or hit up the newer school with Portishead or Bitter:Sweet. You know the velvety smooth female vocalists that make you want to rub up against your speakers? That type of music makes me dance without realizing it.


    If I'm feeling low, I'll typically dig up some of the grunge I listened to in the 90's. Or I'll pop in the John Denver and the Muppets Christmas Album (Don't laugh, it got me through a really difficult time when I was in early Elementary school.)


    If I need to sing at the top of my lungs, I'll pop in some Adele or some Broadway show. I LOVE to sing (I'm not bad at it either - http://ksolo.myspace.com/actions/showSongProfile.do?rid=989938&sid=27601&uid=4692669)

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