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Posts posted by Opale

  1. You got shanghaied?!!


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary didn't think France would permit the export of one of their national treasures

    Yup, packaged with very few of my stuff, and moved to the big city. Tomorrow, it will make a full month I arrived ^^


    Part of life project, part of some political hazzard happening in France lately.


    And speaking about national treasures, you american people have a saying I like : "Only those who got you, deserves you"


    Happily, Hero Games website is not blocked by the Chinese Government


    Opale, oh-my-god-mandarin-is-so-difficult ...

  2. Do you intend to submit this for publication?



    errr... I dunno. At first again it's for my own pleasure. But why not afterall.


    Though I'm guessing it would need alot of copyrights approval and such, and I have no idea on where I should start.


    Just for now, I'm inspired. I might even include my own campaign scenario as part of the work, as an introduction scenario. Basically I used the Kolvel incident and ran the V'han invasion till the group could find a way out.


    So now I'm more interested into gathering people expectations, whatever they might be.



  3. Aloha all


    This morning, I woke up with an especially good mood and lots of energy. So I reviewed some of the projects I had for HERO Games, and pondered again about my favorite GC setting.


    Since long now, I want to write a sort of complete reedition of the Galactic Setting setting, based on what was the 5th ed. So, in your opinions, what such a fanmade book contain ?


    Opale, in inspirational mood



  4. Well yes, it makes now 6 years we continue this campaign. At first, a friend of mine was handling it, but he abandoned.


    I liked this main idea, so after he ended up the story by making our characters disappear, I wanted to continue the story, with my own mood, and respecting his original settings.


    One of my favorite thing to do, when I have leisure time, is to find pictures, and stuff to help me setup a mood for my games. So yes, time consuming, but a true pleasure to me.


    I even used the video teaser thing for my Galactic Champions setting, and to write down a resumé for each session. 


    Anyway, enough of nostalgia talking


    Opale, back to character creation

  5. Hi,


    I hope you don't mind me participating :)





    "When the world is in danger, a champion of humankind will arise. he'll avenge the weaks and punish the bullies. He'll be as pure as silver itself, and resilient as the sand scarab."


    those were the words Rashid El Mumrah heard his hole childhood, when he was living in the devastated city of Bagdad. When the bombs launched by all the foreign countries that "wanted to help his native land" destroyed his city, took the lives of numerous member of his family and friends.


    Then one day, as he was strolling among the ruins of his ancient city quarter, another misguided missile struck the building he was in. The explosion caused the ground to collapse below his feet, and he thought his last hour had come.

    But he landed in a secret lair of some criminal Organization, and found weapons and high tech equipment by dozen. Especially he found a chemical chamber, and realized he could try to do something. To make a difference, to become a true defender of his own land. His heart inflated with hope and desperation at the same tie, he did something that would change him forever.


    When he stepped out the chamber, the silverish armor was stuck to his body, imprisonning him inside its life support systems and built-in weaponry. It was like a shell, like another life and he could see that Allah was great, to gift him with the weapons of his ennemies, and defend the simple folks. He would be the Silver Scarab. He'd be a hero.

  6. Heya and welcome back to Hero lands ^^


    For your questions, here are my answers :


    Yes, a Damage Shield in a Multipower with a m slot (the ancient "u" slot) is worth nothing because you have to switch it off each time you use another slot. Might be different with a "v" slot, but then you'll have an active cost problem in order to make all powers efficient enough.


    Then, my thoughts about your build :


    In 6th ed, stats are usually slightly higher than before; not a big deal, but I think DEX 18 for an EP is quite low, and your character might be crushed by a Brick before having time to react. IMHO.


    Then the skills: a 4 slots MP with +4 skills is ok to me (i'm quite tolerant as a GM ^^) but i'd suggest to pass it as a "large group of attack" with more than 3 powers concerned.


    The Roaring Flight effect isn't going to affect anyone except if you character aim and actually hit an opponent with it. Which would take his attack action btw. Imho, the best way to do the effect you want, is by using the Side Effect adder to your flight power. Which would decrease his cost, and affect everyone in a predefined area. Not the kind of hero you like to welcome imho, as he's going to blow most windows in the neighbourhood ^^


    With 57 AP for his MP, (you could go up to 60 which is standard in 6th Ed), I think your powers are quite uneffective. Not totally uneffective, but a bit too light. 9d6 blast with Reduced END is fine, as to get rid of agents. You'll need something a bit stronger for most super you meet. Again just my experience as both a GM and player. Maybe because after the second or third attack of the same type, your opponents should start to know how to react and protect themselves or counterattack.


    That will be all for now


    Have fun playing CHampions again 


    Opale, in wearing the building hat

  7. Hey.


    Based on another thread into which QM talked about his own dystopian world, and on various other challenges of of the same sort existing in the HeroBoards, I wanted to try something similar. 


    By just posting a picture, see what sort of stories and characters could be build, from scratch.


    In my campaign setting, my PCs decided they wanted to be lazy and play in the "grey" zone, so the worst happened: Vibora Bay was used by Tappan Arkwright as a mystical node to open a gate to the Kings of Edom. He used the dark creativity of Cloaca for that, and was at the ultimate end helped by DEMON, tough annihilated by Luther Black ruthlessness, in the course for power. The city felt, and the fallen angel Therakiel didn't help much either, as he chose to fight for his own power, against both God's will, and Mephistopheles, who was using his own pawn : The Hell Rider.


    I could summit up this whole campaign one day, that started 6 years ago, but that's not the point here ^^


    So, the Earth shattered, the skies darkened, and like in some Lovecraftian nightmare, or at least like in Hellboy movie, gargantuan forms of tentacles and antimatter beings emerged from the void, accompanied by cohorts of the Elder Worms, who established their base for a new invasion in what had been the Queen City.


    Now, they use mankind a test subjects for various horror experiments, breeding stocks, food stock and so on. And the only "heroes" left are a mix of new generation heroes, and old villains (or new ones), that live up in a world filled with deserts and devastated lands.


    So, if that inspire some of you, I launch a first picture, then the one winning the contest, get to post another, and so on :)


    let's see with this one :





  8. Here my own Mimic Character, if that can help you Bolo. I didn't include picture, bckground, etc , to make it easier to read here.



    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 HTH damage [1]

    20 DEX 20 13- OCV: 10/DCV: 8

    20 CON 10 13-

    12 BODY 2

    10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-

    13 EGO 3 12- ECV: 3 - 3

    13 PRE 3 12- / 15- PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6/6d6


    12 PD 10 Total: 12/20 PD (0/8 rPD)

    12 ED 10 Total: 12/20 ED (0/8 rED)

    5 SPD 30 Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12

    8 REC 4

    32 END 3

    35 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 174

    Movement: Running: 24m/[Noncombat]"

    Leaping: 4m/[Noncombat]"

    Swimming: 4m/[Noncombat]"


    Cost Powers END

    100 Mimicking Stolen Powers: Variable Power Pool (Mimicry Pool), 60 base + 120 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (240 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1), Requires a successful HTH Attack Roll (-1/2), Limited Power :  Must keep the Thoughts Stealing & Draining Life Contact I Powers, own's perks, Talents, Skills, and Mental (INT, EGO, PRE) stats) Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (from 600 CP) (-1/2), Cannot Retain Copied Forms (when character switches to anoActive Cost Is Greater Than 100.; -1/4); all slots Only For MultiForm (MultiForm is "alternate" Form with all of character's powers and exact copies of target's powers, REMAINING physical characteristics (STR, DEX, CON, SPD, PD, ED, REC, END, STUN, BODY, Run, Swim, Leap, i.e if they are higher than hers) and power-related Complications plus Physical Skills, and must have the Reversion Limitation & Time Limit up to 1min ) (-1/2), Cannot Copy Powers From Items/Focus (ie. gadgets, armors, cybernetics), neither Perks nor Talents (-1/4), Power Fails To Work If Cannot Copy Entire Target's Powers (-1/4)

    In Whatever Form She Is... (90 AP)

    24 1)   Thoughts Stealing: Telepathy 9d6 (Human class of minds), Persistent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (79 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1), Always On (-1/2), Only to read (-1/2), Surface Thoughts Only (-1/4) 0

    4 2)   Draining Life Contact: Drain BODY 1 point, Area Of Effect (1m Surface; Damage Shield; +1/4), Persistent (+1/4), Constant (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) (12 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (-1), No Range (-1/2), Always On (-1/2) 0

    24 3)   Super Toughness: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) 0

    7 4)   Kiss Me! : Shock and Awe: +17 PRE (17 Active Points); Offensive Only (-1), Requires A Roll (Attack roll; -1/2)

    6 5)   Shock and Awwww, Missed: Drain OCV 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); One Use At A Time (-1), Drain Effect Works Only Vs Mimic (-1), No Range (-1/2), Requires A  Charm Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Requires a PRE+10 Effect Attack Roll (-1/2), Linked (Kiss Me! : Shock and Awe; -1/4) 0



    9 +3/+3d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)



    4 +4 with Stealing Thoughts Power


    3 Acting 12- (15-)

    3 Analyze:  Magic 11-

    3 Charm 12- (15-)

    3 Concealment 11-

    3 Deduction 11-

    2 AK: Brittania 11-

    2 KS: Mystic World 11-

    2 KS: Arcane & Occult Lore 11-

    3 Mimicry 11-

    3 Paramedics 11-

    3 Persuasion 12- (15-)

    2 PS 11-

    3 Riding 13-

    3 Security Systems 11-

    3 Shadowing 11-

    5 Stealth 14-

    2 WF:  Common Melee Weapons



    Total Powers & Skills Cost: 227

    Total Cost: 400


    400+ Disadvantages

    25 Accidental Change:  Touch Someone's Skin Always (Common)

    10 Accidental Change:  (When takes Knockback or Body) Sexily But Dangerously Shredded Costume / Costume Destroyed By Some Powers She Steals 8- (Common)

    15 Distinctive Features:  Unearthly Beauty (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

    15 Psychological Complication with Variable SFX:  Gets psychological quirks from those she drains (Common; Strong)

    20 Psychological Complication:  Code vs Killing (Common; Total)

    15 Psychological Complication:  Both Craving and Afraid to get close/touch someone else (Common; Strong)

    15 Psychological Complication:  Driven By Family History To Become A Hero/Villain (Common; Strong)

    5 Physical Complication:  Bad Dreams (More and more of misplaced, bad, or useless memories floating around in her head from the ones she drained) (Infrequently; Barely Impairing)

    20 Social Complication:  No Intimacy (cannot do normal human activities such as hold hands, kiss, etc) Frequently, Severe

    15 Social Complication:  Illegal Immigrant In USA Frequently, Major

    15 Negative Reputation:  Power Stealer & Psychic Vampire, Frequently (Extreme)

    20 Lack Of Education:  No formal schooling; self-taught from watching television. Can barely read/write Very Frequently, Major



    Total Disadvantage Points: 400




    Mimicking Opale

  9. Hi QM


    Funnily, I'm myself thinking about another dystopian world to continue my Mystic Champions campaign; a world were DEMON actually launched End of the World, where the Elder Worms and the Kings of Edom invaded Earth from Vibora Bay. Remaining defenders of humankind living in a post apocalyptic world where humanity is enslaved, treated as food reserve, breeding stock or such.


    So plenty of place for al sort of "heroes", including reforming villains, and too-old-for-that-shit heroes.


    Not sure it is something you'd interested with, but don't hesitate to PM me if it does.



  10. tou can make a TARDIS in the same way



    I used theTARDIS map for a base to my group in Galactic Champions. Very useful and settling the things with awesomeness. A 8km radius base for a group of 6 to 12 Superheroes and all kind of rooms to justify tons of fun. 


    Opale, always saving the Galaxy



    I never heard anything about a 6E Ultimate Mystic revision. To be fair, it's a pretty "niche" product.


    Dean Shomshak


    Well, to be fair, and alas, most settings and sourcebooks for Champions Are Now a "niche", Dean.  The Hero Systems Games are alive because we all still continue to use them or play them, but I'd say that's pretty much all left alas.


    Nostalgic Opale

  12. well, I posted a question about export format in HDv6 for this Shadow World setting. (see in Hero Designer subforum)


    If you have any clue, please don't hesitate. It's about the three different defenses against Magics, and i intend to add a fourth for Arcane Magics aswell.


    Beside that, I built up my own stats conversion, and xps table.



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