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White Heat

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Everything posted by White Heat

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: It was forged in the heat of passion! What's wrong with that? A: Make me. I'd like to see you try.
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: No, Robin. We must think again. What is the point of two pecks? A: Hot water. All he wants is hot water. And towels. Never a word about the blood, just hot water and towels...
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Ooh, and is this dessert? (no lie, there's this recipe...) A: I won't be working here after today, Sir, if you'll allow me to tender my resignation.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What RPG publisher boasts Zornwill as their most ardent fan? A: I swear, officer, it was the scissors! They just -- went off in my hand!
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Who most deserves atomic wedgies? A: Not me, I never said that, no way, nunh unh!
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Grond hungry! Grond eat now! A: And that's your daddy, back in 1992, plotting his revenge on Batman and the Riddler.
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is all that drumming coming from Central Park? It sounds like a bunch of chimps with bongo drums. A: And hello to you too, my old friend!
  8. Re: The cranky thread I don't know if this is the sinus bug, but off hand, it's something like it. Bad sinuses, but I always have those. Shortness of breath, which means I feel fine if I sit still, and lousy if I have to move around. I've been coughing up my lungs all weekend, and I've had to use this rescue inhaler three or four times a day every day since sometime last week, even if I am taking it easy and not running around all over the place. I'm tired and irritable and cranky, and I hate that. I feel like a wuss for staying home from work. And my doctor can't see me until tomorrow afternoon, so I'll likely have to miss work tomorrow as well. Resting isn't doing any good, but I can't be useful at work either. I think I've got a fever, and I can't find the dang thermometer. And my back hurts. Grousegrouchgrumblegrumble.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What happened to Tribble? I've never seen so many suction cup marks on a creatures face! A: Ok, so, no one can prove I did that...
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Yo, Doc, what gives with the bandages? Both hands and everything! A: There are some things it's just better not to ask...
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Man! I cannot believe he took that so seriously! I mean, all I did was put cooked linguini in his socks and a hedgehog in the soap dish. Some people have no sense of humor! A: It was just like snot, only more so.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Butter pecan ice cream. Yum.
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You poked the red button that starts the chain reaction that leads to a core meltdown?!?! Are you out of your flippin' mind? A: Actually, I approve of whostruckjohn. It's rannygazoo that gets on my nerves.
  14. Re: The cranky thread Ya know, I can hate what you do without hating you. It's not impossible. Cracking spines is not a problem, unless it's done agressively publicly, if you know what I mean. Like it's an issue for showing off with. Then it gets on my nerves a little.
  15. Re: The cranky thread I've been massaging my hands together all day. I can't crack my knuckles, but I can crack my spine -- I know what it feels like, but this isn't a tendon pain. On the right hand it's nerve pain and on the left, it's bone pain. Nothing cracking will remedy. Thanks for the sugestion, though! We've got the remnants of Jeanne here today. I really think it's the weather. Low pressure and stuff. I'll be better tomorrow, I'm sure.
  16. Re: The cranky thread Actually, it never came up. When I first met Kly, I was on my tenth year at one company. I left them after they fired Kly, that was the second of the fourteen, if I remember correctly. After that Kly got me an excellent offer from the company where he was working, so I went there. That lasted approximately four months -- the owner was your basic jerk, and I walked (make that stormed) out in a huff one morning. After that I temped for several years. I consider that one job, but you can decide otherwise if you want to. Then Kly and I worked together again -- about six months this time on a startup that went under shortly after they downsized most of the staff. I went back to temping -- same company, same recruiter, same everything. I left them when one of my temp jobs (no, not the first one that offered, just the most acceptable one) offered me a permanent position. I've been there almost two years now, and permanent for 18 months or so. So really, how many jobs I've had in the past 20 years or so depends on how you count the two stints temping. But the one ten-year stint does smooth out the average considerably. By the way, aspirin helped a lot, but it's time to take some more, I think. My hands hurt again.
  17. Re: The cranky thread When I was a kid, my grandma used to complain about how her hands hurt her. That confused me. How could hands just hurt for no reason? I was convinced that hands didn't just hurt. They were too useful to hurt. I know now. My hands hurt all the time now. Usually it's my right hand from carpal tunnel. Today it's my left hand, the ring finger and the middle finger. I suspect it's the weather. Let me tell you, it's bad. Hitting control-c and control-v are especially bad. Today that takes two hands. And I get to go to work today and type. Yee-friggin'-ha.
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings Oh, :PppppPPPpp``'
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings I like penguins! Penguins is cool! Hehehehehehehehe.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings That took for freakin' ever! Miss one week on the boards, and don't read your normal threads.... Ok, ok, ok, so it's not random, it's cranky, and it belongs on the cranky thread. So sue me. And by the way, to those of you who thanked me, you're welcome. It's what I do.
  21. Re: The cranky thread I have one surefire cure for hiccups. Works for the case you've got right now, and for the next three or four that come along. What is it? Swallow half a teaspoon of vinegar. White vinegar for preference, apple cider doesn't work as well, it's too sweet. Any flavored vinegar distracts from the cure, it's gotta be plain distilled white vinegar. Don't sip it, but don't gulp it, either. It's gotta burn. Then the next three or four cases? Just concentrate on the memory of the burn as it slides down your throat. You won't need another dose for a good long while. Only thing that really works.
  22. Re: Answers & Questions Random musing warning! Makes it sound like Kung Fu is a club, or something... You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled mayhem, please excuse the interruption...
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