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Ghost Archer

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Posts posted by Ghost Archer

  1. Good grief. With a high end rPD/rED of 15, even 5d6 KA is going to be a serious threat. You might 'average' 17.5 BODY on 5d6, but you can get up to 30 and that would leave a mark. I'd drop your more powerful atttack down to 75 Active and maybe make your lower powered attack 60. It's nice to be able to take a target out in one shot, but it's not very heroic to die the first time you encounter your 'Hunted'. It's a whole lot more fun if the Hunter gets to play with his prey.

  2. Ghost Archer is a hard man and has seen just about everything in his long life. While he knows that no law has actually been broken, he also realizes that an artifical child is but a thought away from a real child. This means a lesson needs to be taught. He would start by using his Cosmic Power Pool to alter the man into a young child, then time travel him back to say..ancient Rome and sell him to a brothel. "See how YOU like it." Perhaps he'd bother to go back in a few months and recover the 'man' but I doubt he'd ever give him another thought.

  3. I started out one moonless shiny night when the grass was on the dew. Threw my puppy dog over my shoulder, my gun it trotted along behind. I went on down the road a piece or two, found a house upon a hill down a holler. Knocked on the front door backside of the house and an old man stuck a window outside his head and said "Howdy". I said "You got any daughters?" He said "Yeah, I got three but the oldest one's married, the youngest one's dead and the little boy he ran away."

    I paid no mind to that and went on down the road another piece or two found another house upon a hill, down a holler, knocked on the front door backside of the house and an old woman stuck a stove pipe outside her head and said "Howdy". I said "You got any whiskey?" She said "Yeah I got three bottles but I just drank it all."

    I paid no mind to that, went on home, found the wife standing wide open on the barn and the barn door in bed.

    I paid no mind to that, I flicked out the bed and fell into the light. Pretty soon I head such a clatter I hope to never hear again, ran outside to see what it was and lo and behold I found a corncob with a pig in each mouth and jumped the devil like the fence was after me.

  4. Ghost Archer: "Again?" Since he does things like this regularly, get lost somewhere in time, and without his powers, he'd take it pretty much in stride. Since civilization is gone, he would start by finding any humanoids, or other intelligent species, and helping them any way he could to create one. If it takes a decade or a century or a millenia, no matter, immortality has its good points.


    Icehawk, however, would freak. No civiliazation? How the heck is he supposed to get reservations? What do you mean sleep on the ground? No, I DON"T know how to build a shelter! The worst thing, though, Pam isn't there. That would devastate him.

  5. Ghost Archer wouldn't think twice about popping in on the President, which he has done in the past, much to the chargin of the Secret Service. So, he would collect the evidence and present it to the Prez late one night, probably as he's taking a shower or some such thing. He wouldn't ask for anything more then a "Stay" and that the AG at least take a look before snuffing the guy. If this proved fruitless, Archer would possibly take it to the media and lay out everything. Should the guy still be executed, Archer would do everything in his power to get to the bottom of the situation and make sure the right perp ended up in the same chair.


    Icehawk would use his money and buy the guy a "Stay" through the media until an investigation could be lauched, that is, if he noticed what was going on. He would never even consider a break out.

  6. We've had a few romances over the 20 some years...


    Ghost Archer (PC) and Hellcat (PC): short lived fling that ended when Hellcat returned to her own world.


    Ghost Archer (PC) and Willow Witch (NPC): long term relationship the ended when the GM kidnapped her then left the area.


    Ghost Archer (PC) and Thistle Grey (PC): love of Archer’s life, killed protecting him then resurrected as the Avatar of Ishtar and no longer interested in the mortal life.


    Ghost Archer (PC) and Sable (PC): Sable returned Archer to the land of the living after his loss of Thistle but for each it was purely physical.


    Ghost Archer (PC) and Raven Fireoak (PC): currently married with three natural children and six adopted.


    War Eagle (PC) and Bora (NPC): torrid love affair that ended and marriage followed closely by Bora’s repeated attempts to make herself a widow.


    Daimon (PC) and Sarah Brittany Harrison (NPC): ended in the death of a pregnant Sarah but daughter Brittany survived


    Daimon (PC) and Psylocke (NPC): long term relationship that will end in marriage one day. Psylocke has become a surrogate mother to Daimon’s daughter, Brittany.


    Sarge (PC) and Lucifer (PC): hot affair resulted in Sarge breaking Lucifer’s heart and her running away from everyone. Her fate is unknown.


    Icehawk (PC) and Pam Portis (ex NPC now PC): billionaire meets stripper. Married very happily with a baby girl.


    Probe (PC) and Samantha Vicks (ex NPC now PC): Both are Blood and cousins. Probe was looking for her and once he found her they began a very secret affair.


    The Cat (PC) and Linda Parker (NPC): Teen genius meets material girl. Married with a little baby boy that barks.


    Death Maiden (PC) and William Sean Thornton (NPC): Demon girl meets movie star in her human form as she is thinking about leaping to her death. Currently living together with the demon side trying to hide it from her team mates.


    Capricorn (NPC) and B (NPC): Zodiac’s magical satyr and the Seattle Hunt’s resident faery. They have a little girl but daddy is very much out of the picture.


    Lady Rogue (PC) and Tsarsaidor (NPC): Started when Tsarsaidor was using Rogue as a wedge between the bowman and Thistle Grey. The whole thing backfired when the dragon realized he was in love with the water girl. They live in a tree house together very happily.


    Everith (PC) and Psion (PC): fallen angel and a law student. Very sweet and confusing for the poor human.


    Galileo (PC) and Cheeto (PC): Dragon and cat-girl, both players have moved on but left a happy couple.


    Star (NPC) and William Washburn (NPC): Alien and the bum...whereabouts unknown.


    Emma Morrow (NPC) and Kevin Wilson (NPC): con-woman and thief find love while working as housekeeper and butler for the Wild Hunt.


    Nat Ryan (PC) and Wren Collins (PC) and Jessy Fireoak (PC) and Matt Doppler (PC): Nat wants Wren, Jessy wants Nat, Matt wants Wren, and Wren wants Nat. Teens, yeesh!!

  7. My case is just the opposite of Blue's. Most of my players are female and because of this, romance plays a large part of team dynamics. It's not difficult to play a romance when the player is female and if it's a male player, my co-GM is female so that works out nicely. I do have one female player that plays a gay male...that's a bit confusing... Also, since all of our gaming it done online, it effectively works out as one long 'bluebook'.

  8. Re: Re: Bricks and Weightlessness


    Originally posted by Zed-F

    BTW, here's a way you can rationalize this. There is a limit to the amount of velocity you can put on an object -- you can't make it go any faster than you can physically move your arm. Thus, while your 100 STR character can pick up a regular football a lot more easily than a dwarf-star-alloy football, he really can't make full use of his strength when throwing it; once you've accelerated it to the speed you can swing your arm around and snap your wrist, that's pretty much all the force you can give it. Someone with the strength to pick up a dwarf-star-alloy football can perhaps accelerate it to about the same speed as a regular football, if he has the strength to make his arm move at full speed while holding it.


    Of course, this neglects the fact that a dwarf-star-alloy football would be impacted a lot less than a regular football by air resistance, and would have a lot more KE to lose to begin with. Really, you should be able to throw it *farther* than a regular football, assuming you have the strength to throw it in the first place. But, if we assume that air resistance has a negligible impact on most thrown objects, then the existing throwing rules are perhaps not totally out to lunch.



    When I first got started as a GM for Champions so many years ago, one of my players designed a brick, not unlike my new character and he had one desire, to be able to throw a baseball into orbit. You know, after 20 years, he still hasn't managed to do it, within the rules of HERO. I just think its a little sad he can't have his dream. :P

    One of the classic scenes in comics is Superman hurling something HUGE into space, while FLYING. Now this totally denies all Laws of Physics but isn't that what the genre is all about? And isn't one of the cornerstones of HERO the ability to design anything? Am I going to have to create a power for my brick like "Tranform Baseball on Earth to Baseball in Orbit"? It should be a lot simpler then having to design a power. Why do I hear Steve proclaiming "It will all be explained in the forcoming "Ultimate Brick."?


    BTW, Zed-F? Its a comic book, it doesn't have to be rationalized! :D

  9. Gravity Cancellation is 8" Flight, Usable As An Attack.


    *covers himself with anti-Steve armor and dares to quote*


    ". . . power allows the character to cancel the effects of gravity and move him around at will . . . "


    I am going purely on the Special Effects of the power rather than a strict definition of rules as I am not sure how the mechanic would work.


    Originally posted by zornwil

    - call weightless "10 pounds" in a super-heroic game for the purposes of throwing and such - otherwise it's just going to get crazily abusive


    Now why would you call weightless "10 pounds"? Why not go all the way down the table to .8 kg and -25 STR?


    Oh, anyone gonna talk about the 100 STR Brick that can lift a battleship but only throw a football 108 yards? Steve once told me more or less 'that's the way it is' but of all the rules in HERO, this one is the only one that bothers me. One of those niggling, annoying things you can't let go.

  10. The power does have a range of about 280" so at that point gravity will reassert itself. Maybe up to that point the distance thrown is ignored, then once gravity takes over, figure the mass vs STR out. Now, if my little Gravity Queen *ducks the assorted flying objects* were to make the power Continuous and maybe 0 END...look, a new planet.

  11. I rarely ask questions about rules or their interpretations as I’ll do things the way I want anyway but this is an interesting tactic I recently conceived. It may not be original but I’ve never seen it before. In a new off-shoot of my long running campaign, I’ve decided to play something totally out of character for me, a brick. Meanwhile, there is another player that has a character that controls gravity including that most interesting power found in the USPDB, Gravity Cancellation. From what I can see this power effectively makes the target weightless, right? My brick has come up with an idea. I know, I know, a stretch for a brick . . .but . . . what if Nat, my brick, grabbed a thug type and then had Wren, the Gravity Mistress, hit ‘em with said Gravity Cancellation?


    1: How far can a brick with say, 100 STR, throw the now weightless thug?


    2: What is the “Extra Strength†for throwing a weightless object?


    3: How much velocity would the thug have at the point of release?


    4: How much damage would the thug take upon meeting the ground at the far end?


    5: What if Nat threw the thug into something solid and very close, like the face of El Capitan, what would be the damage? 20d6 from normal STR or Whatever d6 from “Extra Strength�


    Thanks in advance for input.


    PS: I still have problems with a 100 STR brick only being able to throw a football (-25 STR to lift) a mere 50†(100 meters, a measly 108 yards or so) in a standing throw. He can lift a BATTLESHIP but only throw 100 yards? *grumble, grumble*

  12. Originally posted by PerennialRook

    1) Still, why not just be able to say "Buxom Lass is incredibaly beautiful, as represented in her insane PRE."


    2) I can spend the same points I would spend on COM on skill levels for my PRE Rolls.


    3) Still if your usefull COM is Just PRE why not just have PRE?


    4) Isn't that still just a PRE Attack with a very creative special effect?


    I'm not saying that I think a COM score is a bad idea, I love it, but I don't like making COM PRE's little buddy is the answer. I think COM should be a stand alone score.




    A high PRE also indicates someone difficult, if not impossible to scare. COM is purely in the eye of the beholder and has little to do with defending the 'beautiful people' from another 'beautiful person'. Although there is always an Envy attack . . . "God, is she prettier then me? What if she is?" Is generating Self-doubt a proper attack for COM?

  13. Kicking in two cents . . .

    I'd also recommend Champions. Its superbly written and extremely useful to a new GM. Just the random character generation charts make it worth the monetary outlay.

    As for OpenRPG, I've been using its online rival, WebRPG for something like five years and have been very successful and comfortable with it. It seems to be dying a slow lingering death now because the webmasters were forced to start charging for the service when they moved over to the UGO server. I have experimented with OpenRPG and will probably move my game over there soon as not all my players can afford to pay for WebRPG and I get tired of paying for three accounts so I can loan two. I've found OpenRPG a bit more difficult to work with when it comes to mapping and character sheets but then I must admit I haven't had a driving need to learn the program more thoroughly.

    Hmm . . . my group is in a lull at the moment, perhaps its time to put a little effort into OpenRPG.

    Another thing you might want to do is surf a bit and check out the websites of the posters on this board.

    I'd recommend:


    Surbrook's Stuff


    The Wild Hunt


    Check out the links page here too.


    Good luck!

  14. Re: Why don't you play online?


    Originally posted by Primal

    some plusses:

    *Superheroes can have bunches of dice or complex roles.. macros and scripts (OpenRPG or mIRC) can calculate them easily and quickly..


    *no travel time required: you don't have to drive anywhere.. (important when you're out of college and remaining gamers you know are spread to the 4 winds)

    *If you're bad at imitating a required accent, no problem..


    some minuses:

    *people tend to be less reliable online..

    *no face to face socializing..

    *mild typing/computer skills required..


    of course the real rub (for me) is finding people for a good game.. a viscious cycle..


    I've been playing online for almost five years and love it.


    On the plus side: yeah, sure, the dice is easy and the travel is simple and the accent problem is minimal but the biggest plus I have found is the comfort level my player have when actually roleplaying. It's like being Goofy in Disney World, you can be as goofy as you want and no one can see your face so all the inhibitions are gone.


    On the minus side, the biggest problem I have is people sticking to the game times. I don't agree about the 'no socializing' . My group tends to socialize a great deal out of the game's context. In fact, just two weeks ago I met up with my co-GM in California. She was out from Detroit and I was visiting home from Virginia. Even after my players leave becasue of real world necessities, I keep in touch.


    As for finding people, they tend to come to me thru my website. Granted it takes a little while to get to know new players but its pretty easy. I have two Yahoo Groups I run as GM while my co-GM has a pair as well. We also play on WebRPG and OpenRPG. I've used both and prefer WebRPG but the fact they charge for full use of the service tends to make it hard for some of my players. We may have to join the mob and move to OpenRPG.


    If anyone has used Mirc, can you give me any input about it?

  15. I've been using Zodiac for years, long before Doug's version. When his came out I use some of them and at one point I had all 12 on my website. Because of Mr. Long's defense of DOJ intellectual property rights I have removed all characters that he and DOJ might consider infringement on their copyright material. However, this did leave the portion of the Zodiac that was purely my own creation and those are available on my site. The six available are Aries, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio and Virgo. One might note that I still use the picture of Aries from Doug's Zodiac but as Mr. Long has stated the use of up to five HERO product pieces of art is acceptable. I am currently revamping the remaining six members of the team but while I might place them on the site, I will continue to use Doug's Taurus, Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn as those particular character's have a history within my campagin. I had planned on replacing Doug's Gemini for some time but haven't come up with a good concept as yet.

    I have noted that many suggest that Aquarius use water-based attacks. While this is consistant with the name 'the waterbearer', Aquarius is NOT a water sign but an Air sign.


    The Water signs are Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

    The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

    The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

    The Air signs are Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.


    The Wild Hunt presents the Zodiac

  16. Re: Re: Time Lines?


    Originally posted by lemming

    Just a quick nitpick, That date would be when the US was declaring war. September 9?, 1939 would be the beginning of the European War by some historians, while the Chinese & Japanese were already at in 1937. (maybe earlier)


    Of course, in your Universe, anything is possible. :)


    Timelines are good, I've got an emproyonic one on my site. Having something of a history is good. Gives the players something to look at and sprout ideas from.


    The true beginning of the Second World War is considered to be July 7, 1937 when Japan invaded China from the north. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 and Britain and France waited until Spetember 3, 1939 to declare war. The war for the US started December 7, 1941 with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, FDR declared war on Japan the next day, December 8, 1941. Germany and Italy declared war on the US on December 11, 1941. The US declared war the same day on Germany and Italy thus making it a true 'world war'.

  17. I think the closest thing to a this type of plot device that I have is my team's base and its teleporter. Now, understand, I didn't GIVE anything to the players. They paid the points and designed it. The thing is, since my campaign is two decades old, the original members that PAID for the place are all but gone. Only five remain and of those, only two are active. The new members, at first, got the benefit of their forerunners but I realized how . . . unfair this was, to not only past members, but the new members. They never had the same opportunities to build from scratch. Soooo . . . I seperated them from the base by moving them out of the Bay Area to Seattle. Even now they try to find reasons to use the facilities. The new team had to create their own transportation system and their resident kid genius did just that.


    The closest thing I have to 'freebies' is a little package I have for new members. Police powers, radio, stuff like that. I think it comes to about ten points but those are the first 10 XP they earn so they pay even for that.


    As a player I have, one time, been the recipient of a GM 'freebie' and I hated it. The GM gave it to me because he didn't feel like running the upcoming battle. I wanted that fight, damn it, I earned it.

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