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Everything posted by CalumX

  1. Re: Use it, and it's gone? This is what I ended up putting together. Bearing in mind this is an everyman package for characters in this campaign. Lifefire is a power imbued into these characters, and cannot be replaced at all. They cannot die while the Lifefire remains. They can't control when it heals them - the worse they get hurt, the more Lifefire it'll burn. I'm giving them the package for free, but any amendments from it have to be bought from scratch (ie, if you want cheaper Resurrection, I may allow it, but you have to buy it again, not just pay the difference). The Lifefire (END pool) has to be paid for. Regeneration (1/hour): 8 No Conscious Control (Activates when character on negative body, whether or not they want it to): -2 Costs 1 END to activate: -0 Cost: 3 points, 1 END to activate + Heal Limbs: 5 Costs END to Activate: -1/4 2x END: -1/2 Cost: 3 points, 2 END to activate + Resurrection: 20 Costs END to Activate: -1/4 5x END: -2 Cost: 6 points, 20 END to activate Then the Lifefire is bought as an END pool with no REC. The characters pay for how much they start with (there are rules for that, but I dont want to give those away in case people are reading)
  2. Re: Rescue/Kidnap Teleport 6E2 notes that, at the GMs option, Teleportation can be used to perform Grab Bys at no STR bonus. Talk nicely to your GM If not, I'd do it like this. Hold your Phase till the segment before your next Phase. Teleport in, Grab subject. Next segment, Teleport away. Or define something like a Teleport, UAA, with side effect teleports you to the same place, only while grabbed - and use Multiple Attack.
  3. Re: Use it, and it's gone? Thanks for the help. The END pool does indeed feel like the right model this.. It just feels a bit wrong that running Regeneration from a non-recoverable END pool ends up costing more than just having Regeneration.. I often seem to run into problems like this when trying to model energy pools that dont work like standard END.. However, in this case, since every character will have this.. it doesnt matter. It's more important that it's natural in play. I can build it this way, define a package of END pool and associated powers, and just apply a package discount to it.
  4. I'm building a campaign with immortal characters - with a slight twist.. Each character has a reserve of energy that they are "born with", and any healing beyond human limits uses up some of that energy. As long as they have any energy left, they don't age - but that energy never returns, there is no way to make more. Healing from negatives would use some energy, restoring lost limbs a lot more, resurrection a huge amount, etc.. So, eventually, the character will run out of energy and become mortal. I've some ideas, but how would you build this?
  5. Re: Logical Adjustment Powers I have the same issue with adjustment power and power defence, but I solve it in a fairly simple way... Adjustment powers and Power Defence must both have a well-defined special effect. If the special effects don't make sense in the given situation, they just don't work. I also dont allow Adjustment Powers to be used to build something that could be easily built with another power (e.g. entangle).
  6. Re: Attack powers usable with Move-Bys and Move-Throughs? I'd allow a player to do this by buying a Naked Advantage sufficient to cover the damage of the moveby/movethrough, including the velocity dice - if they bought it with the Accurate advantage (ie, AOE 1m radius, Accurate for +1/2).
  7. Re: Mage Wards - Do I need Triggers on Defensive Powers with Charges? I don't see anything in the rules that says adding Charges to a Constant power makes it Instant. What it does say, is that a charge lasts, at most, one Phase. (if you want longer, you need continuing charges). So, I think this would work fine with 4 charges.
  8. Re: cancelling out the source of their mystic power Dispel is specifically listed as a power which can "destroy or ruin gadgets", and notes that its particularly effective against objects.
  9. Re: 'Desolid' till next phase after teleporting Perfect, thanks. My head was stuck in the idea that I had to use Linked, but this works perfectly, and -1/4 feels about right for this.
  10. Re: 'Desolid' till next phase after teleporting I meant Time Limit, I just typed the wrong thing. Trigger isnt a bad idea, but it increases the active points..
  11. I'm just porting a 5ER character to 6th edition, and taking the opportunity to update a little bit as well (5 years will have passed in game, so its a good excuse). The concept: the character teleports, and is 'out of phase' for a few seconds after teleporting. So, if he keeps teleporting around, he'll stay 'out of phase'.. if he skips teleporting for whatever reason.. he'll return to normal and is vulnerable. I'm planning to model the 'out of phase' using Damage Reduction and/or Resistant Protection (so.. 0END, normally persistent defences).. I would like the defences to stay up if he's Stunned. The question is - how would you build the relationship between the teleport, and the 'out of phase' powers. The obvious way: Link the 'out of phase' powers to the Teleport - but then they become Instant, so I need to take Extra Time (Extra Phase) to have them last till his next phase. This works, but it feels a little odd to have more active points in the defence powers to make them less persistent. The sneaky way: Define the 'out of phase' powers as Extra Time (Extra Phase) as a limitation on a persistent power (-3!), and then have Teleport linked to the persistent power. This a) feels wrong (its linking the wrong way), and seems stupidly cheap with the -3 limitation in there. I wouldnt allow this if I was GMing. Any other suggestions? How would you do it.
  12. Re: Why people shouldn't buy Cybernetics OAF Love that
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