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Posts posted by Susano

  1. Originally posted by steriaca

    Well, at least there's not a full moon out tonight. Then, it is giant monkey time.


    Which makes me glad that Susano diden't port that power over for Kayli. Can you imagion a 150 foot high female humaoid cat on a rampage? And, heven help us if she is in heat!


    Well... Kayli should look like an anime catgirl, not a humanoid cat. Sort of like one of the Puma Sisters in fact... except with a tail... and gray skin.


    And no, no giant cats on the night of a full moon... I don't think people would have swallowed that power.

  2. Re: Engkanta / Supernatural abilities


    Originally posted by KawangaKid

    About the list: there are certain 'abilities' that certain Philippine supernatural creatures have in common...


    ... really good illusions. As in, "I know I can hear you in front of me telling me that there's a clear path right in front of us, Mike... but all I can see is impassable jungle" type illusions. These are normally used to send people around in circles ala "Blair Witch"... among other things. Perhaps you should keep this as a 'common ability'?


    That sounds good to me. A lot of the write-ups get optional power listings, and illusions are fairly common. Of course, I know have the question of "which 'Philippine supernatural creatures' have this in common?"


    And the book is due out in January of 2004.

  3. Originally posted by PhilFleischmann

    These aren't special effects, they're just names or slogans. There's a difference. Has anyone ever bought a power with a limitation "Does Not Work Against/Only Works Against Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"?


    Point. I should have made that "Best Power Name."

  4. Originally posted by Demonsong

    I must tell you winterhawk that I agree with you fully on this. I have even toyed with the idea if introducing her in to the campaign I GM just so I can have the players kill her.The odd thing is I really can’t put a finger on where this hatred comes form.


    I suspect its due to the nature of her powers. She's all high-and-mighty on the side of (her perceived laws of) justice, but her punishment is akin to eternal torment. She also punishes the good along with the bad, *and* her punishment is descibed as escape proof. So she really doesn't have much sympathy going for her, and one really ends up wanting to shove her into "Duress" so she can see how it feels.

  5. Heh... here's some from some character's I'm developing for either Digital Hero or maybe an e-book.


    These are all for the HK "killer" character. I'll just list the SFX and let you all guess at the powers (don't want to give too much away!):

    God Of Guns

    Far Cooler Than You Will Ever Be

    Just Soaks Up Bullets

    One Gun = Super-Man

    Two Guns = God


    These are for a scattering of characters. Once again, all you get are the SFX names. :D

    He Is, After All, The Hero

    Martial Arts: Self-Developed Tennis Style

    That’s A Big Gun

    Veteran Chambara Samurai

    Play Guitar Like A Mother-Luvin' Riot

  6. Re: Weapon Familiarity & Weapon Element


    Originally posted by Trebuchet

    So which does she need to purchase to use them at full efficiency with her full OCV and DCV? Just Weapon Element, or both? :confused:


    In my opinion? Both. The WF means she knows how to use the weapon. The element means she knows how to use the weapon with her specific martial art.


    Now, if she bought the weapon with points, then she doesn't need to buy the WF, just the element.

  7. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bejita


    Originally posted by Black Rose

    So.... in a one-on-one fight between the Kayli and Vegita, who would win? My money is on Vegita, but only because he is far cooler than anyone else in the setting, with the possible exception of #18.


    Well, considering my "toned down" Vegita is around 1200 points, and Kayli is around 750.... Vegita cleans Kayli's clock in about a turn.


    take a look: http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/dbzhero/dbzvegita.html

  8. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bejita


    Originally posted by SuperBlue



    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *Hair turns gold, eyes become blue-green, starts glowing*


    Ah, if only it were true :D




    oh, and for all you NINJA HERO fans, Kayli the Destroyer was not, I repeat NOT meant to be a pastiche of DRAGONBALL Z. Nope. Not at all. Not one bit. No way, no how. I mean, would I lie?


  9. One of my all time favorties comes from the Byrne run on the Fantastic Four. The Thing versus Terrax (after being revived by Doom).


    The Thing: Now nuthin' baldy! If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a super-goon a makin' speeches!


    A close second has to be virtually all of Mongul's lines from the Superman annual "For The Man Who Has Everything" written by Alan Moore and drawn by Dave Gibbons (before WATCHMEN). The comic is packed away, so let me paraphrase:


    Mongul: I understand distinctions on this planet are made according to age and gender. So to be polite, which of you should I kill first?


    Mongul: Is that a neural impactor? Do they still make those? You should use the plasma projector, it's lighter, more of a woman's weapon.


    Oh, and Superman gets mad:


    Supes: Burn. (insert heat vision here)

  10. Okay -- DOJ requires all published characters to have a special effect listed for all powers (even if it is a simple as "fleet footed" for an extra inch of Running). What I'm wondering is, what's your favorite special effect you've seen for a character? This can be in an offical DOJ product or something made for a personal setting.


    To start with, I'd have to go with Captain Chronos, who gave us "No Sleep Till Brooklyn," Walkin' To Jerusalem," "Gone Out For Food," and "The Best Omnichromometer Ever Made."


    A close second is Bulldozer, with "Ha! You Think You Stupid Attack Can Hurt Me?".


    And then there's the Black Harlequin with "Look What I Made!" and "Not-So-Silly String."

  11. Originally posted by Rage

    Hmmmmm that sounds like one of the guys on our boards whose from the Phillipenes.


    Note to self: dig through old threads.


    No need, Rage. I got in touch with someone from the Phillipenes and am waiting for his infodump.

  12. Greetings!


    As some of you may know, I am developing and writing a bestiary of Asian creatures from folklore, legend, and myth. What I am asking now, is if anyone can direct me to any good souces for Asian folklore and the like. Or, any Asian monsters/creatures you'd like to see included. Or, any information you might have on any creatures.



  13. Originally posted by i3ullseye

    I do hope the basic races that have appeared, if they appear as creatures, also have racial template rules for making members of that race.


    Korobokuru, Bakemono, etc.....


    Define basic races. The format is the same as the HERO System Bestiary.


    I am not so sure why Tengu might be let out, but you certainly must have a simian race, led by Wu Kung, the monkey king.


    I don' follow you here. The tengu hasn't been "let out", it is in the book. As for a simian race... I don't specifically include a race led by Songoku/Wu Kung, as there isn't one. I do have the yet-teh and the hsing-hsing, both primates and/or real creatures.


    Oh, and I just found something called Olgol-Khorkhol. The "Mongolian Death Worm." Now how can I leave that out?

  14. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bejita


    Originally posted by SuperBlue

    I hope you guys aren't talking about me, you'd make me angry - and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry *vein in temple throbbing*


    Not me!


    (And if his hair goes gold I'm leaving this universe for a safer one!)

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