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Posts posted by Susano

  1. Just curious, Susano. Did Mr. Allston mix things from different editions in his campaign towards the end or did he primarily stick to just edition 4th, 5th or 6th? I imagine with a campaign that ran so long, there could be one or two edition changes that happened.


    It seems that he updated things as the versions updated. So the character sheets you will see in the book are taken from the 5E character sheets I found in his files.

  2. Apparently I've already used up my quota of Likes for the day (what can I say, Hero attracts smart people), so I'll just say "Great!"  I'd love to have my 4e collection in PDF format some day. Heck, I'd like to have all the way back to 1e in PDF format some day. But, I'm that kind of guy.  (I spent part of my weekend going through every version of Hero System ever published and typing the skills listings into a spreadsheet, noting when skills were dropped, changed names, etc. Why? Because it's fun! No, really. Why are you looking at me like that?)


    To get us back on track, we're at 384 backers and $24,230, with 21 days to go. Less than $6k to full color!


    If you ever do that for weapons, let me know.

  3. The nice thing these days is that, in most cases (including Hero) companies sell one or more previous editions in PDF format. So you can still get all that stuff if you prefer an earlier version, and your players can pick up their own copies if they want, etc. Heck, D&D's available in PDF format all the way back to the 1974 booklet edition now. You can get almost everything ever produced for any version of Traveller (including third-party products).  And of course Hero still sells lots of 5e things in PDF and/or hardcopy.


    It may be disappointing that new stuff's not coming out for your favorite edition any more, but the great thing about RPGs is that making up new stuff is part of the game. Buy the new thing and translate it! Make your own version! It's all good.


    Jason looks to be trying to get a lot of 4e and 5e material out in PDF, so there's that.

  4. That should have said "4e and 5e". Oops...


    I don't disagree with using the most current edition. Adding sheets for more systems could be worthwhile, but requires authors conversant with those systems, of course.


    But reading the KS page in isolation (forgetting what I know from the first version, and from the discussions on these Boards), I can see why a reader would think this is first and foremost a 6e Champions product, rather than a much broader "Long Term SuperHero campaign advice" product which is virtually entirely system neutral.


    True. But the text was written by Jason and Ross Watson, so this is what they intended as the message to be.

  5. Those Guys (capitalization intentional) need to get over it. Complaining that Hero Games isn't producing a 5e product is like complaining that the local GM dealership doesn't stock parts for your Bel Air.


    In addition. no other company produces back-dated material. All D&D material for 5E, all Shadowrun material is for 5E, GURPS is for 4E, Savage Worlds is for the newest edition. Same with all other systems.

  6. My point is that the Kickstarter page starts out with a reference to being "created using Champions 6th Edition", which seems to suggest it is based on 6e rules. Can the page be clarified in that regard? Should it? As an example, it could state that "while Strike Force was a Hero campaign for 20 years, the campaign book is largely system-neutral, other than a small section of character sheets for many of the characters in the campaign."


    I was thinking HeroHate in general, rather than 6e hate specifically - could 4e and e character sheets be added as extras?


    My point is that the Kickstarter page starts out with a reference to being "created using Champions 6th Edition", which seems to suggest it is based on 6e rules. Can the page be clarified in that regard? Should it? As an example, it could state that "while Strike Force was a Hero campaign for 20 years, the campaign book is largely system-neutral, other than a small section of character sheets for many of the characters in the campaign."


    I was thinking HeroHate in general, rather than 6e hate specifically - could 4e and e character sheets be added as extras?


    No, I don't think there's a need to change the text. And no, there's not going to be 4E character sheets.

  7. Scrolling down the Kickstarter page (since I doubt someone for whom Champions 6e is a nonstarter frequents these boards for added details), I see:


    "created using Champions 6th Edition."


    A cover that does not mention any game system.


    A quote from Steve Long (author, Champions Villains)


    WAY further down, "Aaron Allston's Strike Force presents the characters and villains of the setting in the Hero System, but we also have packages available to present these heroes and enemies in other rulesets such as Mutants and Masterminds, ICONS, and Savage Worlds."


    Followed by a quote from "Darren Watts, Galactic Champions"


    Way down at the bottom we see Hero Labs character packs right after Hero Designer.


    And a picture of the first one's cover, emblazoned with "Champions Campaign Sourcebook" prominently.


    Last quote goes to Dean Shomshak, Ultimate Mystic (which a reader may or may not know as a Hero/Champions book).


    Given all of the above, a reader of the page could easily believe this is first and foremost a Hero System product. What would leap off the page to tell him otherwise?


    Can you still clarify this at/near the top of the page?


    The point I'm trying to make isn't that the product is HERO-centeric -- the campaign, after all, was a HERO campaign for 20 years. The point is that to dismiss it due to it coming out under 6E rules, when aside from the character sheets, there are no other 6E rules in the book.

  8. Well, when I posted about this on another board, a couple of repliers didn't care for the fact that it was for Champions 6th Edition.  It's a disappointing sentiment, but it's there.


    On the other hand, when I posted the news on yet another board, I got this response--


    "Of all the books in my gaming wall. This was the most... Human."


    I count that as a vote in favor, wouldn't you?


    Again, it's disappointing, but not everyone is going to support this.  Fortunately, not everyone has to.


    Strange, since the bulk of the book has no system stats in it at all.

  9. I was going to support this on Kickstarter. But then I read the author list. And well apparently they are using a writer whose work I absolutely hate. So I won't be picking up this book at all. It's a no sale to me.


    The shame in this is that I am a huge fan of the original Strike Force book. But I guess I will just have to settle for the copy of the original book I already have.


    Author for what? The core book has material by myself, Sean Fannon, Ross Watson, and Steve Kenson. That's it as far as I know. Unless you count all of the testimonials to Aaron.

  10. Greetings everyone.

    If you are a fan of Surbrook's Stuff and the Champions/HERO System resources it contains, please keep reading.


    After a number of years of nothing happening, some major progress has been made in moving my site to a new web format. I have uploaded the site to Pantheon and am now  looking for people who know HTML who can help me edit the pages. I intend to create some user accounts on Pantheon, where the page is being hosted for development. If you're interested, you can log in and start cleaning up the pages, fixing URLs and other issues. Also, if you know CSS you could help improve the theming, and if you know Drupal you could help me create menus and such for all of the content.

    Please email if you're interested.
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