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Everything posted by Andrew_A

  1. Re: Superman Averts World War II? Another question: If Superclone took out Hitler, wouldn't the Nazi party lose a lot of popularity? I'm a poor student of history (that's an understatement ), but didn't the Nazis' popularity result from Hitler's oratorical skills and fame (or infamy)?
  2. Re: Superman Averts World War II? What happens to America in this scenario? Does Roosevelt get re-elected? What about the Great Depression? Or the New Deal? What happens to Trueman? What does the Empire of Japan do? Does Pearl Harbor still happen? Assuming Hitler's out on his @$$, does that mean the Communist Republic of Germany invents the atom bomb? Without his war record does Eisenhower enter politics? Do we see a baby boom? Does my mother exist in this timeline?* So many questions. *Mom was born in '49. Uncle John was '47 and Aunt Maggie was '48.
  3. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC
  4. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC Not a lot of candidates for the live action version. Yvonne Craig or Alicia Silverstone. That's not a difficult choice.
  5. Re: Superman Averts World War II? I think you guys are looking at this backwards. This is what I was talking about upthread. You're starting from the event and looking forward to the consequences. That's not terribly fun or interesting. After all, what's going to make for a more exciting campaign: "Back in the 30s there was some costumed freak who got killed by the Heer while trying to stop the invasion of Poland?" Or would you prefer, "World War Two started in 1944 after Stalin and the German Communists invaded Romania?" If history stays on the same course as before, then what is the point of this thread? You might as well start a new thread about why Superman (or the Justice Society or the Invaders or the Freedom Fighters or whomever) couldn't prevent World War Two. It might make for an interesting thought experiment but it wouldn't make for a very fun campaign. Let's just agree right now that 30s and 40s Superman couldn't end the war. What if it was the John Byrne Superman instead? What if it was 40s Superclone, but he decided to use his powers strategically instead of engaging the German military directly? What if the League of Nations had the intestinal fortitude to prosecute Hitler for war crimes? What if getting rid of Hitler led to the collapse of German fascism? Rather than deciding that Superclone stopping the war is impossible, start with the end and figure out how we got to "here" from "there".
  6. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC Took care of it.
  7. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC I've never even heard of Wolf Creek (I'll look it up later). All I know is, there is no way in Hell the writer of 100 Bullets should be writing Wonder Woman. Worse, nobody at DC thought to themselves, "Okay, Brian wants to turn this into a horror comic.* Maybe - just maybe - he's the wrong person for the job." *Yeah there aren't enough of those in the nu52.
  8. Re: Superman Averts World War II? Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant was, the day after Pearl Harbor what does Superclone do?
  9. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC Actually, Lois and Clark didn't lead to the titular couple getting married. It was the creative team on the Superman comics deciding they should get married. The plan was that they got engaged in Superman #50 and the wedding was supposed to happen in #75. Unfortunately the TV people balked. They told Mike Carlin (the Superman group editor at the time) and all the rest of them that Lois and Clark couldn't get married until they (the TV people) were ready. So, at one of DC's writer's retreats, they tried to figure out what to do for the 75th issue. They needed something big, something momentous. Then someone (I think it was Roger Stern) joked, "Why don't we kill him?" To which Mike Carlin replied, "Yeah? And then what?" You know the rest.
  10. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Instead of forcing people to pay for material they don't want, how about making intro adventures part of a PDF bundle. Buy the PDF of CC normally or buy the CC PDF plus "Viper's Nest" (for example) for a little more.
  11. Re: Superman Averts World War II? Here's a question. Assuming the war in the Pacific starts the same way, what does Superclone do about Pearl Harbor? Does the public still support FDR declaring war on the Japanese? Does that trigger the war in Europe?
  12. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Maybe someone could do modules as part of a larger sourcebook? For example, if HG ever comes out with a Viper 6e book, it could include an updated version of the Viper's nest adventure.
  13. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Totally agree. Especially the bit about the opening chapter art. That did look nice and it did give a nice "pulse pounding" feel, suggestive of superhero art. However, if I had a preference, I like the art from M&M* or the Champions Genre book. Since HG already paid for it, they could always recycle it. *That's 2e and later. I've never understood the hype surrounding the "wonderful" 1st edition art. Like I said: It's subjective.
  14. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Proof positive of the subjectiveness of art. I thought the art in Supers was competent. That's it. (If by third or fourth printing, you mean the guy who drew the book after Doug Shuler, then that's who I'm referring to.)
  15. Re: Superman Averts World War II? Also, if you want a hard copy, the story is reprinted int The Greatest Superman Stories Ever Told (not to be confused with Superman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told). DC published it back in the early 90s and it's out-of-print.
  16. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete If C2 is a no go, how about CCom? (I still want Rhino. )
  17. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete C2 EDIT: Okay. That worked.
  18. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete No. Just for you. Seriously, how the heck do you do superscript on the boards. Cee Squared is not a bad idea.
  19. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC I don't think we're thinking of the same storyline, but the "Who is Donna Troy?" story that I remember, was a really well done pre-Crisis New Teen Titans story by Marv Wolfman (with art by Perez). The screw up I was referring to, was the George Perez post-Crisis Wonder Woman reboot, where Diana had just started her career with no Wonder Girl. He and Wolfman tried to fix it with "Who is Wonder Girl?", but personally, I preferred the old status quo.
  20. Re: Superman Averts World War II? I think it's best to do something Ken Hite suggested (in GURPS Infinite Worlds and the Wild Talents game) and design your alternate history with the end in mind, rather than create a divergence and try to think of the logical consequences. It's more fun that way and you'll be more emotionally invested in the final product. Although if you're using this thread to consider cool possibilities that's a great idea too. I'm looking forward to the wild speculation.
  21. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC
  22. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Actually, this might be a neat bit of viral marketing. A bunch of gamers are standing in a store talking about "Krissie"*, someone in the store want to know what they're talking about, the gamers tell them their referring to Cthulu Hero (or whatever). Next thing you know you have a sale. Either that or someone who'll tell everyone about the weirdos giving their pulp horror game cute names. I thought "si" was spanish. Ah well. My Japanese is (barely) better. *That was the name of my first pet.
  23. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC I'm not a Black Orchid fan, but I agree with you up to a point.* Throwing out everything that made a character cool, for your own take, is silly. I hate the "everything-you-know-is-wrong" trope. Although, done right, the results are amazing. Sadly, it's rarely done right. The funny thing is, in interviews, Neil Gaiman considers Black Orchid (the miniseries) to be his weakest work. Minor correction: The Black Orchid who died was always a plant. She was a clone of the easily abused house wife. It's implied that she became Black Orchid to avenge the original's death. There were only six?! I must have added a decimal point somewhere. Didn't read his comic. They never should have gotten rid of the trick arrows. Best thing to come out of Reign of the Supermen. George Perez screwed up a great character. Admittedly, he did it while rebooting Wonder Woman and that turned out great (until Mike Deodato showed up), so for that, I'll forgive him. *Honesty compels me to admit that I did like the Neil Gaiman miniseries. (More than Neil did, oddly enough.) For a long time, it was the only thing he did that I found readable. At least, until I read Good Omens.
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