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Everything posted by Andrew_A

  1. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I loved C:NM. Hated the cover.
  2. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete No.
  3. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Ahh. I reread your post. All apologies. I tend not to be the most attentive reader and it was late.
  4. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete At the risk of speaking for Memorax (apologies if I'm misrepresenting your viewpoint Mem), but I don't think he wants colour art for the sake of a pretty book. I think he wants colour art as a way to boost sales. That's something we all want; you, me, him, Derek, Jason...All of us. He's just making a well intentioned suggestion, that's all.
  5. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete BTW, I've been looking at Sam Kennedy's art on Google Images. Not bad.
  6. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I don't think anybody's going to say that. And like I said before, great (or at least good) art is subjective. Back in the day, I really liked Mark Williams art (odd anatomy and foreshortening aside). Also, HG has access to Cryptic's art, so getting competent art (still subjective*) is possible. *In case anyone's wondering, I like Cryptic's art. Even the Defender "Tron armour."
  7. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Not a fan of limited edition collectibles. This is selfish and petty of me, but those things are hard for me to acquire and I don't like the idea of somebody having some rare collectible that I don't. I was lucky enough to get Silver Age Sentinels Limited Edition, but I've never seen Wild Talents 1e or the Champions 25th Anniversary edition or the GURPS Limited Edition Slipcase or any of a number of limited collectible things. It's annoying. Sorry.
  8. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Absolutely true. Another thing I wanted to add is that "great art" is highly subjective. A lot of people loved the art for M&M 1e. I hated it. A lot of people hated the art in the first few Hero 5e books, while I thought they looked really nice (as nice as you can get in black and white). Even going outside of gaming, there are people who don't like Michael Whelan or Alex Ross and I think those guys are great. On the other side, I don't like Dave McKean's Sandman covers, even though he has fans. Art might draw people in, but it won't force them to stick around and it might not even pay the bills long term.
  9. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Okay, moving on... (We're all friends here. ) For me personally, I prefer colour art. However, I can appreciate the economic realities too. Colour art doesn't just affect the price of the book, it affects the cost-per-unit of the books too. Even if HG sells fewer copies of CC than M&M (by GR*), they'll still make (theoretically) more money, because the cost-per-unit will be lower. Remember what Derek said earlier: It doesn't just cost a lot to print a colour book. It costs a lot to reprint it too. This is part of the reason 6E 1 & 2 are unavailable. It costs too much to reprint them. If one of the goals is, as Memorax said, to keep the books in print and available, then keeping the costs low is best way to make sure they're still available. Also, remember the competition. D&D and Pathfinder are still in colour, but those sell well enough that the authors make a decent living wage. M&M is in colour, but Green Ronin's release schedule is very erratic, even for their $1 PDFS. GURPS used to be in colour, but they sold so few volumes of the non-core books that a lot of their releases and re-releases (e.g. Fantasy, Space, Low Tech, Horror, etc.) have had to be in black and white. I want to see colour as much as the next guy, but unless you want the books to be PDF only (eliminates printing costs), it's just not a good idea in the long run. *Too many abreviations.
  10. Re: New Kickstarter has an interesting take on a SuperVillians as PC RPG
  11. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC I've never read the BoP comic, but I did watch the TV series. It wasn't bad, but there were two things I despised. The first was the previously mentioned super-Huntress, but the thing that annoyed me the most was little miss Buffy-in-all-but-name. She was so irritating. Black Canary is an interesting character and they replaced her with some cliched psychic girl. Worse they tried to make her funny and touching. She came off as neither (at least to me). Earlier, I mentioned Buffy. In all honesty, she seemed like some network hack's idea of what Buffy must be like, without having to go to the trouble of actually watching the show.
  12. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete People are complaining? Give me their names. I know a guy, for the right price, who'll "take care of them." (j/k) As for the colour debate: Personally, I've always been satisfied with the status quo, whatever that happened to be. I liked the B&W stuff by Storn and Andrew Cremeans. I would have preferred colour, but I accepted the economic reality. I'd prefer Hero Games to stay in business, rather than put out pretty books and disappear in a month. When 6e went colour, I thought it was a bad idea, but those books really did look pretty and I don't mind paying a little extra. Now that we're getting back to B&W, I'm going to miss my colour, but I'll adapt. Going colour was an adjustment too, so I'm happy either way. I just want the company to survive and thrive.
  13. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete QFT. For me, the hardest part of creating a Champs character is picking the right skills. However, it's more of a personal mental block than anything with the system.
  14. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Thanks muchly.
  15. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I see your point. Personally, I prefer the gallery, but then I'm not really the audience for it.
  16. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete :nods: In 100% agreement. Champions/Hero is far from "rules lite" or simple, but it's not the math fest ("calculus and log charts") that it's made out to be. That's what I meant by "simple." (Seriously, I flunked grade 12 math, never learned calculus, and have no recollection of what a "log chart" is.) Personally, I tend to think of Hero as "rules medium" instead of "lite" or "heavy". At least until you throw in the optional rules and toolkitting stuff. Next question: Is there going to be some version of the Superhero Gallery in Complete? This isn't a deal breaker for me (I'm already sold, the money is just a formality at this point), but it is the only reason I bought the Champions Genre book. Also will you include rules (optional or otherwise) for HAPs in the book?
  17. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete There's also the possibility that James briefly touched on: Champions could sell fewer copies than M&M, but still make a larger profit due to lower production costs. Large profits are good. To Derek and Jason: If Hero Basic is going to be PDF only, have you guys thought about a "Champions Basic" to fill that niche? I've had roleplaying neophytes tell me that the BBB was too big. A smaller version of Champions Complete wouldn't be a bad idea. It'd go a long way towards eliminating any lingering doubts about Hero's simplicity.
  18. Re: "Batman" Movie Shooter As Champions Villain? It's too soon to ask this question. Wait a few years and revisit it again.
  19. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete IWANTITIWANTITIWANTITIWANTIT!!!!!!!
  20. Re: The Good and Bad about Marvel and DC I'm not familiar with a lot of those ladies. If she'd been a bit younger at the time, I would have said Pam Grier. Mind you, I've only seen her in Jackie Brown. She seemed like the kind of woman who could pull off that mix of regal and beautiful.
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