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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction?
  2. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction?
  3. Re: Ctrl+V You had to hand it to the designers of the underground facilities; they included nice thick walls, and equally soundproofed doors. Judith jumped as the reinforced metal slammed solidly into its frame, and turned surprised eyes from her calculations. Alyx had kicked the door shut behind her, and reached back to lock it without ever taking her eyes from the room’s occupant. Though Eli had promised to calm his daughter down, she’d known Alyx would want to confront her over her actions. "I suppose you’re happy, Mossman? You sell out Earth to the Combine, and still dad takes you back into the resistance!" "I did what I did to try and save Eli’s... your father’s life, Alyx. We’ve both known Dr Breen for many years; I thought he could be persuaded to..." "Shut up! Just Shut up! I don’t want to hear your excuses."
  4. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction? Maybe because people don't think about the reasons behind it / aren't educated about it? Seriously: when I enjoy a sunset or sunrise, i'm not thinking about the electromagnetic spectrum, the atmosphere, and how visible light interplays with my visual cortex to create something I consider stimulating...even though that's all that's happening.
  5. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bVx3OSo7FY
  6. Re: Ctrl+V The Doctor is Mad
  7. Re: Ctrl+V I find it funny, since Akihiko (the white haired dude) is so serious and focused, yet it seems all the girls at the school in Persona 3 want him. Here, he's a bit taken aback. Ah, gotta love those archetypes.
  8. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction?
  9. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction? And pretty lasers too.
  10. Re: Ctrl+V Garbage Day!
  11. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction?
  12. Re: Eccentric but plausible ways a character could be rich? Does "cure for a disease" pay well, in actuality?
  13. Re: Half Life 2 for Hero I can't wait to see how the Gunship turns out.
  14. How does religion survive science-fiction?
  15. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.herogames.com/forums/entry.php/1897-HEROic-D-amp-D-Building-adventurers-on-25-pts!
  16. Re: Ctrl+V The lowest recorded temperature in New England was −50 °F (−46 °C) at Bloomfield, Vermont, on December 30, 1933. This was tied by Big Black River, Maine in 2009.
  17. Re: Ctrl+V Ian made his way to the bus stop. It was his first day attending school in the twenty first century, and he was not all happy about it. He cursed loudly as he kicked a can down the street. That stupid Time Machine would break down and land him here in this suck ass century. He took a long drag from his cigarette. At least there were the little things. Smoking was nearly banned in the year 2125 where he once resided. In this century, it seemed everyone was doing it, and it was one of the few things Ian liked. He thought maybe being stuck in the past before everything became so politically correct and safe for its own good, when music was music and there was grass and trees wasn't that bad. Not that he really gave a damn about the scenery, but it was still better to look at than sterile glass and metallic landing platforms.
  18. Re: Ctrl+V http://answers.yahoo.com/
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