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Everything posted by Thrakazog

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I used to write a full-page humor column feature in my college's weekly newspaper. One was full of advice to incoming freshmen as to how they can save money now that they're on their own. Again, this was a humor column. One suggestion, briefly noted, was to buy the cheaper basic condoms as opposed to springing for the lambskin spermicide ribbed tickler jobs. At the next staff meeting I was confronted by the officers of the campus women's association who wanted to know how my editor could let me get away with condoning rape on campus. She asked, "What are you talking about?" They read the condom comment from my last column and angrily declared, "That is condoning rape! That defines all women as nothing but sexual objects!" Stunned silence ensued. I broke it with, "Get a life, and then get out."
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Why don't the feminists just buy a different paper? Who cares if a newspaper wants to have cheesecake on page three? It's not hurting anyone. The women depicted aren't forced into doing it - I'd even suggest that they probably have many applicants to be "page three girls". I think these feminists are just out of touch and out to lunch. Get a life. Sigh. Another great day at the office.
  3. Re: Supervillain Organizations In Your Town Just after 9/11 I noticed a warehouse suddenly become very active. t is tucked away in the industrial corner of Hoboken away from most any traffic. At first it was tractor trailers being parked along the side of the road in a spot with a clear view of downtown New York. Then the warehouse really started getting active, always in the middle of the night, with unmarked tractor trailers loading and unloading mysterious cargo. It it always closed during the day. Recently the trucks have been marked with "CTX". I still say it's a secret government operation of some kind.
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Les Bisous in Hoboken had a wonderful filet mignon tartare appetizer, tiny egg yolk and all. The venison chops melted in your mouth and were bursting with flavor, too, served with a generous portion of porcini risotto.
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I forgot how much I liked steak tartare.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I'm playing Lawrence Bourne III (from Volunteers) in a PBeM Star Hero campaign and just loving it.
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Let's hope they get these in the hands of the NYPD in time for the GOP convention protests.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Here's something different.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings How do I place a picture in my signature? Anyone?
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I John Kerry this thread, which means I support it, but I don't, except when I do, and then only when I do not. Did you know I was a Vietnam veteran?
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The down payment check's been cashed. The movers are signed and ready. My apartment is a sea of boxes, an obstacle course, a deadly environment when trying to get in a sleepy bathroom run at 3:00 AM. We're down to using paper wares for eating - all the dishes and cups are packed. I've got my brand new Bush/Cheney '04 lawn sign in the car. Eleven days and counting...
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Puuuump up the thread. Puuuump up the thread. Puuuump up the thread. Pump it pump it pump it pump it pump! And FarCry rocks.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw have been talking that there's far too much Reagan coverage in the news. That may be, but I found this particular quote interesting: Is that irony? I mean, is there a story that's been more overdone than the "reality of Iraq"? Given the media's reluctance to report about any of the positive developments in Iraq, is it really the "reality" of Iraq Dan wants to return to? Or does he desire a return to the constant negative drumbeat? And why would he want that?
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Taint me. Please.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings If the country is evenly divided politically, and Fox News is biased hard-right, then wouldn't the ratings be more evenly distributed? I think somebody's not telling the whole truth. Either the United States of America is much more conservative than reported, or Fox News is a lot less biased than people like to claim. Could it just be as simple as Fox News puts out a better product?
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Those cooky Mexicans.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Thanks. Don't know where it came from, but I woke up and thought, "Iron Squid".
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER What that is, is delectable.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The remaining staff in my department at work have survived six rounds of layoffs over two years and a few months. The firm has gone from 700 employees down to 300 over that time. It's been like being a contestant on survivor, with all the attendant bribery/backstabbing to not be the guy laid off. Word is that we're being sold by our new buyout masters in the next month (bids are all in). And now, instead of desperately dodging the layoff bullet, everyone's coming in to see me to say, "Hey, if you're asked to give up a couple of bodies, well, let me know because, you know, the package is good and I wouldn't mind having the summer off." Apparently, nobody wants to be the guy to turn off the lights on the way out, or possibly miss getting that all-important severance package. No more, "Hey, John, I'm going for a coffee. Want one?" How the world turns. One day cock of the walk, the next a feather duster. Play something Ton-Ton, something...tragic.
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What did the hooker say to Captain Exploso? A: No, I much prefer the cardboard ones to the plastic ones.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The coffee at the deli is ten times better than that overpriced sludge they serve up at Starbucks.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings These boards need a spellcheck feature.
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