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Posts posted by incrdbil

  1. Re: Need Premade Character for Beginning Player!


    Well, could you give us some details? What kind of campaign is it? Traditional superheroes? Golden Age, Silver Age, iron age? the GM have any special instructiosn regarding types of powers, what he will accept or won't accept?


    Also, maybe tell us what you like. Who is your favorite super-hero? What kind of characters/personalities do you favor?

  2. Re: Brainstorming - PCs are the first supers


    Most of the Champions games I've been in, on either side of the screen, are in the basic layout of the big two. Mythical heroes and gods exist(ed), and costumed supers have been around since the 40s.


    I'm thinking, for my next game, of doing one where the PCs and some villains are the first. Beyond that, the game is 'real world, right now'. Myths are myths and there is no magic. I'm debating aliens, though, mostly for the next plot point ... that, and alien invasions are fun.


    My PBEM is pretty close. supers just became widely known a short tiem ago. Magic is making a big comeback, as of right now. the Heroes are taking on Takofone's and his first offensive right now.


    I like the idea, for this game, of all supers having the same basic origin; all powers are derived from the same power source. Smallville's meteor rocks and Freedom Force's Energy X are two examples that spring to mind.


    My PC's all have trhe same origiin: they are all Cosmic Beings, born of an ancient line of Cosmic Beings who were pretty much wiped out in a war against their evil counterparts just about the time humanity was evolving. This line died to protect eath due to visiosn of the new line of super-beings that would come to pass from earth, and ultimatey finish the war between the Stellar Knights and the Stellar Lords, which has been raging since shortly after creation.


    Finally, after many long thousands of years, the mingled heritage of humanity as the Stellar Knights has come to the point where both are interacting, creating a sudden explosion of those with traditional superpowers (The earth-heritage)..and an incredible (well, for the galaxy) number of Cosmic Beings. Normally you'ld be lucky to find one on a hundred or more well populated planet, Earth currently has 12 full potential Stellar Knights, and many more of limited power (often referred to as Squires).


    Magic is finnaly being unchained and released, long after the PC's mentor, the 'Teacher' the last surviving Stellar Knight had taken action to force Earths Mages to contains earths magic in exchange for defeatign Takofones as the height of his ancient power.


    Superpower development really exploded the last gane. Dr Destroyer (a Cosmic being who is not quite following the Stellar Knight Way) managed to engineer an explosive upgrade tot he player characters. thsi seeming gift was used by him though--as each PC literally raced away from earth for safety (their occasional power upgrades have a side effect of a mega-scale explosion), Destroyer used a string of sattelites to collect the energy, and bombard earth--the resulting energy caused the latent powers of thosands to suddenly manifest, a metahuman explosion that is causing a lot of unrest and confusion..just what the doctor ordered.


    In the meantime, the Pc's have come to realize there are still Stellar Lords out there, and are coming to rip with the fact they are trully no longer human, and their immortality will soon pose quite a challenge as their loved ones begin to age.


    Another game I did (using the Dc/MEGS system) had all powers coming from Alien experimentation. it turns out Earth had long been quarantined as sort of a nature preserve--to let us wild animals live in peace in our natural habitat, and be studied as a fascinating experiment in primitive tool making by a semi-sentient species.


    Sadly, budget cuts led to the monitoring of such planets being done by private buisness--and a corrupt on took over the job of earth. Humans were kidnapped and given powers. Mental conditioning made them prone to be villains, or heroes, to seek each other out for combat, and wear bright costumes. it was an Alien cockfighting ring, just using human beings. some humans were being taken off planet, to be used as show animals, guard dogs, expendable primitive thugs, trophies, or research purposes.


    The PC's escaped before much fo their conditioning was done. They fought against many villians, and began to discover the truth. They met up with an good alien, who turned out to be basically an overworked Fish and Wildlife officer, who saw the PC's as semi-wild, partially trained dometicated animals to be used against the feral wild ones that had been altered.

  3. Re: Problem Player (?)


    I'm running a hero's game and I am consistently having a problem with one of my players. This player usually will argue with me about some rule or ruling that I have established or actually will argue with one of the other players about the other players effects of the powers.


    I'd simply have a frank conversation with him. Tell him you are tired of his rude, insulting behavior. When a GM makes a ruling, thats it. As a player, you would conform to his rulings. If he really can't hang it, he's free to find somethign else to do. Ultimately, you may have to discuss it with others in the group about the best away to address this.


    This player will also complain constantly about the AP in the game that I have set which currently is 50 AP for powers. He tries to slide things past me, and will update his character without telling me or actually will show me just before we start our session, which gives me no time to go over his character and check it for mistakes.


    Well, I call this cheating. Every time this happens, I'd award no experience to the character for the adventure, as a start, as punishment.


    Actually he is a power player, and tries to use the rules to his best advantage and I am really un certain on how to handle a player like this in my game.


    When in doubt, knock his character out to -40, and leave him there for a bit. the rules abuse an unconscious character can get away with is rather limited.


    One of my problems is that we are a small group and I don't have that many players in my game first of all. Secondly, I've known him for years as a friend, and it is alittle hard for me to clap down on him.


    If he's a real friend, he shoud be able to accept soem honest criticism. A real friend doesn't behave that way in another friends game.


    There's goign to be all sorts of tactful advice, but to be honest rules abuers often don't respond to tact. They will walk over you until you make a firm stand.

  4. Re: "Outsider" perspective on Hero System


    must activate life support: breath hubris...



    For example: i can easily build a character as capable as the xman colossus, say early days, on 250 cp. I cannot really come close to building the xman rogue (pre-ms marvel days) on the same points because the costs are so high for either the gazillion form multiform (req handwaving) or the super-huge vpp that she cannot effectively be built on the same budget.


    So its the HERO system fault that a comic had characters of wildly different power levels working together?


    I'm supposing Batman and Superman, since they often worked together, should be able to be built onthe same point base.


    Comics don't have to worry as much as a RPG plot about balance, equal treatment of characters, or even consistancy of power levels from issue to uissue



    So while the hero numbers may seem consistent, they are not necessarily accurate.


    I'm not sure how you can bring in 'accuracy' into the picture here. The situation you are creating has no degree of measurement, no common basis for comparison, and starts on a faulty and flawed premise that Collosus and Rogue had some form of equality in power levels.


    then again, i dont think we have to look far before we have hero experts trying to explain to me that total cp aren't a measure of "effectiveness" and how i just dont get it.


    Well, come up with something to discuss, and maybe we could see if you do.

  5. Re: "Outsider" perspective on Hero System



    I don't see "universal" as meaning, "characters/items from any campaigns are interchangeable with any other campaigns." If that were my definition, I would agree that HERO is not universal in that sense.


    I agree. In fact, that sense of universal is simply impossible to achieve by any system with any degree of quality.

  6. Re: "Outsider" perspective on Hero System


    Hero is as universal as any game can get. Genre conventiosn vary so much, you have to do some pre-campaign system settings before play.


    If a gM addresses conventions he wants in his campaign (to include absolutes), the HERO system can easily do it. Most of the complaints I've seen about HERO not being able to do charaters involve examples that don't have any genre background or preparation information--or they involve horribly broken character concepts that don't fit in any game, for good reason.


    Heck, mosy game systems out there are dedicated to one niche in one certain area. MEGS, for example, could only do superheroic games, and could only do a decent job at the high end, It tanked for low end heroes.


    An enterprising GM can take Fred and work up all sorts of different games, and expore variosu permutatiosn of those games just with FRED. The folks at HERO games have provided assisting materials, but the Hero Universal Toolkit is certainly capable of helping you build your own, letting you customize rules without havingto invent entire systems out of nothing.


    Thats as good as it will ever get for a universal system..

  7. Re: "Outsider" perspective on Hero System


    I do wish sometimes that the cover of Hero didn't contain some of the hyperbole it does: ...unfettered flexibility.... excercise your own creativity without hinderance...build any character...you can think of...




    Maybe we should put a qualifier on there in small print


    "Build any character you can think of!"*



    *No guarantee you'll find a GM crazy enough to let you actually play it.

  8. As much as I love CKC, sometimes, I just have to completey rework a villain for my campaign. So, I thought I'd open up a 'flea market' of reworked villains to offer to others, and maybe even benefit from some creative inspiration.


    Currently, I'm having some creative block replacing BloodStone of the Crowns of Krim. It's not that I hate him, but his powers will be completely useless against the PC's in my Stellar Knights campaign, who in their primary forms don't have blood. So I'm seeking alternative ideas, for a new demon as a Blood Demon just wont be suitable, and I welcome any input.


    Ok, thats the 'ask', here's the give portion.


    My first offering is my re-worked Binder of the Ultimates.


    A glue gun is just too silly for my Stellar Knights setting. It's a bit more realistic as a setting, and the idea of a huge tank of glue was conflicting with that, along with the ability to treat seriously a villain whose main ability was..well, gluing things together.


    So I justaltered him. Instead of glue, Boner was a scientist who worked a method of affectign the ways molecules bound to each other. He developed a process that coud bind almost anything together on a molecular level, or sever those bindings. His gun has a power supply that allows him to fire away without worry. His entangles work on binding things together ona molecular level. I left the ability to form barriers since it shouldnt be too hard to justify creating soem form of barrer out of the surroundings. In some situations, he couldnt do that, and in others he can do more than just make a simple barrier, so the special effect seems to balance out.


    This changed his entangles, of course, in terms of advantages. They all became 'not affected by outside attacks). And I added in some nasty suprises. a Deadly Binding, that occurred when somethign living is bound to something..not. A complete merge transformation (mainly used vs objects) that completely merged some functioning object into something..not. I gave him a few slots based in 'unbinding' objects--a Body Drain only vs Inorganics, and tunneling for a surprise. I tssed in an emergency Force field to make him tough for one or two fights-to represent Binders planning ability, but make him vulnerabel over extended fights or being caught by suprise.


    A few general boost to make him combat viable..and a new, improved Binder for my camapign. Maybe someone out there will get use out of him. This is the low-powered version, for real fun, pump the multipower up to about 180 points.


    Val	Char	Cost
    15	STR	5
    20	DEX	30
    20	CON	20
    12	BODY	4
    23	INT	13
    14	EGO	8
    20	PRE	10
    4	COM	-3
    20/35	PD	5
    20/35	ED	4
    5	SPD	20
    7	REC	0
    40	END	0
    40	STUN	10
    6"	RUN	0
    2"	SWIM	0
    3"	LEAP	0
    Characteristics Cost: 126
    Cost	Power
    83	Molecular Binding Gun: Multipower, 124-point reserve, all slots OIF (-1/2)
    8u	2)  Wide Binding Field: Entangle 3d6, 4 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (9" Radius; +1)
    8u	3)  Area Binding: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)
    8u	4)  Complete Merging: Major Transform 4d6, Partial Transform (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (120 Active Points)
    8u	5)  Narrow Binding: Entangle 5d6, 6 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)
    5u	4)  Deadly Binding: RKA 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), +2 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/2), NND ([standard] Power Defense, Phasing Powers; +1), Does BODY (+1) (120 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Target must be in contact with some sizeable object (not just clothes); -1/2), No Knockback (-1/4)
    8u	6)  Unbinding: Tunneling 15" through 15 DEF material, x4 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (120 Active Points)
    6u	7)  Unbinding II: Drain BODY 6d6, Ranged (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (120 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only vs Inorganic Objects; -1/2)
    24	Armored Costume: Armor (12 PD/12 ED); OIF (-1/2)
    7	Molecular Stabilization Field: Power Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
    26	Emergency Force Field Belt: FF (15 PD/15 ED/15 Mental Defense) (45 Active Points); 2 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Minute each (-3/4)
    7	Polarized Faceplate: Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points); OIF (-1/2)
    7	Helmet Air Supply: Life Support  (Self-Contained Breathing); OIF (-1/2)
    30	Jetboots: Flight 20", x4 Noncombat; OIF (-1/2)
    6	Helmet Communicator: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group); Sense Affected As Sight And Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group [very common Sense] (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)
    3	Heat Detection Lenses: Infrared Perception (Sight Group); OIF (-1/2)
    Powers Cost: 244
    Cost	Martial Arts Maneuver
    Generic Martial Arts
    4	1)  Block:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
    4	2)  Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    4	3)  Punch:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 5d6 Strike
    3	4)  Throw:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 3d6 +v/5, Target Falls
    Martial Arts Cost: 15
    Cost	Skill
    12	+4 with Glue-Gun Multipower
    3	Bureaucratics 13-
    3	Combat Piloting 13-
    3	Computer Programming 14-
    3	Cryptography 14-
    3	Demolitions 14-
    3	Electronics 14-
    3	Inventor 14-
    1	CK: Geneva 8-
    2	CK: New York 11-
    3	KS: Literature 14-
    3	KS: The Superhuman World 14-
    2	KS: UNTIL 11-
    1	Language:  French (Basic Conversation)
    3	Persuasion 13-
    2	PS: Play Chess 11-
    3	Security Systems 14-
    3	Stealth 13-
    3	Systems Operation 14-
    3	Tactics 14-
    3	Teamwork 13-
    3	TF:  Combat Aircraft, Helicopters, Large Planes, Small Planes
    3	Scientist
    2	1)  SS:  Chemical Engineering 14-
    2	2)  SS:  Computer Science 14-
    2	3)  SS:  Energy Conversion Systems 14- (3 Active Points)
    2	4)  SS:  Kinetics 14-
    2	5)  SS:  Mathematics 14-
    2	6)  SS:  Nuclear Physics 14-
    2	7)  SS:  Physics 14-
    4	8)  SS:  Subatomic Physics 16-
    Skills Cost: 89
    Cost	Perk
    15	Base: Contribution to Ultimate's base
    10	Vehicle: Contribution to Starbird
    Perks Cost: 25
    Total Character Cost: 499
    Pts.	Disadvantage
    15	Distinctive Features:  Facial Scarring Concealable, Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses
    20	Hunted:  US Government 8- (Occasionally), More Powerful, NCI, Harshly Punish
    15	Hunted:  The Detroit Champions 8- (Occasionally), More Powerful, , Harshly Punish
    20	Psychological Limitation:  Inferiority Complex Tinged With Paranoia Very Common, Strong
    10	Psychological Limitation:  Sensitive About His Looks Common, Moderate
    15	Reputation:  wanted and dangerous supervillain, Frequently (11-), Extreme
    15	Social Limitation:  Secret Identity (Earl Whitacker) Frequently (11-), Major
    Disadvantage Points: 115
    Base Points: 200
    Experience Required: 184
    Total Experience Available: 184
    Experience Unspent: 0

  9. Re: The Justice Patrol


    And here is the really sick puppy of the group...Psiphon.


    Psiphon could actually be a threat all on his own in the right situation. With some minions or a well constructed plan, his actiosn coudl keep a team of heroes occupied.

  10. Re: The Justice Patrol


    Next member (members?)


    AC and DC- two personalities of three sharing one body...complicated by the duplication power.


    A background update for AC/DC. Firepower and the other team members don't know about the base personality, Jenny. Once AC or DC manifest, they can hold off the Jenny personality from manifesting for some time, but they realize that too long a gap in Jenny's memory may make her likely to seek treatment. It's rather random, based on Jenny's current situation and day which personality takes over.


    The campaign purpose for this is, of course, to create opportunities for players desiring more subplot/roleplaying opportunities with villains. Jenny would make a great potential girlfriend.


    The duplication and combination of absorbtion and the succor power make the character potential very powerful. (an average succor roll plus maximum absorbtion allows 66 actie points to be added to any one power) This makes the characters perfect for tos esuprise ambushes or initial encounters where villains may seem unstoppable--and them effective roleplay or thinking by the players could easily provoke AC or DC into not helping each other. Though it isn't obvious, a PC who watches carefully may not the 'Corsican sisters' effect, or more closely how AC and DC never get to close to each other, and then figure out the 'grounding out' suceptibility.

  11. Re: The Justice Patrol


    Ok, more stuff. I may actually have my players play as the Justice Patrol for a few games--just a change of pace. So I made a new villain team for them to face..which will probably be named by the media in a not-so-original manner as the "Injustice Patrol." (Maybe after a few in game injured reporters I"ll come up with a new name).


    I'll post the characters as I get around to them. First up, the leader, Firepower.

  12. Re: Smarter than your average Brick


    Using terrain is one thing. Knowing what your teammates can and cannot do is another. If your character can figure out what most of his teammates are capable of, he can modify his attack style to compliment others. Most times, the Brick is the guy who goes last. To paraphrase an old brick adage I like using; "He who goes last goes best."...

    Absolutelty. A little teamwork goes such a long way.


    Lets say your energy blaster friend has an entangle, that takes no damage from outside attacks..but its weak, and rarely survives the first attempt the opponent makes to get out of it. Convince him to hold, or apply it just before you uncork that haymaker or move through. You only need it to last long enough to make that target DCV 0. The same thing can be said for very small flash attacks.


    Work with a martial Artist. maybe his superior OCV, but smaller damage attacks can't put the enemy down. Tell him to go with a Martial Throw..sure, maybe it wont hurt the target at all, but being prone in fromt of a rampaging brick is a recipe for the blues.


    Or grab, and toss the jerk at your Martial Artist who , knowing your cunning tricks is ready with a held throw action. If possible, have someone behind the martial artist preparing an attack (like someone else with a good haymaker) right behind the Martial Artis, awaiting the delivery of a a possibly stunned, prone target. Haymakered autofire attack anyone?


    Always watch for the villain who brings an OAF around. Declare in a loud voice "MINE!". Contemplate levels with disarming, or a Martial Disarm manuever. Pummeling a foe with his own focus is a treat.


    If you have an opponent with poor transport powers, contemplate just tossing him somewhere. If you are iron age-ish, making a frisbee throw off a tall building is popular. Or if near a large body of water, send them for a swim, and see how long it takes them to get back to the fight with that 2" swim.


    Another amusing brick trick power: a vision obscuring entangle..aka, trash can squeezed over the head.


    If you have a brick tricks pool, just go for an focus based dispel; no range, which represents your gentle loving squeeze, though a slot with extra strength just for breaking objects is probably far more effective.


    If property damage isn't a worry, plan your knockback or throws accordingly. Oh, look at the power transformer and the villain with a vulnerability to electricity.....


    Fire hydrants are a ready friend when you need to apply some water.

  13. Re: Smarter than your average Brick


    Cramp the enemies style. Get the acrobats in bad terrain that makes it hard for them to move and duck about. Make speeders/fliers have to come in close. Keep the battle in an area that gives the brick plenty of 'ammo'--ie, objects suitable for sweeps, and impromptu area affect attacks.


    When fighting mentalists, avoid the long fights. get in to terrain where line of sight is within arms reach. Maybe a brick trick power of throwing something as a sight obscuring entangle, or flash attack (the old dirt in the eyes bit).


    Try the acting skill, for faking being blinded, knocked out, or mind controlled, or whatever usual anti-brick tactic has been attempted. Let them think you are nuetralized, then surprise them.

  14. Re: The Justice Patrol




    I've only looked at Arsenal so far, but I have two "quibble" comments;


    109+70+140+7+23=349 points. Are you holding one in reserve?





    If she really has:

    Hair Color: Blue

    Eye Color: Blonde

    shouldn't that qualify as a distinctive feature? (I assume they were typos)


    Yep--or you can say its a leftover from a trip to the 'bad anime' universe.

  15. Re: The Justice Patrol


    Ok, for those in my PBEM, look away, real secrets abound.















    Here is a villain I plan to use--for my PBEM, he would have taken over the NPC team, the Justice Patrol, and much of the local infrstructure and government. the Pc's would have to work their way inwards facing these challenges (not a heavy combat for the PC's really, they could dust the floor with the Patrol and Dominator, this adventure is more of a role-play/deductive challenge, especially as Dominator uses hordes of innocents as fodder without hesitation).


    Still, for those using the Justice Patrol in some fashion, here is a good ready made bush-league master villain. He makes a good 'hunted' for those with a mystery disadvantage. (See Dominators psych why he may hunt a hero w/o that hero knowing)

  16. Re: The Justice Patrol


    unfortunately my computer doesn't open pdfs


    I'll post the hdc's a bit later today, but I heartily suggest the adobe reader for free. And their are plenty of freeware applicatiosn that let you create simple PDF's documents from your word processor as well.

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