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Posts posted by incrdbil

  1. Re: Superpowers in the Courthouse


    wel intentiond citizen i think also isn't pshycic phenomena considered hearsay threrefore inadmissible evidence


    I see no reason it would be hearsay evidence--its something directly observed by the witness, using a natural sense. It's not repeating somethign he ws told by another observer that he didnt see himself, so the hearsay exclusion wouldn't apply.

  2. Re: I Need Some Shadow Powers!!!


    The following is a naked advantage power I used for an NPC that had a darkness related desol ability


    Drag into Shadows: Usable As Attack (x2 maximum weight per inanimate target; +1 1/4) for up to 40 Active Points of Desol, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (62 Active Points)


    another naed advantages used as a power


    Ghost Touch: Affects Physical World (+2) for up to 20 Active Points of Strength, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points)


    and instead of a vulnerability to light, consider this instead


    ShadowMastery: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (only in darkness; -1/2), OIHID (-1/4)


    ShadowMastery: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (only in darkness; -1/2), OIHID (-1/4)

  3. Re: Superpowers in the Courthouse


    There's so much fun if one wanted to do a courtroom based hero game.


    For example, we have The Citizen Informer. He has a natural telepathic ability, always on, area effect. When he goes out, he often comes into contact with citizens thinking about the crimes they have done. He then gives incredibly accurate tips to the local police. One day, he is 'outed' and is challenged in court. His response is that his ability is a natural sense to him--as much as a normal officers eyesight and hearing, or a police dogs sense of smell. To him, thoughts are in 'plain sight'--and he further counters that, as a private citizen, he isnt hindered by law enforcement limitations on obtaining evidence.


    Just to up the ante, the Informer now starts attending public trials during testimony. He starts relaying to the defense and prosecution information about whenever any witness is lying. Shoud he be barred from the courtroom?



    So, what is the Citzen Informer? Duitful citizen, or menance to the liberties of the public?

  4. Re: Help with an Ineffective Ice Mage...


    In a purely gamist observation, the 10 Con is a problem. It makes you pretty easily stunned, which loses you a precious action. I dont hold to the


    As for the Ice Armor spell--well, if the intent of that spell is to be a total defensive reaction, maybe its ok, but thats a huge resistant amount for basic walking around purposes. You effectively take yourself out of the offensive contrbution to the fight--unless you then resort to a ranged weapon atatck, which might be tempting.


    As a GM, I might let you keep the Ice Armor spell, but make it require Total Concentration--you encase yourself in a giant immobile block of ice.


    Maybe rework it to be a small Force Wall, vulnerable to fire, and name it Ice Shield?

  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    Hmm...since there's no figureds, would the following be considered legit now?


    STR 60

    CON 30

    BODY 10

    PD 40

    ED 30

    STUN 20


    (basically, a brick who takes little to no damage from an average physical attack, can be dropped by a pushed EB, and can be knocked out by a pushed haymaker punch)


    Legitimate indeed. In fact, it could be the working for an entire game if quick, all or nothing contests are the norm, where defenses hold, or you get overwhelmed, or just don't get hit. (A really tough Brick might have an unheard of 30 stun!!)


    Dice fluctuations could really play havok..unless you when with all Standard effect rules (or as an option, standard effect on 3/4's of the dice, and then you roll)--reduces the number of dice you roll, still allows some variety...eh, its something to play around with anyway.

  6. Re: Menton is up


    Cryptic is now showing Menton's in-game art in his profile on their website. For folks who didn't like his previous new look' date=' brace yourself: he's wearing a bow tie, checkered jacket and flood pants. And his giant brain is naked and glowing. :rolleyes:[/quote']


    Wow, that's a big truckload of suck.


    I'm going to have to write up up the new power description this image seems to portray.


    2d6 Mind Control, Cumulative to to 144 points of affect, Telepathic Command, one Command only (Do not take me seriously, in fact, point and laugh at me if you like) Area Affect, Radius (Increased radius to get all possible line of sight, maybe make it megascale to cover the earth) Continuous Uncontrollable, 0 END; Only takes affect when subject sees the image of Menton.

  7. Re: Hero Extreme Edition


    Based on several facts, ideas, perceptions and/or informations :



    i imagine an extreme natural evolution of HERO where only Powers exist.

    No more chars, skills, etc.


    please, please just imagine it for a second before arguing about keeping the very classical (archaeological) and not Hero specific stats and skills :)


    Should I post a link to HYBRID here? :)

  8. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #2: New Combat Maneuvers; Objects As Weapons


    Looks like velocity will continue to add to damage in move throughs and move bys thus creating a time-honored balancing issue for character creation: the really fast' date=' strong guy will often exceed damage caps.[/quote']


    Eh, thats why you just have to shug off a too strict adhereance to damage caps, or simpy make sure move throughs/bys stay exceptional moves. If a move by, move through, or passig strike is a primary attack of a character, then you can get strict on the limitations.

  9. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    Maybe you're right. All I know is that I've been an enthusiastic fan of Hero System for over 20 yrs but this 6th edition crap has almost succeeded in strangling that enthusiasm to death in a matter of months.


    I feel what is effecting some here is the discussion on 6e more than 6e itself, and the going back and forth before we really get to experience it as a working whole, instead of the few focused parts we see. It's sort of like tasting a few ingredients of a dish, and fighting over it with other cooks before trying the finished meal. It's better just to go have an appetizer or a nice drink and shoot the breeze and wait for dinner to be served.


    oh well...the downside of the internet, sneak peeks and such.

  10. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    I think its time we all took a break from the 6e threads. I think the point of negative return is being reached on many of the interactions. I've been lurking the thread, but I'm thinking a general unsubscribing from the thread would be better. People are getting a bit too sensitive, either way you feel about it, about reactions to some changes in a game.


    Sigh....its times like this I miss the catsuit threads. always a good moodlifter.

  11. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    Considering the "facing rules" are essentially non-existant currently, I would imagine it would not affect them at all to switch to only meters.... one my my groups hasn't used a gridded map in over a decade - just a white board and the dire need of a straight edge as the GM couldn't draw a straight line if he were tracing it.


    the question here is will Turn Mode change at all?


    I often used hexagonal bases for miniatures (plenty of them leftover from my battletech stock). It worked great as we didnt need hexed maps, but could still easily work out facing changes.

  12. Re: Mottos for use in games


    Here are a few mottos/slogans from military units, hope they are useful to you.



    It Shall be Done

    Deeds Not Words

    No Mission too Difficult, No Sacrifice too great,Duty First

    Semper Paratus {Always Prepared)

    Truth and Courage

    Omnia Paratus {Ready for Anything}

    Nec Aspera Terrent (They don't fear hardship)

    Toujours En Avant {Always Forward}

    Honor Et Fidelitas {Honor and Fidelity}

    Faugh a Ballaugh! {Irish Gaelic for "Clear the Way!" "Gentle when Stroked, Fierce when Provoked" {Motto}

    -"Quod Facio, Valde Facio"(What I Do, I Do Well)

    Avitos Juvamus Honores {We Uphold Our Ancient Honors}

    Ne Desit Virtus (Let Valor Not Fail)

    -"Nulli Cede" {Surrender to None}

    Toujours Prêt (Always Ready)

    "Currahee" (Cherokee for "Stand Alone");

    Tous Pour Un, Un Pour Tous {All for one, One for all}

    Our Strength is in Loyalty

    Primus aut Nullus {First or Not at all}

    Vincere Est Vivere {To Conquer is to Live

    Duty Determines Destiny

    Non Sebi, Sed Omnibus {Not for self, but for all}

    Navy SEALs: The only easy day was yesterday.

    Construction Battalions Seabee: Can Do!, Construimus et Batuimus ("We Have Built [Them] Up and We Have Beaten/Knocked [Them] Down"); (Unofficial Motto) Construimus, Batuimus, Bibimus! ("We build [Them] up, We beat [Them] down, [Then] We drink

    Make Peace or Die

    YAT YAS (You Ain't Trax, You Ain't S***)

    "Fortuna Favet Fortibus" — "Fortune Favors the Brave"

    Fiat Justitia (Let justice be done)

  13. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    Let's revel in two glorious full color books. I've at times doubted the value of art and color, but time has changed that standpoint (and experience with some other games and the reaction to changes in format). This will be an attention getter to new players. Players already perhaps used to systems wjere the player just needs one book, while the GM grabs another. These players will no longer see a giant black intimidating textbook, but something far more recognizeable to them (and interesting).


    And once we get them hooked, we can trot out Fred and Fiver, and do our best Crocodile Dundee imitation.


    You call that a rulebook? Now this is a rulebook!
  14. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    I'm really betting on time to cool passions. I think many wanting to walk away will, after watching it in play or reading a friends book, will give it a whirl and find it to be ok. If you seriously can't have a fun game given the changes so far, then of course stay with what makes you happy.


    But heck, a lot of us even gave 4th Edition D&D a chance...can't we do the same for 6E HERO?

  15. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    I'm not so sure that Steve is going to reveal anything more -- especially after this thread.


    With any new version of a product, there comes a point where the revalation of details might be counterproductive. Those willing to keep an open mind and try something usually stay just like that. Those simply uncomfortable with change will seize upon any new information to provide justification for that dislike of change, often in defiance of the actual content of the information or degree of chage it represents.


    From the moment sixth edition went from a thought to something that was going to happen, the fact that some players would hate it was assured, simply by statistics, and human psychology.


    Complete retention of the existing market is a hopeless goal for most products that evolve and revise themselves. It can even be counterproductive if you try to hard towards this goal. You measure the potential long term gains versus the realistic projected losses as a result of change, and hope your projection is right.

  16. Re: Why the dislike for Find Weakness?


    As a GM, FW was an extra complicating factor in balancing. Came up with various methods, such as a limitation only allowing one level, or the ability for an opponent to 'shake' the FW roll..but in the end, it was worries about how to balance the offensive effectiveness of the character that just made me happy when no player bothered taking it. In a game of doubling for effectiveness, the straight halving of effectiveness stood out as oddball.


    I'm content that, in a future game, if someone really wanted that ability, they could by it in the form of extra damage classes, or an Aid to attack powers, based on a resisted skill roll and other limitation to simulate an ability to bypass defenses.


    Or just buy dice of damage and say that their strength comes from the characters ability to see weaknesses, and that the actual energy or damage output of the attack is less than it seems. (Maybe this would indicate an FX of the attack doing less damage when the player misses, or hits the wrong target).

  17. Re: Reminiscing About Star Fleet Battles


    I picked up a copy of Starmada, and I'm really liking it. It's about as complex as I want a space game to be. I thought about trying a demo of the Honor Harrington game put out by ad astra, until I read a gameplay description...blech. Makes SFB look like tic-tac-toe in comparison.

  18. Re: Reminiscing About Star Fleet Battles


    I could never get into SFB becvause it was too boring, too many cumbersoenm rules, and as a trek fan, ..it just wasnt trek. It stole some background material for a sci-fi warship game that just wasnt trek. Races that didnt belong, and the use of stuff that just didnt exist in the Trek universe, or combat platforms that werent viable in Trek (mines, shuttles as fighters, etc). I liked the FASA Star Trek game better for ease of play and keeping faithful to the feel of Trek combat.

  19. Re: To gun fu or not gun fu?


    If one of my players argues this vehemently about the nitty-gritty of his character's powers, I click to his Skills tab and start commenting about how comparatively few Skills he has, and better places to put his 5 points. :)


    TBH, you're correct in that a non-MA guy can exceed the damage cap by 4 DC. However, the Extra Segment and -5 DCV limitations on it drastically cut back its effectiveness; I've seen four Haymakers used in my last five years of gaming Hero, and exactly one of them landed.


    side note: I'm always fascinated by the different experiences related here. I'm used to seeing Haymakers in almost every gaming session.

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