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Posts posted by TheRealVector

  1. Re: Limits on Killing attacks?


    Reading this thread has inspired me. In my next game all players must take the psych disadvantage: Code To Kill. Killing attacks mandatory.


    Not only will they kill at the drop of a hat, they will knock people's hats off just for the fun of it.


    OK, not really. It is good to see that I'm not the only one using the straight X3 stun multiplier. Goodbye stun lottery.

  2. Re: What Would Your Character Do? #63


    Vector would secretly give the signal to Catacomb (our team's Wolvie/Spawn rip-off) to have him terminate the now helpless Chrono-Guy why everyone is distracted by the "big kid".


    Why? So my game would never again be plagued by someone named "Chrono-Guy". :stupid:

  3. "Yet they are are daring idealists willing to take higher justice and the greater good in their hands, and playing judge and jury on the global scene, because the responsibility of their power calls for it." ...Wanderer


    Gee, I bet Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler said that to themselves all the time. In fact, there were always appeasers willing to tell them just that. Before its over these "idealist" will rack up a higher body count than any past tyrant.


    Why did we bother to free Europe three times? It appears many of them hate freedom and Western Civilization so much that they must atone for it. The future Europe craves: A jackbooted foot smashing a human face, forever.


    On a different note, I think this could be a pretty cool campaign if you, as GM, try to be a fair arbiter between your power mad hippies :eek: and the campaign world.

  4. Well, you tipped your hand with that last post.


    Very convenient that every so called 'Hero' has 'in concept' justifiable Total Life Support.


    By your responses it seems you, as GM (I assume you're running the game, if not sorry) will do what is necessary to help you're players successfully conquer the world. Fine, give the players what they want. It does sound like you'll at least make it a challenge.


    In some earlier post you claimed, in their defense, that you're players would at least have a small loyal following. Of course they would, so did Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and other self- righteous mass murderers. Funny, most seem to agree that this campaign would, realistically, quickly deteriorate into a Supervillian campaign.


    Since you seem so willing to believe that the Human Spirit would, and should, bow to the rule of a self-appointed elite, and that fighting for freedom from this little cadre of super-powered tyrants just isn't worth it then I must conclude you must be a liberal European. Ok, maybe you're a Canadian. Or maybe you're from some other decadent country that's well versed in appeasment.


    Sorry guys, I'll never bring up politics first, but I will express my opinion when I disagree. And my apologies to the many fine people of Europe and Canada.

  5. Sounds like the making of a really great campaign. I believe a realistic societal reaction would be as follows:


    The common man will hate them. Maybe not at first, but inevitably. Man was not made to live amongst Gods, and these "Heroes" have set themselves up as Gods on Earth. No amount of good deeds can balance the ego shattering power they possess or the arrogance they display. Some of thier "good deeds" could even backfire, i.e. the "polluting company" they shut down could cost thousands of jobs (jobs for the little guy) and contribute to that year's economic recession (SP?).


    The world governments might, at first, result to crude military action to stop them if they were unaware of the "Heroes" full capabilities. More than likely they would bide their time and gather intelligence. Comic Book B.S. aside, could these "Heroes" realistically keep a secret ID from the local PD, FBI, CIA, Interpol and other similar agencies? Do they have any weaknesses? What could the ruthless application of nerve gas, other chemical agents and poisons do to the group? Once their IDs are known the question is do they care for anyone? Once the world saw the stakes I don't believe any government would hesitate to use the "Heroes" family and loved ones as leverage. If the world governments act it won't be criminal trials, it will be mysterious deaths and "unfortunate" circumstances.


    In short, the people of the world will not tolerate being openly ruled by a tiny cadre of super powered beings.


    The one thing I didn't take into account is whether there is a serious enough "Supervillian" threat to unbalance these calculations. If so, then the governments of the world use their resources for possible control of the "Heroes".

  6. Re: Update


    Any Suggestions? I also would like more input on the whole killer player thing so I can avoid it in the future. Thanks again for the help. [/b]


    What you need to do is learn to spot the types of players that are likely to be KILLERS. Face it, a lot of people roleplay as an outlet for their baser, darker instincts. Champion 'Heros' or not their attitude is going to be, "OK, GRAB ya wanna F*** with us?! Then DIE! M*****F******!!"


    Its likely that losing those two killer players is a good thing. Hopefully you live in a big enough gaming community you can afford to be a little discriminating with who you play with. Learn to filter out the imature, bloodthirsty jerks before you roll the first die.


    Oh, and getting the remaining players out of this mess would be, "realistically", very difficult. What about a reboot of the campaign?

  7. Let's look at this from a different perspective. Is GRAB likely to come back and cause trouble when its so much easier (and safer) in other cities. Maybe your players are on to something? :eek:


    Yeah, just joking.


    But then again, what if you players want to be Authority style A**holes? Maybe you could give them what they want, unless you just couldn't have fun with that kind of game.

  8. Can Worldbeaters Beat The Military??


    Let's see...Worldbeaters by definition must be able to do what?

    Ah, BEAT the world, or at least give it a good fight.

    The world has many nations which each, to varying degrees, have militaries.

    Therefore, Worldbeaters can beat the military. If they cannot then they are mislabled as "Worldbeaters".


    If one is willing to accept the vehicle and weapon write-ups in TUV and other Champion books as "official" for their campaign, then any true worldbeaters will have to be able to overcome a military so equiped. Apparently, this can have all sorts of undesired implications for game balance and "realism".


    I agree with a number of posters that the current write-ups for weapons and vehicle seem overpowered. If the military can deal with all these supervillians, then why are all those superheroes getting in the way? A campaign world where superheroes aren't needed sounds a little anti-climantic.

  9. The one villain that my players hated was a Syrian born, western educated scientist who was a genius in the field of nanotechnology. He used his knowledge to re-engineer his body; adamantium skeleton, muscles of diamond fiber, every cell a mini-computer to enhance his considerable intellect. He dubbed himself Jihad and became a super powered terrorist. All this was just the excuse I used to have my players (playing in a modified Ultimate Marvel setting) fight my version of silver age Superman.

    He was one tough villain. I used him only twice:

    The first time Jihad and a small cadre of enhanced terrorist planned to release a super-virus upon our troops in Afghanistan. It took the combined might of Vanguard (our players superteam) and the Ultimates to bring Jihad down.

    The second time Jihad escaped from imprisonment during Gulf War IIand nearly destroyed downtown Chicago (Vanguard's home base) in a preemptive attack that left one hero dead and the team defeated. Then Jihad headed striaght for D.C. and held the capitol hostage. Vanguard rallyed and finally defeated Jihad for good. The archtypical "loose canon/wolverine type" player character made sure Jihad never regained consciousness and disposed of the body. Fortunately the congressional investigation didn't look into that too deeply. My players were never so glad to see an NPC dead.


    With Jihad dead, and not counting entities like Galactus, I'd say my players most fear Magneto and a home grown villain of mine called Time Sinc (temporal powers are scary!)


    Sorry this is so long, but it's saturday and I'm at work:(

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