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    Beast reacted to Lord Liaden for a file, The Master List Of Limitations - A Resource For Hero System   
    Years ago, Jack "Worldmaker" Butler maintained an online database resource for Hero gamers of Fourth and Fifth Edition, "The Master List of Limitations," with a huge number of original "Limitations," which under Sixth Edition are called "Complications," contributed to by many Herophiles. Mechanically and point-cost-wise those Limitations are practically identical to Complications. They're broken down into lists of Physical, Psychological, Social, and Distinctive Features.
    IIRC Worldmaker sadly passed away, and his original Master List website passed on as well. Other attempts to host it online also appear to have disappeared. But I saved the last version of the list in fully searchable HTML format, and am offering it here as a resource for Hero players who have difficulty coming up with different and interesting Complications for their characters.
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    Beast reacted to Christopher R Taylor for a file, Champions Begins Player Character Files   
    These are the HDC builds of each character, by their chapters.  So there's 5 chapters of each character, showing how they were built at each chapter of the adventure.
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    Beast reacted to fdw3773 for a file, DC Heroes   
    Hi, Everyone! Here is the first wave of DC character write-ups that I previously used at the game conventions. They are Aquaman, Batman, Batgirl, Booster Gold, Black Canary, and Huntress. All have the Hero Designer file except Black Canary that was accidentally deleted at one point.
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    Beast reacted to fdw3773 for a file, DC Heroes II   
    Here's the next wave of DC Heroes: Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel (Billy Batson), Firestorm, Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), and Ice. Not all characters have Hero Designer files.
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    Beast reacted to Lord Liaden for a file, Hero Fourth Edition Conversion and Errata - Mythic Greece   
    I recently noticed that the late great Aaron Allston's classic Hero campaign source book, Mythic Greece: The Age of Heroes, is now for sale in PDF form from the Hero Games website store. That book was written for first-edition Fantasy Hero, before all the different iterations of Hero System were unified in Fourth Edition. However, Aaron himself created a document covering not only errata for the book, but Fourth Edition updates to a great many elements from the book: character templates (including the "basic god"), combat maneuvers, weapon and equipment game stats, and Powers as magic spells (but not the specific spells from the book). These conversions would make using Mythic Greece with any later edition of Hero much easier.
    Aaron provided this file for free, both on the classic Red October BBS and on his personal website. Hence I have no hesitation to post it again here.
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    Beast reacted to Christopher R Taylor for a file, The Greatest Guns of History   
    From Bass Reeves to Wyatt Earp, and all points in between, this is a file packed with dozens of real-life gun fighters, lawmen, Native American heroes, and much more.  This packet includes a folder full of Hero Designer files as well as a pdf with all the write ups and as a bonus, the details of how the special talents in Western Hero were constructed.
    GMs can use these as NPCs of history the players encounter  and templates for NPCs under different identities. Players can use them as examples of how various types of characters can be built or inspiration for their own character.
    This is a companion file with the Greatest Guns Who Never Were, free for use and play with Western Hero!
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    Beast reacted to Gauntlet for a file, Beholder   
    This is a Fantasy Hero writeup for the D&D Monster "Beholder". It includes both PDF and Hero Designer formats for both the main Beholder body and the Beholder eyestalks.
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    Beast reacted to Netzilla for a file, Champions Quick Reference 6e   
    A player-handout I originally created for 5E and updated for my 6E champions game.  It contains commonly-referenced tables and charts along with explanations of how to do basic things like rolling to hit, rolling damage, complementary rolls and so forth.
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