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Posts posted by RadeFox

  1. Re: New to Hero System - kind of...


    Very well done indeed, one of the better styles I've seen. She has a 'realness' to her many superhero sketches lack. I would like very much if you were so inclined to add more of your sketches to share with us. Again, excellent work!

  2. Re: 10kT nuclear bomb


    From my understanding of nuclear weaponry, size doesnt really do anything more then increase the destructive radius of the blast.


    In most cases, Id follow a simple rule of thumb where every doubling of damage increases the radius multiplier. So in this case, 1mt=as described, 2mt= x2 radius, 4mt x3 radius, 8mt= x4 radius from the 1 mt blast. ( I am unfamiliar with the digital hero write-up, so no hard numbers)


    More insterstingly, in a low powered Digital or Dark style campaign, Im dying to know "Why" you want to know such things! Being at ground zero is pretty much death to anyone outside a 4 color supers game, and even then, many of them would perish as well!

  3. Re: Starter - Rescuer


    My only quibble with the write up is allowing the Always On power mod to his armor. This is not a drawback, and would not be worth any points in most campaigns Ive been in, imo. But fun read, even if krypton is ringing in your ears as you read it. :)

  4. Re: Baby Destroyer


    Well, being heroes, of COURSE we hand him over to UNTIL to sequester and raise to be a force for good. Hopefully under the cautious surveillance of mentalists to be sure his "old" memory doesn't return.


    I dont think even the most dark of heroic types, (later wolverine, or dark knight batman) would do anything differently to a baby displaying no knowledge of his former self.

  5. Re: Mental Illusions: Can attacks look like nothing?


    Can you give insight as to how Mental Illusions work?

    1. Can an illusion be an invisible man attacking a character who cannot see him? Can that do damage to the character?

    2. Can an illusion be that the character attacked w/illusion doing the same thing they were doing (watching TV, sitting in a chair)with nothing out of the ordinary happening in the illusion and they still take damage? Would it be harder or easier to cause damage if the illusion was of fire, a tiger, a gun?

    3. If four people were in a room with a window (Rob, Nate, Kevin, and Eric) and Illusion Man cast an area effect illusion that effected everyone in the room of Kevin being shot by a bullet coming through the window:

    A.could everyone take damage?

    B.only Kevin could take damage?

    C.would everyone see themselves getting shot?


    Wow, thats a lotta stuff, lets break it down


    1: This would be best handled as an EGO attack, with the special FX being the target thinks they are being hit by an invisible man


    2: Im not sure what you're asking on this one, Sounds like you're asking if you attack someone with an Illusory fire, can you mask the 'scene' of the attack so it looks like the victim is still just sitting in the chair. You can do it with a Mental Illusion, stong enough in power to get to the 3x ego level to do actual damage. The "type" of attack (fire/tiger/gun/etc) is irrevelant. You would need a second power of standard Illusions to cover over the scene, with full senses, plus a possible Darkness field 1 Hex vs sound to cover the shouts of the victim. The effect you are asking for is complicated and I dont see it being handled with a single power.


    3: This is the easiest one, this is a standard Illusions power use, bought with AOE, radius. It would affect anyone in the AOE with whatever you describe happening, in your siutation above they would all see Kevin getting shot, if you roll was enough to overcome Kevins EGO X3 he would take damage, possibly resulting in a presence attack on the other affected targets.

  6. Re: Classic Comic Book Groups


    Way to Go girl! Its Super Cool (pun intened) to see all those group made up on a typical starting points base. Very useful for cross over games too.


    Thanks so much for the efforts. Your the Queen of Evil for the day :king: !

  7. Re: 250 point par characteristics


    Sounds like you got it down Nerdnumber. Using the GMs guidlines for active points and DC ranges/averages gives you mega cookies in my book. Its always nice to have a player work within the framework, and not try to numbercrunch their way outside it.


    Kudos to you. Love the backstory so far too. Sounds like it will be a fun game!


  8. Re: How do you design your champions game


    Some excellent ideas here in this thread!


    I do always make sure I know the player characters before the game starts, as well as the desires of the players. This helps me make those split-second additions to the flow of the story and make it look like I planned it.




    I think that is the absolute best way to kick off every session and especially the campaign. Before the players get to the table, we've worked out backstory's and who-knows-who-how stuff. When the campaign opens at the table I always try to do it with a BANG to get the action rolling, and let the characters interplay be woven into the action as they deal with the situation at hand.


    That said, I do try to avoid the bank robbery as the first issue. Usually I know what the major overarcing story is going to be, and I tie in a handful of clues to this in that first encounter to make sure they stick in the players minds.


    :coach: Roll Cameras.......Action!

  9. Re: Help Creating a Desol Character


    I agree with jtelson above. Good base for the Desol.


    For Manipulation I would use Telekinesis, Fine Manip. 10-15 Str. No Range. Very cheap and appropriate.


    For some other similarties to the Doctor, Eidetic Memory, Absolute Time Sense, Human Calculator. Things a computer mind would have.


    May want to come up with a way to simulate his ability to access computer records too, always a useful talent.

  10. Re: Mood Music


    Almost all movies today have soundtracks that can be purchased, but the secret is to find and buy the Movie SCORES. THis is th background m usic for most of the sccenes ina movie, and they are godsends to the GM who has a penchant for running games with music. :rockon:


    Some of the ones I've found that I really like for this genre are


    Pelican Brief- Great suspense and investigation music

    StarShip Troopers- Great for the Big Daddy G-men scenes with governmental involvement/entanglement

    Batman/ Anything by Danny Elfman- Will cover it all from Dark Comedy to Dark Grandeur

    Aliens/ And most anything by James Horner- Great stuff for both suspense and high energy chases and fights.


    There are many more, but being at work, I can't recall them. Check out the soundtracks area in any big music store, and check for Scores over soundtracks. :) Game Hard!

  11. Re: What was that? Elvis weapon in LOTR movie.


    I know Tolkien said goblins and orcs preffered curved blades, but after seeign the movies, I am heavily inclined to adopt the simple cleaver aspect for them from now on. Basically it boils down for me to skill/time for crafting. A curved blade is harder to craft well, and takes more time and effort from the smith. A simple chopper is quicker to forge, and requires little effort. Much closer to the mindset of most goblins and orcs.


    Being that orcs are twisted elves, I would however still allow for that rare twisted/fallen sindar to still partake of his now twisted love of the forgecraft, and have a few, 'prized' curved, wickedly pointed/unusual blades be in the hands of those orcs strong enough to keep such a prize. This still helps keep them the 'favored' weapons of the goblinoids, but also helps maintain a higher level of 'suspension of disbelief' for me, and hopefully my players!

  12. Re: Jedi Characters




    THis link links to my old character I made up for a SWG game on HeroCentral, I think she came out remarkably well for making a starting jedi padawan character in a 75/75 game. :D


    I do miss playing her, but other things have entered my life, and I am glad the GM found her a good player!

  13. Re: LotR Challenge...


    Excellent site, LL. Instant bookmark, as I love Tolkiens efforts, and even with the ICE embellishments, which are far from all bad, it will make a great site to use for material in any Middle Earth game I get around to runnning. :D

  14. Something we have in our game, loosely rendered, since I'm not the GM, but we all worked on the backstory together.


    Takofenes once ruled all the world. In a time after the fall of the eldritch (read cthuloid) gods and the rise of modern history, likely only the libraries of Alexendria and Atlantis held records of his reign.


    Tak had an enire world to rule, a lot of work for a mighty necro such as himself, with so many better things to do. So he set about a means to construct devices to aid him. The crowns were born, each was given to one of his most trusted servants to become governors of different areas of the globe.


    Iron: Ruled the lands of Europa and mediterranean lands

    Gold: Ruled the lands of africa

    Blood: ruled the lands of central america and southern US area

    Stone: ruled rest of north america

    Shadow: ruled asiatic area

    Snake: ruled in south america

    Hoar: Ruled the lands of russia and scandanavia, our 'extra 'ice' crown'.


    The crowns granted their bearers god like powers to control the masses, but they also were tied to Tak's own crown, making them incapable of subverting his will, or escaping his wrath. They mave have been gods, but they were slave gods.


    After the fall of Tak, the governors scattered, the crowns were lost in their regions, but many of them were found and returned to service from time to time throughout each areas history. Only with the final dimming of magic, did the world see the last use of the crowns for several centuries, until now....


    We have not delved into actual construction lore, but we did have the crowns show up in various legends and lore fromt he places where they ruled. Our Odin wore a crown of ice, Quatzecoatl wore a crown of serpentine metal, etc.

  15. Sounds good, The disad add in is pretty uch what I do, just without giving the PC a solid disad to write down, so they can't just look at the paper, and know they are one hit from the end of the line.


    I would also allow healing of the transform completely, with proper atonement, though. A force user with any sort of nasty, aggressive, evilish psych lim is going to be forced into a never ending cycle of gaining dark side transforms becuase of an unlucky disad roll, and atoning for them, ad infinitum. It looks nice and fits the universe on paper, but forcing a player to suffer through it (since if you use them, as soon as they get ANY transform, you are going to give them a disad) for the rest of the PC's life in the game. Nothing, however stopping you from making a serious quest to get rid of that last nagging bit of disad from your psyche, though.


    Other things to keep in mind- Only force users or force sensitive folks are subject to turning to the dark side. Most folks are free to act however nasty and selfish they want.


    Add in extra dice for truly heinous actions. If your jedi kills someone with the force powers, without darn good reason, I'd be ready to whack him with 4d6, or more-Cold blooded killing someone with your lightsaber or force kill, easy 6d6 in my book.

  16. First off, I can say that in the setting you described, psychics would prevent any and all intrigue from taking place. Even a low level telepath using surface thought reading alone, with minimal skills in interrogations, conversation,or persuasion would unravel the deepest mysteries of the realms in days.


    If you want to keep the intrigue, lose the powers. Thats my take. :)

  17. heehee


    I am in and also ruin a SW game in Hero. I handle it quite simply.


    Part of the Force Powers VPP (or in your case multi-pool) is this base limitation; Side Effect, Transform 1d6 vs EGO (cumulative); Turn to dark side if power is used for selfish or evil actions. Heals only with Atonement. (-1/2)


    Also, Every Jedi character must have the Disad: Susceptible to the Dark Side; Transform 1d6 vs EGO (cumulative); Turn to the Dark Side , when performing a selfish or evl action. Heals only with Atonement. (20 pts)


    This plays out perfectly witht he SW feel. A jedi by action or inaction, who allows evil or a base emotion to be played out in his presences gets hit with one die of transform. Oops.


    If he uses the FORCE to do evil, or allow a dark emotion to be acted upon in his presence willingly, Boom! 2d6 of Transform hits him. Youch.


    Obviously, I am of the camp, that the Dark Side seduction is a process, and not an instant change of personality.


    I play it out as a noticeble change in the characters aura. I keep track of the Transform in secret, and rarely tell the player when they have stumbled. Though I may offer a obtuse clue from others. Once the EGO Transform has them past zero, they are in the middle ground, on the quick slope to the Dark Side. They stop getting clues or even Jedi Advice (we all know the questions, "IS it bad if I use the Force while gambling?", etc.) from me as GM. I might even at times, play the whispers of the Dark Side, and try to goad them. I play it balanced, and the feel of the 'seduction' is there. Classic SW. :)


    Other Jedi can notice this, if they are looking, and try to bring the PC back. This is the area in which most 'conversions' happen, either way. The Dark Side can try to lure you deeper into shadow too. The Force is a dangerous road to walk alone. (Which is why the Jedi training was so long and arduous, and you always had your master right there, watching you for signs of faltering.)


    Once the Transform reaches the 2X EGO area, they are completely lost to the Dark Side, and I take them as NPC's. The party or friends can still try to bring the lost jedi back to the light, but I play the role of the new 'sith' during these encounters, to make sure the scenes are done appropriatley. It would be a very rare player indeed, who could play his fallen Jedi in these circumstances. NPC'dom is better all around, since in SW, the players are generally heroes, and a fallen jedi turned sith just don't work for that!


    The Atonement in my games, must be earnest and a struggle, OR a Road to Damasacus style of 'revelation', but this latter type of Instant Reformation to the Light side, is almost never seen outside a death scene, or a scene equally laden with emotion and excellently convincing role playing.

  18. Easy




    Keep your focus and attention on the story, the rules and rolls can all be an inexact science (Ie fudged, forgotten, or mis-done), as long as the story is unfolding in a manner fun for you and the players.


    Consistency in the rolls and rules is a good thing, but that comes in time with experience with the system and a settling into the duties of GM'ing. In the beginning, just keep it moving, and the players involved.


    and GOOD LUCK< and HAVE FUN!

  19. Terran Empire is Almost Traveller in feel


    I was looking over the weapons list and noticed that level the author placed most of those weapons at made it a damn near Traveller clone. One shot from an average energy rifle will drop an average body char in one hit. Boom. In some ways this is even harsher then traveller. So if your looking for extra conversion info, check out Terran Empire.

  20. Mystery Disad- I'd say it sounds like a 15pt one, if he only sleeps 8 hours a week, or less.


    How often the subroutine hits, is the key to this one, though. A simple caveat by not trying to force it into a structured disad sounds best in this case, especially since you as the GM aren't sure how much control the villians have over him or his senses.


    This way you can use it however you wish in game, as long as its made worth the points gained, and adds to the fun of the group.

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