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Everything posted by umbra

  1. I was in a Champions game (4th ed) where there were 2 GM's and 4-5 players. At the very start of the game we had a fellow player I'll call "Tad". The basis of the game is that through various means we had all agreed to go through surgery and become cybernetic crime fighters. As soon as we met up in the room for the first time with our new powers, "Tad" was off on is own, using up one GM's complete time. We found out later that he was spending his time changing cars, identities, the way he looked etc for hours. His paranoia reached such a high level he ended up bugging everyone's rooms and spying on them. That lasted 2 game sessions.... Then he dropped out of the game. The GM's decided to make him a villain, and our Arch-Nemesis was born. Eventually he became soooo hated that whenever something bad happed to our characters we would say "crap, we just got Fentoned!" (the character's name was Robert Fenton).
  2. umbra

    Super Names

    Helps if you read all the posts, I started to fall asleep and just skipped to the end lol. How bout Acolyte, Whiz, Advent, Lull and Acrid
  3. umbra

    Pimp Slap

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: thread title made me bust out laughin Yeah, but wont that be a sad day when raped looses it's impact? I have a friend who was raped and it grates when peeps use that as a stupid slang term. But don't mind me, I'm sick today so my funny bone has lost it's zip.
  4. umbra

    Pimp Slap

    Re: Re: Re: thread title made me bust out laughin LOL I know, sometimes I get on my soapbox, but I play on-line games and sometimes I get really really tired of peeps using raped, pimp-slapped and other terms.
  5. umbra

    Super Names

    I don't know if these have been used yet but here goes... Sphere (she threw ball like entangles and had a small orb form for flying) Elfshot (my current character, with bow, ranged martial arts and a better look then Green Arrow)
  6. umbra

    Pimp Slap

    Re: thread title made me bust out laughin Personally if I was in his game, he might get a slap for "stupid use of sexist terms thought to be trendy and cool".
  7. Re: I am the Gm Just wondering, did he treat you differently then he treated your husband when your husband GM'ed? Not trying to start an gender flame war, just interested in the guy's psychology.
  8. I'm sorry, from her first post it sounded like she was the GM, not her husband, if she wasn't never mind.
  9. Re: Thank you D-Man Hmmm, I've met some peeps like this in the past, and I hate to say it, they tend to act that way because I'm female.... Maybe that's happening to you. Really, it's not just me, they would treat anyone with boobs that way (and have), by really trying to bluster and fuss so loud and long to try to get you to give in to them. The funny thing is when they have male GM's they shut up.
  10. Yes, and maybe include a chapter called "superpowers and non criminal behavior"... Should they be like doctors and police themselves? For example, Philter's attacks are very effective, but also stink the place up for hours. It's not really illegal, but people have started to complain. Do the supers gather around and decide if Philter should hang up his cape or at least go have a radioactive accident to control the aroma? It's not like people can give his real id summons to small claims court or something.
  11. I am really getting good ideas from this, you guys should write a hero suppliment on this topic, maybe with sample killers, some detective procedures and the like, and maybe some sample pysch lims. I would buy it! BTY, Hooper, the author I was telling about had a special FBI team with low mental powers, which would be a cool NPC group to make up.
  12. I have read some books by Hooper that involved some sort of precog type-ish powers (some books even have a whole FBI team with very lowish mental powers). I really liked them, though some peeps might get turned off on the romantic aspects, I would still recomend them.
  13. just buy it as a ring or necklace or something, make it a focus and boom, you get it at a lower cost, and I'm pretty sure that's totally legal.
  14. Of course you could always toss in the "alternate personality" i.e. Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
  15. I think most GM's (at least mine) would veto it. Now if your character had some sort of gadget or something of the sort with the damage classes build in, you could get points back for buying it as a focus. My GM usually rules if it don't normally cost End to use, you can't put it in a power framework (so skills, talents etc are no no's).
  16. Could you imagine that pysic disad "addicted to killing in non-superhero id." You would get some major points for that one though. Hmmm some other disads could be: Psy Lim: Must take trophy from victims ("Hey Harry, look what I found in your locker at the Justice League." Psy Lim: Eventually kills family and finds new one ("Boy Harry, villians always seem to find out your secret id and wipe out your family, are you sure you wanna get married again?"
  17. To bad, it sounded very cool, but at least my copy isn't defective.
  18. Personally I don't see some guy going from serial killer to super hero and stop murdering cold turkey. There would have to be some major therapy or mind control stuff going on. Now a former serial killer with some sort of implant (i.e. like Spike in the Buffy TV show) I could see. Any one see the first X-man movie? When Sabertooth was fighting Storm? That was some stalking behavior... "you owe me a scream". Kinda tame vs. some real life stalkers but a good start.
  19. Right, I found both of those, but not the pin or grab manover someone talked about being under Zen Archery.
  20. Now see right there that is darn scary. Super power stalkers would also be a hoot to run for a game. I played in a Amber game where a stalker was a Chaosian... Shapeshifting and the ability to travel just about anywere... burrrrrr!
  21. My favorite moment was when I was playing a "thief turned reluctant hero" and our group attacked a drug lords house in South America somewhere. While my teammates where outside creating mayhem and basically blowing up all and sundry, I was sneaking around the mansion looking for "clues". I found the clues, and quite a haul of bearer bonds, and a Picasso painting I cut out of the frame (well he WAS a bad guy). I then sold the painting on the black market (she never really liked that painter anyway) and used the cash to put out a hit on the teams arch-enemy (unbeknownst to the team). To prove the job had been done, they had to deliver the cybernetic eyes of the arch-nemesis to my character. It turned out the hit failed, but she did eventually end up with those eyes as dilly bobs for her car's rear view mirror.
  22. Your reply was great, I was asking for both powered or nonpowered serial killer types : ) I was also thinking of a unique way to bring those DNPC's into play... Could your child/brother/sister be at risk? Might the villian think that your DNPC has super powers because you do? How do you protect DNPC when your off hunting the Super Villain flavor of the day?
  23. Thanks, I would still love the page number on Zen Archery, it sounds like something that would help me a lot. My UMA doesn't seem to have it, and i'm wondering if I got a defective copy (such things have happened before).
  24. I was thinking the serial killer would be the classic "nondiscript" type guy, i.e. his superpowers such as they were would only help him disguise himself from the detection of others. Sort of a "not my problem" field. And since his (or her) powers would be so non-lethal, he would prey on children instead of adults. I find that champions usually doesn't include a lot of "serial killer" or "stalker" type villians in their source books. Frankly, some unpowered serial killers would probably scare me more then the normal meglomania types.
  25. I'm wondering how being in a super powered world would effect serial killers... Would Ted Bundy have to have super powers to avoid capture as long as he did, or would there still be non-superpowered serial killers. I ask this because a) I've been watching to many Forensic Files on TV and I think a scenario based on trying to track down a serial killer would be cool. For example, what if someone who had only minor super powers got the crazy idea that by killing children exibiting superpowers would increase his own... Any thoughts, ideas, coments?
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