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Everything posted by umbra

  1. I've worked in a book store and there are many reasons why they might not have taken your money. 1. The product might get delayed which means that they have to keep track of the fact that you pre-paid for the book (and make sure that all the clerks know about it too, so when the book comes in you get it without re-paying for it). 2. Sometimes stuff goes out of print or just never gets published... I know that might sound strange to you, but believe me publishers have decided not to put out a book by a major author due to author conflicts, copyright violations etc. 3. Turnover... if they are paying minimum wage, the person who takes your money today may not be the person working tomorrow... which means they might never find the paperwork and/or your book never gets ordered. 4. And last but not least minimum ordering rules... Some publishers/distributors require a minimum amount ordered at one time, so if you are looking for something they haven't ordered (or it's sold out) they have to sit on the order till they have enough special orders to meet the minimum.
  2. That would include a lot more then just being pacifist, you would most likely be a vegetarian, give your money to the poor, try to avoid romantic entanglements etc. (I'm sure there is much more but that's all I can think of off the top of my head).
  3. How bout one character being a hermaphrodite? That would be different.... And I mean one that was born that way, not one that can shape shift back and forth. That might be perfect for the martial artist (i.e. his/her yin and yang is perfectly equal). Also you could have all sorts of disads, social, psych, and maybe be in love with someone who's totally weirded out by it.
  4. That is perfect!! Thank you so much!!
  5. Anyone have any websites or other suggestions that would have blueprints for spaceships? I just really need a floor plan, as the hero books have stats and such.
  6. You could give them all a code against killing, and have them watched by the church for disads.
  7. Since you all are sticking mostly to male suggestions why not make 'em all female nuns or something? Sorta like the nun character in that movie with Bruce Willis. You could still have all the different types (bricks, speedsters etc).
  8. umbra

    Irish Villains

    Here's some more folklore stuff (I've been researching fairy tales for my welsh super heroine). Many Celtic fairy tales speak of things like Will o" Whisps, Pookas and others that trick people and lead them to their doom... An Irish mercenary group with mind control and/or images (maybe shape change too) paid to smear the good name of a super might be a good plot.
  9. I wasn't saying you shouldn't ever do body, just that it might be good to have consequences to doing body to normals.. and that there are many attacks that don't do body if the characters wanted to be less deadly (i.e. the person with the code against killing).
  10. There are so many attacks that don't cause body (entangles, NND's, etc) I think you should have some sort of reaction to the use of attacks that do body... Maybe that would encourage people to be more creative when coming up with characters.
  11. I think it's better to learn now then have a really big shock when they make up their next character. But the reduced END or 0 END idea is good too.
  12. Just a side note, i'm doing a sort of fey martial arts archer character. I wanted to take the disad about cold iron, but my GM said that there just wasn't enough of it out there to be a disad. So what he did was say I take more or less damage depending on how much raw iron is in a weapon... so the more refined the iron (like steel etc.) the less damage I'll take. I was fine with that, and it did make some sense. Just an idea...
  13. Re: When do heroes get charged for excesive force? I think it depends on how bad the code against killing is... if it's high, then the PC should not have any killing attacks at all . If it's lower, you could get away with it depending on how rash the PC was playing it. For example, my character has the lowest possible code against killing. She does have a 1d6 RKA (with a +4 stun mod) attack, but with ranged martial moves and levels she can aim for legs and arms, trip and disarm normals without killing them. I think though it's really up to you as the GM how hard you come down on them... I know if I started to really damage normals my GM would not be happy.
  14. I had a brick which was a small (5'2') red-haired female scientist...The most fun I had was beating someone on the head with a conference table on the way down to the street below... all while dressed in a lab coat, hair up in a bun and glasses on. She was the scientific brains of the group (it was a time travel game) and a major feminist (which made life interesting traveling through time). So on one hand she was this sort of drab geeky repressed type woman, but on the other hand an amazon warrior when pissed off. Lots of fun!
  15. Try a game together first to let her get used to it. Or, if she's into Amber or some other game like that, a pick up game would introduce her to some of the more rabid game players. That way she would most likely know someone in every game. The dealers room will also suck up a lot of time, as will the art show. If they are still doing the anime showing that might be fun and of course go to the Costume show.
  16. Hmm maybe I will if they bring back the "Women and Minorities In Gaming" seminar, that rocked till they stopped doing it. I really had fun connecting with other female players and talking about problems and solutions and being able to express our views about stuff to the game developers. I hope they also start doing something to encourage peeps to GM. I know my husband had finally stopped GMing after they way they had screwed up all the scheduling of his games. Which was too bad, as he had run a Klingon game every year for many years.
  17. Well they sucked then too. The last two years were horror stories for my group and I.
  18. Ohh I love that comic!!. BTW if you get the cartoon network, they have X-evolution and are going to start showing Teen Titans this Sat. That might give you some ideas. When my character got knocked up in our Champions game our GM (who is a rl doctor) started roleplaying out the symtoms of pregnacy... Now that was interesting... Unfortunatly the game ended before the birth, but I'm sure labor would have started at the worst time possible...
  19. I'm not going, I was a loyal Gencon goer for many years, but the way Andon runs their cons has made me vow never to give them my money again. Now if someone else was running the con...
  20. I think there is a disad you can get where your enemy can missle deflect the attack if you want to simualte their "realness" after you create them. But that would only work against the thrown ones.
  21. If the GM feels like you keep springing his traps/ruining capture attempts/finding the secret headquarters etc he/she might start to get a tad miffed that all that work gets wasted. Speaking from experience, GM's get cranky when you avoid teleporting into the room filled with supervillians.
  22. I can see your GM getting frustrated with that combo rather quick.
  23. When you have the adder selective, don't you have to do an attack roll for each person you wish to hit? I can't check cause i don't have my book, but with a bad OCV, that could hurt...
  24. My GM would never allow us to do that. He would allow us to maybe get the other person to safety (and hence getting clobbered ourselves) or get our own tushies safely away. Now if you had some sort of soft explosion that did extra knock back and maybe not much damage, you could knock everyone away (including yourself if you don't buy immunity to it) but that would be an attack. I think there are some skills or talents that can make you move first, no matter what your dex is but since I'm sans book right now, I can't tell you what that is. In any case I think you would have to use something that was an area effect or usable by others to attempt to teleport peeps away which I think would at least elimnate the grab part.
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