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Posts posted by Kevlyn

  1. I'd love to either run Fantasy Hero or play in a game via VTT.  Now, I saw Epic used for a game, but I wasn't very enthusiastic about it overall.  I saw some Roll20 ads, again it didn't grab me as a platform either.  I have Fantasy Grounds, but I don't have a custom ruleset for it.  I could set up a game though, using that.  I have an ultimate license, so players with even demo versions could play as well.  I haven't checked it out in a while, but there is another tabletop I picked up iTabletop.  I'm going to check that out as a possible avenue.  Any interest?  Any other suggestions?

  2.  I started off as a backer for this, but the more I hear from Ron about the project the more it sounds like a breakdown a psychology or social structure. He spending so much time analyzing every little thing That he is not making me at all excited about this. After the update today I felt so lackluster that I just went ahead and canceled my support.


    There is zero need for two versions of this product. If you’re revising the rules for now then those are the only rule is that you should need. Most people who are going to back this for nostalgia already have a copy of the original rules anyway.


     Best of luck and I hope that your project funds

  3. One of the pitfalls can be worrying about encounter balance.   I don't.   I build encounters that make sense for the region or area that the players are in.  And I scale them to what makes sense, if the group is in Orc country around the fringes, they're likely to encounter small groups of Orcs.   But the closer to their home lair they get, the more numerous they become.


    So, I try to warn players by leaving clues.   "You see a trail that looks like a few creatures have passed through recently."  vs.  "You come across a trail that is well packed down, as if trampled and pressed down over a long time or by a large number of creatures."   If the party pushes into the area, then they encounter "something".  If it's the larger numbers, then they can potentially perish before getting a chance to run.  Or they may, within a phase or two eliminate the opposition.   Rarely do I have protracted battles.


    Another GM that I know doesn't like playing Hero because all the battles last too long.  He spends far more time balancing them to his group, so they drag out.   Avoid that pitfall, there's nothing like letting the players hit a few easy ones and then stumble across a difficult battle to make them feel as if they're accomplishing things.

  4. Re: My Campaign Is Starting to Flesh Out... I Need Help!


    Do you have this as a hard rule? or do you do it if it becomes an issue? I plan on warning my players... holding an action is not the end of the world after all.


    Yes. It's not a set amount of time either, if I feel like I might get a response quickly I'm more apt to wait a few seconds longer. The idea, though, is that when you have a couple of hours at most that anything to keep the game moving helps a lot. I just told the players during the first session of the game that I would give them a held action if they took too long. It had a side benefit of putting some urgency into the players, too. Which means they've made some rash decisions, not unlike a combat encounter.

  5. Re: My Campaign Is Starting to Flesh Out... I Need Help!


    I run a game every two weeks. We meet for about 3 hours. Here's a few things that I've done to help keep the game moving along.


    Rule 1: The party must stay together during the regular sessions.

    Rule 2: You are encouraged to explore town, but do so via a medium like email or Obsidian Portal.

    Rule 3: When a rules question comes up, I make a ruling and move on. Someone is free to look up the rules, but what's done is done. Next time we'll know differently.

    Rule 4: If you miss a game, your character misses the experience. I award the experience every session, some players will naturally fall off and not come back if their character gets too far behind.

    Rule 5: Don't let them get sidetracked. Three hours isn't much time, so in a battle if someone takes more than a few seconds to decide their action then they're considered to be holding and I move on.

    Rule 6: Have fun.


    Hope that helps.

  6. Re: GM vs Player narrative authority


    I'm of the opinion that if I were that GM I would do something along the same lines. I'm not entirely certain the GM wasn't trying to prevent the bar fight with the additional penalties. I'd definitely go that route too, especially if the other players at the table were not entirely enthusiastic about a brawl.


    But I'm also the kind of player that understands the guy running the game is doing it because he's having fun. If he stops having fun, then he stops running the game. GM's game, GM's decision. If the player doesn't like it, he should go run his own game.

  7. I've been flipping through my TORG books, which is an obvious HERO setting because of the mish-mash of genres. So I decided that I should build a few characters based off the templates provided.


    So, first up is Daetnar, a resident of Aysle who was changed into a barbaric warrior because of the reality storms. From just outside Cardiff, Daetnar does not really remember reality before the raiders. He only knows that he and his cousin have survived.



  8. Re: Question on resistant PD/ED?


    I would probably just create a compound power, like this:


    Density: (Total: 79 Active Cost, 71 Real Cost) Density Increase (102,400 kg mass, +50 STR, -20m KB) (40 Active Points); No Defense Increase does not provide PD or ED (-1/4) (Real Cost: 32) plus Resistant Protection (13 PD/13 ED) (Real Cost: 39)

  9. Re: Fantasy game props


    You might try a hobby store, one that sells train sets may have pre-made terrain. The other thing you can do is visit with some of the warhammer players and see if they might be willing to show you how to make terrain.


    Trees dont have to be fancy, you can often use pipe cleaners twisted into the shape you desire. Then it can be mounted to a piece of cardboard for the base. From there, at least back when I played warhammer, you can buy flocking and grass to create the leaves and decorate the base for the tree.


    Just depends on how much time you want to invest in building terrain. It can be a time consuming, but rewarding, effort.

  10. Re: AP limits on frameworks


    Yeah, that was my thought. I made a character with a VPP, but I limited the switching out of powers, and when he'd used a power a third time his VPP would remain locked to that power until it was moved into a MP. That, to me, simulated "developing power stunts".


    Is that a reasonable use, I'm very wary of even using VPPs at all. The example above was for a NPC, so I wasn't too worried about how I used it (I only changed it between adventures).

  11. Re: AP limits on frameworks


    Well, for me at least, I wonder why wouldn't everyone have a VPP then? They wouldn't need to worry about buying powers, they could just have whatever power they need for the situation.


    So, since I've never really ran HERO before, what should I look for when dealing with VPPs? MPs for that matter too.

  12. I had a player recently tell me that my restriction on frameworks to the campaign limit was the first time they'd heard of that. They considered the AP limit to apply to powers within the framework.


    I ruled that a framework should be limited, because it allows players to acquire powers that are significantly discounted and I viewed attempting to use a framework in this manner an abuse of the system.


    How do other GMs handle frameworks?

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