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Everything posted by PerennialRook

  1. Don't do it! It's not worth the points you'd save! I want to hear about a player who was surrounded by six of these things and subsequently beaten to a pulp because it had a -6 to everything! Now THAT's evil. -Preston
  2. I agree in principle, though in this case I am talking about two different types of "Extra Visible." Not discounting it once for a bright flash and a second time for the thunderclap and a third time... Rather once because it is visible to magic users and again because it is extra visible to normal senses. -Preston
  3. Lightning Bolt: Energy Blast 10d6, Area of Effect (40" Any Area; +1 3/4), Selective (+1/4) (150 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), OAF (-1), Gestures (Requires Both Hands; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Requires Magic Roll (-1/2), Noisy (-1/4), Visible (-1/4), Concentration (O DCV; -1/2), Side Effect (Sight Group Flash 4d6 plus Normal Hearing Flash 5 1/2d6; -1). Total Cost: 26 points. (My GM discounts spells to half price for "True Spellcasters." So I only pay 13 points for a 10d6 AOE Energy Blast.)
  4. GMB pg. 202 "In some circumstances, characters can also take Visible for powers which are ordinarily visible to simulate the fact that those Powers are much more perceptable than normal (for example, a "Lightning Bolt" Energy Blast which causes a thunderclap audible up to a mile away)." Yes, it acually uses the Lightning Bolt example. Also GMB pg. 202 "For example, this Limitation (renamed "Noisy") is often used for magic spells in fantasy campaigns, to simulate the fact that any wizard or "sensitive' person in the vicinity can detect the spell as it is being cast." Since both of these apply to this particular spell, I'm wondering if I can take them both, even though technically they are the same limitation. The flashes I want to build as a Side Effect (Minor, affects both character and environment, occurs automatically whenever power is used; -1). Which means I need 37 Active Points worth of Flash. which works out to a Sight Group Flash 4d6 plus a Normal Hearing Flash 5 1/2d6. -Preston
  5. Also, can I take the visible limitation twice on the spell? Once for making it "noisy" and the second time for the thunder and bright flash of the lightning. -Preston
  6. As a follow up question: How many d6's of flash to sight and sound would you put on a lightening bolt? -Preston
  7. If I am making a wizard and I am aplying disadvantages to his spells. Can I take both gestures requiring two hands and focus with a wizards staff that he holds in one of the hands? Effectively making gestures with one hand and a staff. -Preston
  8. Q: If you were in charge of wardrobe for Angelina Jolie's upcomming movie set in space, what would she be wearing? Q:Marine, I said, "incomming!" Aren't you going to duck!?! A: The Daily Double.
  9. A 10d6 Energy blast will have a 5" AOE Radius, whereas it will have a 20" AOE Line. If I built it as a AOE Radius how would I hit one goblin 20" away? That would give me a total of 5". Really all I need to know is what the cost of an advantage that would enable a AOE Line to turn would be. -Preston
  10. I'm building a fantasy hero wizard. I'm not having much trouble building most of his spells, but there is one effect that I don't know quite how to build. I want a lightning bolt spell that has a limited distance that it can travel, but can hit multiple targets until it has reached it's max distance. 10 goblins are surrounding Vehren the Wizard, and another goblin stands a small distance back. Lightning springs forth from Vehren as he gestures and chants jumping towards one goblin in the circle then turning to pass through the rest of them, before finally jumping out to hit the goblin who had been standing a little further off. This last goblin, having seen it hit all the others, dives for cover, and the lightning bolt, which had been arcing towards where he had stood, turned to hit him, though didn't have the energy to reach him. Seeing the 10 dead and dying goblins on the ground the last goblin runs for his life, though is engulfed in flames before he can get around a corner and out of sight of the Wizard. Vehren, now exausted, takes a few moments to rest. I was thinking about building it as a 10d6 (page 299 lightning bolt damage) Energy Blast with a Selective Area of Effect Line (double distance). Is there any sort of advantage that I can use to say that I can turn the line? -Preston
  11. Gary, while I can see why you would interpret my comments as such, I really HAD noticed, over several posts zornwil has made, that he may be short a few cards. I love hero, though I'm fairly new to the system. I like roleplaying because of the simulation and escapist aspects. Hero does a great job simulating combat, then says, "and you have a comliness stat. Moving on...." I'm interested in expanding on an already great system, in a balanced manner, into a less combat intensive area, give the game greater scope and depth. Then zornwil says "what's the problem? I have everything I need to kill stuff." I'm talking about innovation, when he would have stopped tecnological evolution with a sharpened stone tied to a stick (or before). Why when you talk about change does someone always innevitably say "don't fix it if'n it ain't broke?" They say, "why?" I say "why not?" [/endrant] -Preston
  12. Say I am going to make an archer, Ashbern Fletcher. I'm buying talents for Ash when I notice Deadly Blow. Cool. As an archer I give him Expert Archer and as a hunter I give him Expert Hunter. Now fletcher is hunting a deer with his bow. Do I get both +1d6's to his attacks for a total of +2d6? Also I'm buying Rapid Archery for Ash, though with the variant that uses the naked Autofire. Do I have to include the +2d6 from deadly blows with the cost of the bow's Autofire? Just a few more. Ash has a STR of 25, more than enough for the heaviest bow in the book. Can I get a 3d6 Great Composite Longbow with a range of 315" and a STR min of 24 weighing 1.6 kg at a cost of 55 SP? Ash's afore mentioned bow has a wick on the front of his bow to light arrows that have been wrapped in oil soaked cloth. How do I build said arrows? Thank you for your help, -Preston
  13. Zornwil, I've read a few of your posts, and I've begun to wonder if you are actually as stupid as you seem. -Preston
  14. Q: Tim, you're in control of the board. What category would you like? A: American McGee's Alice
  15. Q: *Jaw drops* You rode on a bus full of what?!? Lucky *grumble grumble grumble* A: Stephen King and the Easter Bunny... oh yeah and Bush
  16. Q: What does Debra Messing appear to have lost down her shirt? A: Your Mother.
  17. Q: What are the three things Orlando Bloom is most sick of? A: With a stake through the heart or direct sunlight.
  18. I have a power I'm developing "Put At Ease" which is a Drain Mental Defence 1d6 plus Drain EGO 1d6 which Requires A Seduction Roll. The basic fx should make it so that only I get the benefit reletive to the character (I'm not softening up the person for some other mentalist). Would the Self Only disadvantage work? I had thought self only was only to apply the power to one's self, in this case I want the power to work relevant to myself. How do I do this? -Preston
  19. Now Seduction, a character I'm making for Global Guardians with a COM of 30 has an average of 12 with 10s in every scaled comliness stat except for Magnetism, in which she has a 26, and Voice, in which she has a 0 (as a mute). -Preston
  20. Sure. The system would be in addition to any house rules. Really it has no in game effect, rather it helps quantify what your COM score represents. However, I think you added wrong. You spent 3 points on COM so that gives you 24 points to spend. You got a total of 28 points from selling back your other scores, taking back 14 of the 24 points. Overall you only had 10 points to spend and you spent 38. Her average score should be a 5.625, though for a kid I would sell back her MAG to zero and maybe HLT to five in order to represent innocence and a lack of developement. I havn't figured out how selling back will work. Assuming a point for selling a point back, that would give you 15 more points. Thus her overall score excluding MAG and HLT would be 6.25, pretty good for a kid. -Preston
  21. HOT or NOT: Rating on a scale of 1 - 10 Something I thought of while I was trying to think this whole thing out. You have eight comliness stats as follows: Tangibles- Body (BODY): How healthy and well-built a character apears. Face (FACE): How attractive a character's facial features are. Grace (GRA): Fluidity of movement, aka. "poetry in motion" or "cat like grace." Highlight (HLT): The beauty of a character's most stunning physical trait. Intangibles- Attitude (ATT): How friendly, likeable, and outgoing a character is. Magnetism (MAG): A character's non-physical sensuality or capacity to arouse interest. Style (STY): How a chatacter presents themselves, including, clothing, hair, and so on. Voice (VOC): The quality of one's voice. Each comliness stat (BODY, FACE, GRA, HLT, ATT, MAG, STY, VOC) has a base of 10. For every point you spend on a non-comliness stat (STR, DEX, CON, BODY, INT, EGO, PRE) you get half a point to spend on specific comliness stats. For every point you spend on COM you get 8 points to spend on any comliness stat. Normal characteristic maxima applies. You can spend points from non-comliness stats as follows: STR: BODY, GRA, and HLT DEX: BODY, FACE, and GRA CON: FACE, GRA, and HLT BODY: BODY, FACE and HLT INT: ATT, MAG, STY, and VOC EGO: ATT, MAG, STY, and VOC PRE: ATT, MAG, STY, and VOC Take the final comliness stat and devide it by 2. This becomes the rank (on a scale of 1-10) of a character in that particular comliness stat. Athletes have high levels of body, dancers and gymnasts have high levels of grace, and radio personalities (with their huge egos) have high levels in voice. A weak, clumsy, sickly, frail, slow, gulible, wallflower will have significantly lower comliness scores than the strong, agile, healthy, sturdy, quick, willful, life of the party. That is unless the wallflower has a 20 COM and the life of the party only has a 10. What do you think? How do your characters stat out with this system? Also, you may or may not notice that I dropped Hair and Approachability. I dopped hair because I think it is well enough covered in Face and Style. I dropped Approachability because I think that approachability is directly linked to PRE. -Preston
  22. StationX, you may be right that we don't need more figured characteristics, but you can't deny the effect that other characteristics have on a person's looks. -Preston
  23. Thanks to some investigative work on Black Rose's part, an interesting idea that I would like to see further developed: So in drkrash's detailed comliness structure what did these new values mean/represent? What happens if I have a +3 Highlight? I like the general idea, however, and think it would be something interesting to incorperate with some rules. Another twist might be to give bonuses to different "comliness stats" with the regular stats. For instance: for every point you spend on PRE you get a +1 to Approachability, Attitude, Magnetism, or Voice, for every 2 points you spend on CON you get a +1 to Body, Face, Hair, or Highlight, for every 1/2 point you spend on COM you get a +1 to any "comliness stat," for every 3 points you spend on DEX you get a +1 to Grace (a new one I added), Body, Magnetism, or Style, etc... Then you would have higher "comliness stats" and rather than having a +3 Highlight a character has a Highlight Score of 18 (base 10 plus 8 "+1's"), or a Highlight Roll of 13-, a very fine (insert physical attribute here). Also, out of curiosity, where might I find drkrash's origional post? -Preston
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