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Posts posted by Battlestaff

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: what would you do with time travel' date=' [b']but[/b] you can only use it unselfishly.


    "Gee, Mr. Lennon, why don't you just stay in bed all day today?"



    NT: What would you do with time travel to pull the greatest prank in history.

  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: College courses you never saw offered' date=' but would have signed up for in a heartbeat.[/quote']


    PHY 204: Beer Before Liquor, or Vice Versa: A Hands-On Approach to Alcohol Consumption


    NT: Signs you should probably find a new job.


    Your boss asks you to cash your paycheck and use some of that money to cover the past-due light bill (actually happened to me, more than once).


    Or your boss asks you to stop cashing out your paycheck through the register, as the checks don't always clear (actually happened also).

  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Truly unspeakable things available in the corporate lunchroom.


    Anything named using a corporate buzzword, such as "Thinking Outside the Box Lunch" or "paradigm pasta."


    NT: Bad topics for a motivational speaker at your place of employment.

  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Why did I just say that?


    You listened to rock music when you were younger, and it led you to perform all sorts of anti-social activities.



    NT: If listening to rock music as a child led to all sorts of anti-social behavior, what did listening to Barney or the Wiggles or other children's singing groups lead to?

  5. Re: Top Signs that you need to rethink your GMing.


    In an AD&D game (all the same GM)


    When your GM tells you that your PC's hid in a cave for a whole year while a world-spanning war was going on, instead of participating in the war.


    When your GM tells you that certain classes aren't allowed in the game since he isn't going to use them, whereupon you promptly run into three of those clasess in the first two game sessions.


    When your GM tells you that you can't play a character unless he watches all rolls, etcs., and that he isn't going to stop the middle of a game if you are killed to watch you roll dice (okay so far). Then he tells you that he isn't going to watch you make the character during the week, but only on game days (before play starts), and that he has to have a week to review the character. In effect, if you died, the next week you rolled up a replacement character, and the week after that you could play again. (We did eventually force him to let us have backup characters pre-created so that if we died, we would at least be able to play again the next week, since if we did die, we were done for that week).


    When your GM lets your players pick ANY alignment they felt like. Without explaining why PC's with such divergent alignments would work together, much less have hid from a war in a cave together for a whole year to escape the war.


    When, after two game sessions, the most valuable items your party has found is a herd of ten cattle. Which you can acquire after killing the unarmed farmer and helpers who were driving the cattle to market.


    When the GM joins in with another player making fun of your player, because while you were the only person who took the "swimming" skill, and thus the only person who could swim the river and kill the unarmed cattle owner and helper, you didn't have a "herdsman" skill (which the teasing player didn't have either).

  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Surprising things you can do with a stack of 15' date='000 Twinkies.[/quote']


    Get a refugee camp full of starving people to crown you king.



    What, too tasteless?



    NT: Surprising things you can do with a rope, a ladder, and Paris Hilton. (Difficulty: no hanging jokes.)

  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Worst team name evar. (Sports' date=' superteam, battlin' business Unit, whatever)[/quote']


    The minor league baseball team for Montgomery, AL was "the Montgomery Biscuits." That's right, their mascot was an inanimate baked good.



    NT: How Superman makes it up to Lois when she's mad at him.


    Uses his superhearing and X-ray vision to give her an incredible scoop for work.



    NT: What Lex Luthor is hoping for from Santa Clause. (Difficulty: No kryptonite)

  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: The hideous plans that Archermoo' date=' Death Tribble, Doc Democracy, Markdoc and "V" came up with on Friday in the Houses of Parliament.[/quote']


    A televised hot oil wrestling match between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell to sort out once and for all who's right. Winner becomes Prime Minister.


    Yeah, try and get that mental image out of your head today.

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