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Everything posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. I want a president who will actually take climate change as seriously as it needs to be.
  2. Yeah. Or even intermittently. This is going to be something we are going to feel the scars for the rest of our lives, if things go bad.
  3. https://www.newsweek.com/2021/12/31/millions-angry-armed-americans-stand-ready-seize-power-if-trump-loses-2024-1660953.html (edit: pretty sure this is an overexaggeration - more people bought guns to protect themselves than anything, likely, but there will likely be the kind of political violence we see in certain foreign countries...)
  4. I'm pretty sure Fox and all the radio hosts associated with it will have indirectly caused more deaths than any other collective figures in history by the time the covid and climate deaths are fully accounted for. Barring a preemptive nuclear strike, of course...
  5. I'm pretty sure their 'interpretation' of how a fertilized egg is alive would suggest that a sperm, too, is alive. Not to mention that something like 33% of fertilized eggs don't stick to the uterus wall? Which means about half as many humans again were 'naturally aborted'? Then we can talk about the Bible suggesting medically-induced forced abortions for unfaithful wives... >_> Okay, I've started enough fights now
  6. Yep. I think it's a stupid way to exercise this too. Like shooting oneself in the foot to prove a point. At this point? They are only hurting their own constituents. It's interesting that a few weeks ago I recall hearing the Supreme Court suddenly opinionating that the Texas Law was 'a flagrant run-around of their authority and something you can't just decide, legislatively, to do, by cleverly coding it into law'. And then this decision happens.......
  7. A perspective reminder - a number of abortion clinics still died in Texas, and now getting prescriptive abortion medicine is illegal. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-independent-clinics-fight-survive-under-restrictive-abortion-law-n1283696 So Texan women are going to have to pay to leave Texas, or travel very far out of their way, in order to get an abortion. It's effectively being killed there regardless of the Roe v Wade decision. But this will likely be replicated in many other states.
  8. In case people thought things were going to stay at '13 weeks' https://www.texastribune.org/2021/12/02/texas-ban-medical-abortion/
  9. Regardless, states right shouldn't/don't supersede the minimum rights we give our populace...
  10. Yeah. The state's right to decide what to do to their own citizens despite federal law. Like enslave them. Or bomb them. 😕 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/forgotten-matewan-massacre-was-epicenter-20th-century-mine-wars-180963026/
  11. Their excuse for 'how dare you be angry at trump' sort of dies after the 6th.
  12. I'm hoping this will force the parties in (current power) to concede that they will probably be extinguished, and be forced to implement voting reform (like ranked choice) as a means of dodging/delaying the inevitable, establishing third party legitimacy because it will be the only way they remain relevant themselves...
  13. Something I thought about today. By the time the next pres cycle gets to the point the current one is at, we'll have a generation of teenagers who only remember the GOP as being the political party that jokes about killing Democrats. People who are hitting about the 10 y/o now, who've grown up with that for the last 6 years will only have an understanding and memory of politics here as being a political party advocating for killing, possibly them or their parents. As the advocates, or the target.
  14. and climate change - which will continue unabated, as judging by the 'make a wish' coinflip at the final summit.
  15. And so the USA will continue to avoid solving or even addressing civilization-ending issues...
  16. And climate change plans will continue to be delayed another thirty years, and any financial reform almost as long. Yep.
  17. (well, maybe I should dig up and share more examples, but...)
  18. Not an unrealistic cynical viewpoint. Look at Fox, Tucker, etc, they are absolutely sabotaging it with antivax hysteria. Look at the Afghan withdrawl. Who started it at the end of his term so he could dodge the actual consequences of starting it? Which news conveniently forgot who was meeting the Taliban right up at the end of his term in negotiating it first? Nixon scuttling peace in Vietnam? This happens literally all the time.
  19. The problem is we've waited a long time to fix some of these problems, like... climate change, or income inequality. So long that these things will likely begin actively destroying cities every decade before we start doing anything.
  20. Looks like waiting my entire lifetime to see real attempts to tackle climate change hasn't paid off yet
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