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Everything posted by TrickstaPriest

  1. Pretty much. Just wondering how all these new election laws are going to impact 2022. Pretty sure my brother just lost his right to vote.
  2. It's prescribed for ADHD, which is (to me) the leading 'thing' I'd think he has. Then again adderall abuse is not great, and long term consequences of overuse for that class of stimulants can apparently include mania and paranoia? I might be wrong on this.
  3. Saw my first 'kill your local pedo***' sticker in someone's back-window yesterday. Not sure how I feel about that, AZ.
  4. To elaborate my own thoughts - this is not legal/Constitution treason, but the clear rabble-rousing to legitimize a military coup looks pretty bad (speaks to intent), especially when the motivations are wholly political satisfaction.
  5. Unfortunately the current R strategy seems to be to slam bills out to exhaust D's resources stopping the most horrific stuff so they can make room to seize politics (via voter laws) en masse: https://fox8.com/news/coronavirus/proposed-ohio-bill-would-prohibit-requiring-vaccinations-masks/ Literally a 'we are going to force bills that you have to stop or the bills will **** the country over, so then we can pass bills that will let us seize control of the political apparatus legally'
  6. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/25/trump-is-starting-to-put-together-his-own-contract-with-america-and-hes-teaming-up-with-newt-490829 ...
  7. Blaming the "best practices" for security breaches is nuts. As far as the commenter goes I totally agree with (:edited) what you are saying. The article's definitely been written for people who clearly don't have a clue. (edited out, just irrelevant) I know someone in Software Dev who had the same opinion - punish software devs for software dev failures. Sue them, etc. Sometimes you -can- blame a single person for a failure. And those people might actually get blackballed. But the attitude they are creating here is to blame people for failures they likely won't have control over. It's very different from, let's say, a medical malpractice incident. Not unless you happen to have multiple teams of doctors and nurses administrating your needs at once and working in an interconnected environ... I do wonder if this is part of a push to devalue the industry, like how much of Silicon Valley conspired to pay programmers worse.
  8. Unrelated but shared here because. We have found it. The worst cybersecurity take. Here's thinking of you, Dan Simon https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/553891-our-cybersecurity-industry-best-practices-keep-allowing-breaches
  9. This is what's come of decades of openness and tolerance from people like me 😕
  10. This is pretty much the end of the democratic process in our country. 😕
  11. The people who left account for less than 1% IIRC, which means still 70% of the overall Republican Party strongly believe Trump won the election and a massive conspiracy in (what would have to be) nearly every state, recount, and procedure was used to steal the election. Including their own judges being endlessly corrupt, Republican-run state-level officials (in what would have to be many states, again) conspiring to enact it, etc, etc
  12. This is how far this has gone. Might have some NSFW words
  13. Better video on why I think the counter-conversation is destroying this country, not on the pandemic There's some NSFW language, but nothing terribly bad besides swears. Also forgot to post it as a link only. Despite the 'catch', it's almost entirely just conversation, and you can really see into the mindset of what Christian conservatives are talking about right now. Video (yes, the images are censored)
  14. Thanks, I was confused until I went back to the beginning of the video. It's actually a lot of phone calls discussing some of the scandals of Britain right now, particularly with how they are going in and out of lockdowns so much
  15. Pretty much a reiteration of why this whole counter-conversation about the pandemic is dooming the future of our country (pretty much a doomer mood today). edited for Ranx- It's a video of British News, mostly on issues with Boris Johnson. I forgot though that the opening song of it has NSFW language.
  16. Yes. Literally why I've been laying the potential death of the human race (and various other issues) at the feet of the right-wing "news machine" for a decade and counting now 😕 And Tucker personally has almost as much influence as trump does, and will probably live longer... and frankly is smarter than he is.
  17. In case you forgot what concern trolling looks like:
  18. The combined spending limit, yes. but my memory may be fuzzy on that. A separate issue that definitely can be mitigated by the right kind of lawsuits. But that's another animal entirely.
  19. What about a total spending limit on political ads for a campaign and restrictions on when they can be shown? The style of laws that I seem to recall existed once upon a time. Edit: Of course, the system would fight like hell to prevent that, but they also fought like hell to have Trump be the primary candidate... and we all are still paying because of that outcome.
  20. I personally feel it's far too late to watch what's happening in the US and have any ability to steer people from it. The only way to even see the beginning of tragedies like this is to see the BS building in the UK and other countries.
  21. Georgia's made it official that early voting closes at 5 pm, that it's outright illegal to give water or food to voters waiting in line Nebraska's GOP has been advocating for a new "United States exceptionalism" curriculum Ohio almost explicitly made illegal punishment for 'religious answers' in schoolwork even if it's content is wrong Kansas forced almost a million occupants of Dodge City to use a single polling location during the 2018 election and had near-literal entire-day waiting lines to vote. Trying to legalize driving into protesters in a number of states now, it looks like? I won't even get into the constant anti-cali, anti-detroit, anti-etc propaganda I constantly hear from friends. Not that those locations don't have troubles, but they parrot things that blatantly aren't grounded in truth, and only stop when they get frustrated enough to research the topics themselves (after arguing the point with me). It sets the groundwork for utter lack of empathy when bad things happen to other people. Pretty much seems the entire party is seeking revenge for other people existing oh. can't forget the new anti-abortion laws being pushed... (and the anti-trans stuff that is now 100% in vogue)
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