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Supreme Serpent

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Posts posted by Supreme Serpent

  1. Re: CthulhuTech?


    Haven't looked at the game, but the basic concept seems fine to me. A lot of alien things like the Invid are only a step or two away from Cthuloid anyways. And if I were going to be fighting giant star-spawned nightmares, I sure as heck would like a mecha to do it in.

  2. Re: The Silence of the Catgirls or too much realism in fantasy


    Some superhero worlds, particularly more modern ones, attempt to explain all the odd implications of Superpowers and how they tie into the laws of physics as understood in our world. Psionics or "reality bending" are common explanations, for example.


    Does that kind of bum anyone else out? It does for me many times since it seems to damp down on some of the "fun" of a comic book world. The Hulk isn't strong because of his unbreakable gamma irradiated muscles but because a psionicist that hasn't figured out he can effect things beyond his arms reach.


    It ties into something I've noticed. I don't like to play character who's power source is not what they think it is when it's pretty obvious to a big portion of the campaign setting. Like a character that believes their powers are "magical" or "Supertech" in Vanilla Aberrant is essentially delusional.


    I understand this is a plus for good number of fans that value consistency and don't like handwaving and I'm not dumping on their preferences Just wondering does it hamper anyone elses' enjoyment or I'm pretty unique in that. Please keep that in mind if your reply and try not to get defensive. There is no badwrongfun*.


    *Except Reality TV. That's just Evil.


    Depends. Most of the time I don't get much deeper than "the lightning bolt and chemicals somehow combined to give him superspeed". I usually don't get into explanations of how he subconsciously alters his position in the universe by means of coordinated psionic vibration of his body's electrons.


    If it's a general supers game, I don't want to hear about how my radiation-spawned behemoth is really powered by magic, or that my techie gadgeteer isn't really a genius, he just generates a psionic field that makes his inventions work. I wouldn't mind making characters like that, but I'd want to know it going in and make it part of the character, not have it as a joke at the character's expense.


    I'm OK with other things being added to the unknown parts of my agreed-upon origin by the GM, but I don't want that agreed-upon origin to be tossed out and replaced. Behemoth is correct in knowing that he was transformed by the nuclear reactor meltdown. What he didn't know until it was revealed in play years later is that the meltdown was caused by a curse by the mystic supervillain Nightmare so that he could feed upon the fear the meltdown caused in the city. That's fine, doesn't change anything, just adds another layer.


    Worlds where things are laid out up front are OK to me. Can go with the straight flow, or stretch within the framework. No such thing as magic? OK, I can still make a mentalist that poses as a magician if I want to. Everything is psionic? OK, can my character's psionic ability be limited physical precognition, helping him to know the best move a split second in advance, making him a great acrobat/martial artist?

  3. Hmm, normally I'm responding to these types of threads, but this time I need HEROdom's help! :D


    I have a basic character concept for a new character in an upcoming campaign, but haven't been fully satisfied yet with any of the names I've come up with on my own. Hoping someone else will be more creative than I am and either provide a perfect one or spark me in the right direction. :)


    Going to be for a pretty four-color supers game, so while he might have some deadly abilities he's not going to be a killer so really evil-sounding names probably wouldn't fit. The game will be set in "New Olympia" aka a renamed Seattle, but no requirement that the name be Greek or Northwest-inspired but it's not a disqualifier either. Full details of alter ego not set, might be affected by the name.


    Guy has magnetic powers, but instead of just going out bare and hoping there will be plenty of metal available to manipulate, he brings a lot with him. Makes himself an armored suit he manipulates with his powers, flies by moving the suit with him in it, "skates" along magnetically, etc. Steel cables for stretching, ball bearing EBs, stronger in the suit due to having a structure making his TK more effective (making himself the lever), can form up some sort of sword/axe/hammer as needed, maybe just for SFX, maybe for extra damage. Can do regular magnetic TK stuff too, it's just that he tries to "BYOB" (bring your own battlesuit :P).


    So far thinking of things like:







    Thanks in advance for any help and inspiration! :thumbup:

  4. Talk about other people's cool characters, not your own. :D


    What character ideas have you run across as a GM or as a fellow player that made you think "cool!" or "neat idea!"?


    For example, in a (short-lived) game I ran before, someone brought in a Batman-type guy. So, far, pretty basic. But the premise was that he did have a superpower - duplication. But it was not boughtas a power, just as a justification for other things. Only one would suit up at any given time, but it allowed for one guy to be out crimefighting while another maintained the 'Secred ID' (which got much reduced points for), another maintained the equipment/vehicles, another did research/detective work, etc.

  5. Re: Unique, interesting powers


    Don't remember actual power constructs, but the ones I recall as having fun with in-game:


    Desolid + usable by others (x2 extra people). Since the game started out with just me and two others, was often very handy. Many's the attack I helped them avoid with a timely desolid, and getting into the bad guy's hideout was generally pretty easy.


    EB with indirect. Instead of going with a swiss army knife multipower, I built an EB with one goal in mind - being able to shoot a big EB, and be able to control it's path - shoot around corners, knock bad guys certain directions, etc. Let me tell you, an indirect spread EB can ruin the bad guys' day.


    Overall levels useable by others (at range). A simple luck construct, able to add X to ally's OCV/DCV, etc.

  6. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread.


    First up is Judd's PC, Elias Corvus... a Paladin of the RavenQueen. Judd was pretty evocative with his description. I had a pretty good sense of where to go with his pic.


    I like how the axe looks like a beak - was that part of his description or did you add that in?


    Originally, last night, I drew him with long black hair... but I decided this morning to erase that and show him with shorn, short black hair. I think this is a sign of morning amond the Eladrin, after all, his entire family and the extended caravan that Meth grew up with has been wiped out. I like the short hair.


    Plus a lot cooler given the climate.


    I dunno why, but the face and Dray's calves look a bit like John Byrne's work. Just one of those odd influences that can sneak into one's work, especially when doodling away.


    Not a bad thing from my point of view, especially from his 'heyday'. The angular face with the hairstyle, slashing eybrows and pointed ears brings up images of Byrne's Namor so that might be what helps bring out some of the similarities.


    Good stuff! :thumbup:

  7. Re: THE BOOK OF THE DESTROYER: What Do *You* Want To See?


    I'd also like some details on what Destroyer was doing in WWII. Ideally' date=' stats and plots for Destroyer in WWII, the 50s, and the 70s.[/quote']


    Another vote for details on past versions. WWII, post-war pre-armor, early supervillain, early global threat (late 1970s/early 1980s blue armor era :)), pre-Detroit, modern.

  8. Re: Time travel in the Marvel Universe


    Someone was asking me the other day on Hero Central about time travel in the Marvel Universe, but my Marvel-fu failed me and I was unable to answer. Who has the ability to manipulate and/or travel the time stream?


    I know Kang, Immortus, Space Phantom, Dr. Doom's got a time machine... who else? :think:


    IIRC Space Phantom(s) is/are from Limbo, but don't themselves have any power over time.


    Depending on what explanation of her powers you want to believe, Scarlet Witch has the ability to influence time (retroactively making events infinitely more likely).

  9. Re: Ape Name Needed


    Are you looking for a name to match a theme or will you do your theme to match your name? What kind of crime lord is he? 30's Gangster? Modern mafia? KGB-ish? Thug? African background? Are his cyborg parts obvious (such as an entire arm and half a head)? Or are they just "flavor"?


    Without really knowing what you're looking for, Simeon (a real name and it sounds like simian, though it refers to apes and monkeys) is the only name I can think of that is broad enough to cover all areas without specifying one.


    :thumbup: "Simeon" is cool.


    Make him a cyborg gorilla crime boss Houngan leading a Haitian Voodoo Posse gang. :D



    2. The Club Obi-Wan sequence of ToD was, IMO, better than the entirety of KotCS.


    Great bit. Even though no Nazis getting shot or beat up. :D


    Much like the great opening bits for Bulletproof Monk (hey, Nazis!) and Hellboy (hey, more Nazis!).


    And the first part of Mummy Returns from the excavation to the house fight to the museum fight and the bus escape. I frequently watch through there, then turn it off. Second part of the movie nowhere near as good.

  11. Re: Confessions of an Online GM


    Hopefully when we get the crossovers going you'll have a chance to play her more directly. Won't be as often as being a regular player, but hey, better than nothing. :)


    Aside from...[ominous]other things[/ominous]...in the works, I've got a "Marvel Team Up" Arachne/Electron story that's been floating around in the back of my head. And maybe she'll get to guest-star sometime when the X-Men go to the Savage Land or something. :)


    All is not lost! It's just in our other pants. ;)

  12. Re: Essentials Universe (Amalgam)


    Year 1: 24 Years Ago


    1. First Appearance: Superman. Clark Kent emerges as Superman in Boston; lands a job at the daily planet; has his first confrontation with mastermind Lex Luthor.

    I always thought that Chicago would make a good Metropolis stand-in. Not coastal, but that's not too important for Supes, and links him further to the Midwest.



    1. First Appearance: Daredevil. After an accident that leaves him blind but hones his other sense, Matt Murdock becomes Daredevil, the Man Without Fear.

    So he had the accident as an adult instead of as a child?



    1. Event: The Incredible Hulk Attempts To Destroy The Earth. The Hulk, wanting to be left alone, gains control of an alien spacecraft and attempts to destroy the Earth.

    I always felt that the Hulk worked better as a threat & character in the background rather than as a protagonist. :thumbup:


    Year 6: 19 Years Ago.


    1. First Appearance: Avengers. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Ant Man, and the Wasp band together to stop an invasion of the Earth by the Wardlords of Appellax.

    Poor Ant-Man. Finally gets out from under the shadow of Thor, only to get Superman instead. "Oh, that's nice...Kryptonians have been talking to ants for hundreds of years..."



    1. First Appearance: Teen Titans. Angel, Ice Man, Impulse, Hank McCoy, Jean Grey, Robin, and Starfire form the Teen Titans.

    Origins of many linked to the Inhuman gas instead of being mutants?



    1. Reed Richards, Sue Storm Richards, and Ben Grim retire. The Human Torch becomes associated with SHIELD.



    1. Event: God Save The King? Victor Von Doom disappears; Latveria comes under the rulership of a consortium of scheming nobles.

    Any reason these don't occur in the reverse order? With Doom gone, the FF feel OK to retire?


    Is Dr. Wayne Batman's brother' date=' or did you mean Bruce Banner?[/quote']


    What he said, good catch!

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