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Supreme Serpent

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Posts posted by Supreme Serpent

  1. Re: Why are so many people upset that Cryptic is only using the Champions IP?


    I wouldn't want the gameplay to be a paste-over of the Hero system rules.


    I would like that a lot of the basic concepts to be elements of character creation/progression, and for an impact on game play.



    *Points-based creation and advancement vs. levels. Ability to save XP for bigger purchases or spend them as fast as you get them, your choice.

    *Defenses different depending on type of attack (PD vs. ED, limited defenses, AP vs. Hardened, etc.)

    *Ability to add Advantages and Limitations on powers, affecting gameplay and cost.

    *Price breaks for similar powers, simulating Power Frameworks to an extent and giving a break to characters that increase the breadth of their abilities rather than trying to just ramp up max damage, etc. Like if already have "Ranged Attack->Blast->Laser blast", get a break if you buy "Ranged Attack->Blast->Fire blast->Explosion", and an even bigger break if you keep the same SFX and got "Ranged Attack->Blast->Laser blast->Armor Piercing" instead.

    *Ability to tailor drawbacks/"Disadvantages" to an extent. They've already said can do this to the extent of making own arch-enemy ('Hunted') and can choose to have Secret vs. Public ID, so I think they're already going down that road. Choose your own vulnerabilities, maybe with bonus points if 'make sense' given your SFX (like fire guy getting more points for vuln to cold than he would for vuln to psionics).

  2. Re: Play on words magic items/spells


    I like the club. :P


    This one is accidentally from my wife. She said I should include Sea Monkeys in an adventure, and I heard "Seed Monkeys".


    Seed Monkeys - enchanted coins that when planted in the ground spring up and transform into monkeys, like the dragon teeth from Jason & the Argonauts, but with monkeys.

  3. Re: I'm getting back in


    Welcome back! :)


    As to what to get? Whatever appeals to you. ;)


    As an FYI, Steve recently announced that 6th ed is on its way about mid-2009. Something to keep in mind when ordering. Might want to check out the 2008 & 2009 release theads under Company Questions for more info on what is/is not planning on getting new versions in the near future. Then check out the Hero Games Product line area - not only does it have official blurbs/summaries it also has reviews of various products by board members. Could help you decide.


    A couple possibilities: Villainy Amok, Gadgets and Gear.


    Also in the store keep an eye out for bundles and for damaged copies at reduced prices. I've gotten several 'damaged' books from HERO in the past and couldn't really tell the difference between one and a typical copy that's been on a game store shelf.

  4. Re: Middle-earth


    If my character were a Ranger leader, a la Aragorn,

    and had the ability to call on, say 20 rangers to help out

    on a mission, which is the best way to write that in F.H. ?


    Followers ? " agents" ?


    Mind you these rangers arent going to have character sheets,

    think of them as more of a military unit... they would probably never appear

    on the role-play table, but would be primarily used in a grand strategic sense,

    "map-level", either as a threat, or off-table in a "wargame" environment.


    Aside from buying them as actual 'people' like followers or contacts, you could buy the in-game effect of having access to them - "I know a bunch of rangers" is just the SFX.


    Things like: bonuses to Area Knowledge (rangers scout around and fill you in on local conditions), bonuses to Tracking (rangers help track the guys you're after and leave you trail signs), Clairsentience w/extra time (rangers scout out an area/target and report back to you), etc.

  5. Re: The Official Handbook of the Marvel Bunnyverse


    By the way -- any way notes on the 'divergence point' could be added into the Handbook?


    There's really not a set "all comics published before June 2002 are canon" type solid breakpoint. We ignore what we want to ignore, even if it's published a while back, and we shoehorn in what we need to into older history to make the present work like we want it to.


    Basically...the 1960's-1990's comics mostly happened, but the timeframe is compressed to having most of the stuff go on in the 70's->80's, some stuff later. Bunches of heroes/villains had kids during that time, some of whom end up as the PCs.


    As a general rule of thumb, most stuff up to and including the Busiek/Perez run on Avengers probably happened in some form. Unless the GM/players don't want it to have happened. ;) Published history is not exclusive, there's lots of 'hidden' stories that happened (like the kids). Things we definitely do NOT include are stories like Disassembled, House of M, Civil War, etc.

  6. Re: Charsheet review


    Only thing I can think of off the top of my head would be to rearrange the bottom of the sheet. Move defenses to the left, with Stun/Recovery on the right. People (in English) naturally read left->right - putting defenses on the left makes them more likely to remember them instead of taking the hit straight out of Stun.


    Tic boxes for the various charge items might be handy for players too. Just include them under the individual slots.

  7. Re: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks Hero


    I haven't actually seen a copy in lo two decades now


    Shouldn't be too hard to grab a copy if you want: http://www.amazon.com/Expedition-Barrier-Advanced-Dungeons-Dragons/dp/0394515439/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1203625691&sr=8-1


    Then there's plenty of "AD&D to HERO" conversion work done by folks here (cue TheQuestionMan entry). Take one, sift through the other. :)

  8. Re: Skrull vs. Avengers


    Xavin from Runaways is a young Skrull that is apparently part of the larger Super Skrull training program (he has F4 based powers, though not fully developed to Kl'rt's level).


    Then there's the whole "Secret Invasion" storyline going on, which resulted in an Avenges Super Skrull as well as a second Super Skrull based on the X-Men. Oh, and there is the Super Skrull that was imitating Black Bolt...with the powers of the Illuminati, which is potentially mind boggling considering the membership roster of the group...


    Cool - do you have more info on these guys/possible links? :)

  9. Re: Skrull vs. Avengers


    AFAIK, the Skrulls never made an Avengers version of Super Skrull. But the Avengers already have the Super Adaptoid so would probably have seemed unnecessary from a writer's standpoint. Plus the others have the benefit of a common source of powers (cosmic rays, mutant X-factor) that would probably make it easier than the variety of origins the Avengers have.


    But...if they were to do one:


    Shapeshift/hypnosis powers - pretty standard Skrull fare.


    What Avengers to base them on? I'll restrict to more 'classic' members.


    -Thor, Hercules - probably hard for Skrull science to duplicate godly might.


    -Iron Man, Hawkeye, etc. - tech powers easy enough to duplicate, but hardly need special program for it.


    -Captain America, Black Widow, Falcon, etc. - highly trained plus gadgets, again hardly need special program.


    -Ms. Marvel - incorporate Kree DNA? I don't think so.


    -Scarlet Witch - probably hard to duplicate.


    -Quicksilver - speedster powers are good.


    -Wonder Man - good basic brick powers


    -Vision - lots of good stuff - intangibility, density increase, flight, etc.


    -Wasp and Ant-Man/Giant Man etc. - size changing should be easy enough for the Skrulls to pull off. Insect control as a spin off of hypnotism too.


    So it would probably look like:


    Super-speed from Quicksilver, density powers from Vision, enhanced size changing abilities & mental control of insects from the Pym set. So pretty much a superfast size changing shape-shifting brick who can go desolid. Oh, and do mind control and insect control. Ick. :eek:


    Another route could be to make a Skrullian Taskmaster - enhanced physical abilities and supremely trained/able to copy fighting styles, armed with variants of Avenger weapons like Cap's shield, bow & arrow set, etc.

  10. Re: To Have a Campaign Map or not?


    How detailed the info the characters have is dependent upon the type of campaign you want to run/they want to play in.


    If it's a locally-based game, at least to start, they only need the info on immediate surroundings. Expand as they travel. If the game is going to involve significant travel, political events, wars and the like, giving the players/characters maps and some understanding of the larger picture makes the game go better.


    So...should they have a map that shows X? If you want them to have the option of going there, probably.

  11. Some folks may either voluntarily choose different handles over there, or may (like me...boo hoo) not be allowed to use their HERO Games ID over there.


    So...if you're looking for me over there, look for Omega. Haven't posted anything yet, but over time I expect to. :)


    edit - hmmm, may be able to after all, problem might be the space, not the name itself...so maybe I can change my reg to Supreme_Serpent or something...will see later

  12. I love puns and plays on words. I loved the old D&D stuff they tossed in, like the material component for ESP being a copper piece ("penny for your thoughts").


    Along those lines, any magic items/spells you folks have that are plays on words?




    Stick of Butter - small wooden rod that when tapped on a surface coats it in a thin layer of butter. Can only do a small item/surface (about a foot square, a pan, etc.).


    Mace of Spraying - once a day, can emit a choking, blinding cloud to incapacitate foes.

  13. Re: S.H.A.R.D. - Super Hero Acronym Resource Directory


    Lots of cool stuff folks! :thumbup:

    C.H.A.O.S. - Centralized Hierarchy Advancing the Overthrow of Society


    H.I.V.E. - Hierarchy of International Vengeance and Extermination (DC Comics) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.I.V.E.


    C.O.S.M.O.S. - Covert Order of Scientists Mandating Order and Servitude


    L.A.N.C.E.R. - Laser-Armed Nuclear Combat Environment Robot

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