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Everything posted by redwulfe

  1. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Really looking forward to seeing the final product. About one month to go? Red
  2. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive Carrot allergy, That must really such, but I guess you could just dangle it behind him then.
  3. The title says it all. What genre book reprint are you most anticipating? And of course why? I am looking forward to Star Hero. For me this is the closest thing I have to my favorite Hero book of all time Cyber Hero. Sadly it never came out for 5th. I still love me some hard core Cyberpunk. Though I hope that start Hero gives a good amount of space to this sub genre so I can just work from there. Red
  4. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression The desire to have examples to have the books make more since is something that would be very helpful in 5th ed. I do like that 6th went further towards giving this to players. The 2nd volume of the two book set has a large section dedicated to learning to GM for hero including many examples and a Genre by Genre break down. I am not sure if you have seen it but I would love to see a new players perspective on if this, or your take to see if this is more to the new players advantage. Personally, though I have only skimmed it, I think this is the section that is geared to the new player learning to run the game and something that older editions of the rules lacked. Red
  5. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression That is something I can really see. I never had any comic books in my store many of the players were not comicbook enthusiast. some of read comics but none of us would consider ourselves comicbook guys. I can really see artwork being a major descisive factor in a comicbook guys purchasing habits. This is not a bad thing of course, but I can see this from another direction that I did not think of. know I am curious to see the Champaions book. I think that good art would be very necessary for this book. It will appeal to the target audience. I still beleive that the artwork for the main rulesbook is very stylistic and appropriate for what the book is. The cover does represent the system. in a way that is different than other things on the market to catch a persons attention and the art on the interior is good. The paper quality is top notch as well as the binding. All in all it think the only con I can see is not having a sample of the game being run or a good sales pitch type explanation in the first few pages to help the customer see all that the hero system has to offer in lieu of another person being able to talk to the prospective buyer. Red
  6. I have been thinking of starting to do conversions of certain games and items into the Hero System. I was also thinking of putting these conversions on line. I of Course am not wishing to break any copyrights they would be purely mechanical and not represent anything form an already established IP that would get me sued. But anyhow I degress, I was wondering if anyone would like to help. My thought is we get a comity of people together on a google or yahoo group that picks a game and converts it, then puts the conversion and HDC files on the site for anyone to use. These files would be for free to anyone that wanted to download them for there games. Need a Magic system similar to Mage the Ascension; here you go, want to play high tech assassins with Shadowrun style equipment; here you go, or maybe you need a wolverine style character for your next champaions game; here you go. The possibilities are pretty much endless. We can call the site Hero Files, the system Chop shop, gamers notes, or what ever we want. What do you all think? Red
  7. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression At the time it was just the one book, but I see your point. I think the important part of this discussion is that different people will pick up books for different reasons. Though a book is not sold on its packaging, it is the packaging that gets you to pick up the product and look further into it. It is the pitch. To me Hero sands out from the other books on the shelf which I think is a good thing. Most people either come into a store for one of 4 main purposes: 1. They are looking for something specific 2. They are looking for something to fill a subconscious void they they feel is not filled 3. They are coming to game 4. They are coming to browse. Allot of times it is multiples of these reasons. No Marketing strategy is perfect but you try to do some of the following, Get there attention and keep there attention so you can find out what will sell the book to them. I think the cover does catch them, it is different. I do fell that the quality of the product and color interior art is good and engaging, but I agree that I think that the book has nothing to sell itself to the costumer. It wasn't until I filled in that space that the books sold. Getting new players requires us as players running games and doing things to help the game grow. It requires store employees to help sell the games. Unfortunately, some stores are understaffed and do not have the resources in the current economy to be able to do that, so maybe it is up to the fans to help out. I live in NJ and would love to help this store owner sell books. If you are still reading this please PM me and we may be able to help sell you some books, by running some demos and showing people what the Hero system offers. Red
  8. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression I think the Hero system cover art is exactly how it needs to be and in my store it sold well. But it was a two way street. At first it didn't sell well, people picked up the book on the shelf because it was different than anything else on my shelf. They picked it up and then flipped through it. They would then put it back. It wasn't until I, as a salesman, started engaging the customer that the book start selling and selling well. I would approach them as they looked through it and ask them if they had ever played the Hero system I would tell them how for the purchase of just the one book, now two, could create any game world they could ever imagine or any game on the shelves at my store. I would tell them about the fan base here and the fact that Hero is one of the most flexible game systems on the market. I made them see it for what it was a solution to whatever they wanted as a gamer. Some where getting pressure to stop buying more books by there wives and though I knew that would never happen I told them the truth that this is the only game system they would ever need to buy to be able to play anything there ever wanted to play. Some where tired of learning new systems, Hero is one system that does it all. Some wanted to run games in a world that they created and had the flexibility to match there own ideas on how magic would work, Hero could do this as well. Some where kit-bashers and wanted the magic of Mage the Ascension combined with the technology of Shadowrun and the world of rifts, Once again no problem for the Hero system. After I engaged them for a bit I told them to put the book down and go home to think really hard on something that no other system could do, maybe a character idea, like spawn, or maybe a magic system like presented in The Wheel of Time. Once they come up with this I wanted them to call me with the idea and I would show them how to create it with the hero system, and if I couldn't then I would give them the books for free. This always made them want to try the Hero challenge as I called it. If I succeeded though they had to come to bring there gaming group to a demo at the store. This is when I started selling the books more often and we had many new Hero players in our area. Would this work for everyone, no. Does it take a serious gamer to appreciate the books, yes. this may not work for everyone but I don't think many books actually sell themselves. somewhere you will find that a player has been sold the book by someone. A friend that plays, a co worker, a piece of advertising that caught there eye, the wording on the back of the book, or a review in a game magazine, or maybe there local group is looking for a new game and the store owner suggests one. The point is books don't sell themselves something influeced them and it is no different for Hero. Having different cover art maybe the thing that gets a player to pick it up, all they need then is someone to sell it to them. Red
  9. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Any time is cool, I am between jobs and can work on it whenever. Just let me know.
  10. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition When do you need it by, I may be able to get it done for you. I have done allot of graphics with GIMP and I can export to one of those formats easily. Red
  11. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition What are you needing a map of and what format do you want it in? Red
  12. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive Slight damage to one of the corners on mine, but I can live with it. Though I have to say thanks to the warehouse crew, as it may have been worse if they hadn't have used two boxes in packing it. Red
  13. Re: CHAMPIONS 6E -- What Do *You* Want To See? First I would like to apologize if I hit on something that has already been stated or answered, as I skimmed this post and decided to reply without fully reading it. Here is my take on what I would like to see. I will try to think of the main purpose of this book as an introduction of the genre to new players while I post. I have heard complaints about this section especially the random generator. Though it simplified the time of creating a character most people did not use it as intended. I know this has been said before but I thought I would give my opinion for completeness, most players like a buffet style to creating there character where they pick and choose power from a list of options rather than a Russian roulette of you get get what you roll. I would probably move the Until superpower section to this section so the lists are beefier and give an examination of what each of what the archetypes are and what makes them what they are. Many people I have explained the game to did not even know what makes a brick a brick so this could possible be touched on. This is also where I would touch on the archetypes of special effects and teach the new player about them. Here I would like to see the traditional story style for comic books and the way they broke down over the different ages. In most stories of tradition fiction and movies you have the exposition, rise of conflict and so on. how does this relate to telling stories in comics? Is there a possibility of putting a quick plot generator in here. As far as min campaigns go I would not want to see more than a list of champaign styles with a couple of sentences to a paragraph dedicated to each. i.e. Behind enemy lines (GA/IA): you could base your campaign around characters in covert situations like undermining the Nazi war effort in a golden age game or the team may be a group of super-spies trying to end the cold war in a bronze age game. You could also set the campaign around a governmental top secret base that is trying to imprison mutants that the general population fears and loathes in an Iron age game. I would also like to see a discussion on power levels and your game, from cosmic beings to vigilantes. as well as running campaigns that run with differing power levels within the group itself like the justice league story lines. Finally and most importantly to me as a new player to your system I would like to see a discussion on how to make my favorite super hero into a champions character. I know that the online community helps out allot in this area but When I first started playing I didn't have access to this or the internet for that matter. My old group still does not have access to these resources. so a tutorial on the steps of converting heroes from comic to champions so I could take the juggernaut and have him face off against my party would have been very helpfully.
  14. Re: Feather Fall If you've only fell 1 meter would you really need to counteract high amounts of velocity? I guess you could be skydiving and then suddenly realize that you need to fall safely but how often does that come up in a fantasy game? And, if it did Feather Fall was never intended to stop high velocities since the spells purpose was to stop you from fall all together. The spells designer would have thought that it need to activate intermediately and not need to counteract high velocities, Or at least that would be my opinion. On the plus side this would make those extremely rare cases where you have higher velocities more interesting. DM: You just came through the portal at an increased velocity pointed strait into the mouth of a volcano, it is about 30M down, what do you do? Wizard: I told you it was probably a trap. I activate my feather fall ring and hope it stops us. Fighter: Sorry but it looked like an interesting button. I grab onto the Wizard and hold on for dear life. This brings up a question is there a weight limit to gliding and such? Now I want to build a fantasy wizard trap. All in all, I think this is an elegant and effective way to build the effect. Red
  15. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive My books just arrived at Secaucus NJ. I can hardly wait, tomorrow is hero goodness for the NY area. Red
  16. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive Started to jump on the panic wagon but decided to try and track the order and It finally shipped today. According to UPS I should see it on the 4th. Now I wait. thank the heavens for the new PDF bundles or else I think I would go completely sane. Red
  17. Re: What fundamental thing would you change about the Hero system? Objects: This includes computers, foci, equipment and so on. the rules in general need to be reworked. I feel that they should all be perks. Take the base material (DEF/Body) add wether or not it is intellegent or not and thisis used to determine the base cost of the object then add powers. The powers would all be built with either obvious or inobvious and whether it is Acesable or inaccesable. This would determine the cost of the perk to have that Item. ... or you could do the base by the states of the item and then add a multipower pool to the device and put it abilities in there. either way I think it works better. redwulfe
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