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Everything posted by redwulfe

  1. Re: Chuck Norris Facts as Powers for HERO? True then change it to a talent that nothing can make Chuck Norris cry, don't right off the top of my head know what to build that on yet.
  2. Re: Chuck Norris Facts as Powers for HERO? Chuck Norris Tears can cure cancer, to bad Chuck Norris doesn't cry. Transform, human with cnacer to human without cancer; IIF tears. Physical limitation can't cry.
  3. Re: Chuck Norris Facts as Powers for HERO? Chuck Norris can lead a horse to water and make it drink. Mind control, Animal class of minds; only to effect horses.
  4. Re: Champions movie For the team listed in the 6th ed book I would go with. Duane "the Rock" Johnson as Defender Russel Crowe as Ironclad Kevin Zegers as Kinetik Natalie Portman as Saphire Sandra Bullock as Witchcraft Sean Connery as the voice of Socrates Well that last one is just because it make me laugh to think that Socrates sounds like Sean connery. Red
  5. Re: Godzilla Haiku Personally these are neat and funny but I don't think I would call them haiku. They are funny in the fact that they are meant to amuse the reader with their very nature so I think senryu is more appropriate. When I think of haiku and think of the stylization of what Egyptoid posted earlier in this thread. BTW very good. most Haiku that I remember, and I could be wrong, does not flow in the unbroken manor that these do and they usually invoke a deeper thought into their meaning similar to Egyptoids. If he did not use godzilla in the haiku then it would really provoke thought on its meaning and IMHO be a stronger haiku. I do think these are amusing and fun to read and I don't really care about he semantics of wither they are haiku or not but for the purpose of this discussion I would say they are not. The countryside shakes Tiny women sing its name lightning fills the sky not sure how good it is but just my attempt at a very difficult art form. Red
  6. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Lets see: Cyberpunk style world, check Cyberware, check netrunning rules, check Ghost in the shell feel, check Hero system 6th, check I don't think it will be disappointing. Red
  7. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Hopefully picking up my copy tomorrow. Anticipation is killing me. Red
  8. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Can hardly, wait to pick up my copy this weekend. It sounds great. Red
  9. Re: Champions Miniatures/Heroclix Mods The reason that the minis look different in the picture compared to the actual mini is the pro painters that work for Rackham are really good. I have been playing AT-43 for a while and the level of detail they get on a pre-painted mini is really good. The sculpts are alright some are better than others but the real, win is that they repaint very nicely without losing detail do to the quality of the cast as compared to other minis of this same venue (pre-painted plastics). Also I think that the painters paint the green stuff original sculpt right after they make the master from it, so they can get pre-production shots for advertising and the like. Red
  10. Re: Extra Time, Half Phase? What power is he wanting to build this way and is it only to activate? Normally I would say that defensive powers would get a -1/4 for half phase and 0. Others I would take on a case by case basis depending on the power but most would be ruled like defensive powers ad the rest as a -0 limitation. Red
  11. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: What Do *You* Want To See? Well, now I feel totally ignorant. I looked in the PDF of the book and I didn't for some reason even see her.
  12. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: What Do *You* Want To See? I know that you have listed the villains you plan on putting in the book and the number seems right but could you put the same amount of villains but draw them from the popular sub genres until we have the villains books. I personally like running mystical campaigns so have a mystic villain in there would be great for the time being and to continue the example if someone like running campaigns against kingpin type crime bosses having a villain for that might be good for them. Basically this allows the villains presented more usable with the sub-genre players, while they wait for the villains trilogy. I wouldn't mind seeing talisman. Red
  13. Re: Official Hero Boards Super Team And Chat Channel! Just got the game loaded and awaiting the patching to finish, hope to see you all online soon. Am I correct in assuming that your account name is the @name for your in game email? If so you can find me at @redwulfe73, This is kind of awkward since this is the first time someone has beet me to the redwulfe name. oh well, at least I still get to play. Red
  14. Re: Combat Value Benchmarks In 6E Personally I think most combat statistic where on the high side in most game during 5th ed in the heroic band at least. I would like to see characters in the skilled and competent ranges and then have a few shinning individuals that are in the legendary or superhuman bands. The chart on page 48 of the 6th ed rule book is a good example of the bands that I am talking about. Speed for a skilled individual is 2-3 with 4-5 being competent and 6 starting in the legendary range. This should be the standard for most characters even in super heroic games. I play many characters that are skilled combatants and some that are competent but in most games I have been in even the non fighter types have speeds and CV's in the upper competent lower legendary range. To me this should not be so and is a byproduct of power gaming or NPC statistic creep. Most people do not wish to have their characters tossed about willy-nilly, it is very understandable. I usually look at the character concepts of characters that are handed to me and look at these stats for the raw power versus concept balance and will often make them lower there stats if they are outside of there concept. I also, on the other hand, lower NPCs in the same way as to not give my players a raw deal. It is the NPCs in my opinion that will make the creep start and then cause it to go out of control. I also only charge 1 for Dex, it is not that powerful and should not have a cost higher than that of other characteristics, it is a toolkit note in the book that I have used and I don't really see it as a problem as I look over characters very closely in my games. Red
  15. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? All in all I really liked UMA and NH in the 5th edition and can hardly wait for the new edition. I think most of what I like to see has been touched on by Steve but would like to at least put in my view on the mater and then drop it. In case this helps sway the vote. The one thing that I wish to see in the book more than anything else is a standard system write up of the maneuvers as powers. It only need to be a small appendix one to two page thing with no real need for explanation in the same vein as what was done for the talents. My reasoning is that though this is touched on in past books it should be in the new edition for those new fans that don't have the old books or for old fans who got rid of the last edition and are coming back to the system. it makes it a complete book, or at least that is my opinion. I don't wish to look elsewhere for it. I have always thought of martial arts as maneuvers and wished them built like weapons or any other equipment and did not like them being used as there own thing the power creation system should be the enter point and why should these be different. That being said there should not be a drastic change to the rules that are presented in 6th so a simple 2 page write up of the maneuvers in my opinion solves this and gives the players the option to do as they wish. This to me fits the Hero system philosophy of Any game one system. Red
  16. Re: new to hero, looking for some guidance First off, welcome to the forums, you've come to the right place. As for help I would first ask which books you have? Are you running 5th or 6th? Do you have character creator? Red
  17. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive This would probably anger the Yard Gnome even more than they already are.
  18. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive I live in NJ too and I got mine, not to rub it in or anything but I am sure yours will be to you shortly, Ellis. Glad to here you got your books Karma. Red
  19. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression I know that another store not but 20 minutes for the OP's store has already sold four copies. I plan on running some demos in the area and am going to contact the store owner after Thanksgiving to see if he wants me to run one for him. Red
  20. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression I went to my local game store and saw a copy of Hero on there new shelf. They tend to display the newest products coming into the store in one section before putting them into the edge front book shelf sections. When looking at it next to other RPG books that had cover art the Hero book really stood out. Most of the other books had the realistic darkened earth tone artful book cover and my eyes kept being drawn to the hero book its big and blue and colorful by comparison. They only had Volume two and when I asked them what happened to Vol1 since I had shown up not but an hour after they came in. He told me they had sold it within five minutes of putting it on the shelf. Basically I guess a guy who does not do many RPGs came in a looked at it, talked to the owner a bit and at the end of there discussion said cool I can design my own game with this and bought it. The only sad part about the whole affair is that the volume two had significant damage to the binding and he would not buy a damaged book. I am planning on trying to trade my good copy for the damaged one since I don't care about that myself. Red
  21. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive Last I heard they moved from Madagascar to Africa, but Kawalski may have gotten them out by now. Red
  22. Re: What Genre book Reprint are you most anticipating? War Hero? I think that is a great idea. I would probably not call it War Hero though. I thinks a series of books that have historical information to supplement the current lines is very good though. If Golden age heroes ever comes out then a supplement dedicated to WWII would be a great buy, especially if it gives Hero states to all of the vehicle sand weapons of the time. Red
  23. Re: From THAC0 to HERO The way I always tell people is to roll a check at 11- the amount you make the roll by or miss it adjusts your OCV to the DCV hit. So if I have a OCV of 4 and I roll a 9 then I hit DCV 6 (9-11= 2, 2+ OCV of 4 = 6). this is the same thing they do when they do a skill or perception check. They tell me the margin of error or success. So it becomes very similar to other rolls and this makes it start to become second nature after a while. Even if they go to another GM they can still tell him what DCV they hit and continue to play the game without problems. Red
  24. Re: What Genre book Reprint are you most anticipating? Now I really want this book, I love GITS. Red
  25. Re: Hero Files I guess I should look at what is already on the web before trying to re-invent the wheel. Red
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