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Everything posted by TheNaga

  1. Re: Psionic/Dark jedi character What do you think of my Dark Lightsaber so far? Dark Lightsaber: (Total: 80 Active Cost, 42 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Limited Power Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (Only vs. objects touching the blade; -0), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), No STR Bonus (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4) (Real Cost: 22) plus Deflection (Real Cost: 20)
  2. Re: Meadyaon The last power I want Hoarfroast to have if it is not to much is to cause a wound that continous damage because the wound bleeds continously until taken care of besides the normal damage.
  3. TheNaga

    Dark Jedi

    Re: Dark Jedi What is the best way to handle how he uses lightsabers in combat since has four arms?
  4. TheNaga

    Dark Jedi

    Re: Dark Jedi He is a humanoid dinosaur alien. Would he need to smaller in size?. Alos what change would I need make if any if the planets he was born has forests spreading throughout the planet from pole to pole? If I give him wings would he need to less massive? If so what change should I make to the description? Also if he has wings what would better for his phome planet to have then forests? He is a massive reptilian humanoid that stand sixteen feet tall. His scaly skin is crimson red in color. The back corners of his skull has an enormous pair of massive, backward-pointing spikes, six inches long; these are surrounded by two or three smaller spikes. The head is large and rests on a thick neck. A fin-like crest runs across his head and down his neck. The eyes are luminous, sulfuric yellow orbs. Around both eyes is a ring of bone. The long crocodilian jaws are lined with ninety-six teeth designed for tearing and crushing. Sixty-four teeth line their lower jaws and thirty-two teeth line their upper jaws. A small crest runs down the center of their jaws. His arms and legs are massive and thickly muscled. The hands have two long fingers in a "V" shape and a small thumb on each side of the fingers. A hook-like claw comes out of each of his hand’s fingers and thumb. His powerful tapering tail measures ten feet in length. Both feet have two forward facing toes and one backward facing toe.
  5. Re: Psionic/Dark jedi character I was wanting to know about which Star Wars posts would be the most helpful to me.
  6. TheNaga

    Dark Jedi

    Re: Dark Jedi What alien races could fly because I just have been thinking he might have wings? Also are there any humanoid reptilian aliens with wings in Stars Wars? Is there any other site besides the Wookieepedia that have info on the aliens of Star Wars?
  7. Re: Psionic/Dark jedi character What posts would be good to look at?
  8. TheNaga

    Dark Jedi

    Re: Dark Jedi Can reading Star Heroes help me in figuring out what I want him to have in abilities and disadvantages? Also would it help me in figuring out how to make the look of an alien?
  9. TheNaga

    Dark Jedi

    How would i go about making the character have dark jedi powers? If I made dark jedi powers how would I them have a corrupting effect on the character like how using the dark side of the force effect the user? What would the power work the best as psionics? I have thought that he might use his power as Sith Assassin or Sith Marauder but I not 100% sure on it. Should he have the the ability to become invsibile when moving since he can move fast? Would give him the ability to good leaping ability as an ability and not a natural part of him? I would like him have them power to clouded a target's mind, causing them to slow down both mentally and physically. This will my first psionic character. How I make where the character it could be a good playable PC? What equipment should he have? Also what skill would he automatically get What Combat Skill should have? I want him to dual wield. What advantages should he have based on his look right now? How does he look alien wise? Would look at Star Heroes help in making his natural ability as an original looking alien? I know that his eyes that are luminous, sulfuric yellow orbs are the first sign of his corrpution. Also how would I go about creating his history? He is a humanoid that stand seven feet tall. He is muscular, sleek muscles rippling under his crimson red skin. Twelve tendrils hang from the back of his head. Each tendril measures two inches in length. The ears do not form a closed ring, but the edges are separated from each other at the base of the ear. His face is broad and flat. Above each of his three large ridged brows is a fin-like crest. Each fin-like crest runs across his head and down his neck. His three eyes are luminous, sulfuric yellow orbs with the third eye being located in the center of his forehead. His jaws are lined with sharp, pointed teeth. His chin is long and bony. The hands have two long fingers in a "V" shape and a small thumb on each side of the fingers. A sharp claw comes out each hand’s fingers and thumbs. Both feet have two forward facing toes and one backward facing toe.
  10. Re: Psionic/Dark jedi character I always thought the force powers where psionic powers. How would I go about explaining his history how he would leanr to use his psionic powers? Does Force Camouflage sound like invisibilty? If not then what is because I might give to my character? Is there any thing I can look to help with the corrputing effect of using the powers for evil and other thing I need. I know there are info on the boards about doing Star Wars for champions. Which ones would be the best help? What other corrupting effect on his body should he have? I know that his eyes that are luminous, sulfuric yellow orbs are the first sign of his corrpution.
  11. How would i go about making the character have dark jedi powers? If I made dark jedi powers how would I them have a corrupting effect on the character like how using the dark side of the force effect the user? What would the power work the best as psionics? I have thought that he might use his power assassin but I not 100% sure on it. Should he have the the ability to become invsibile when moving since he can move fast? Would give him the ability to good leaping ability as an ability and not a natural part of him? I would like him have them power to clouded a target's mind, causing them to slow down both mentally and physically. This will my first psionic character. How I make where the character it could be a good playable PC? What equipment should he have? What advantages should he have based on his look right now? How does he look alien wise? Would look at Star Heroes help in making his natural ability as an alien? He is a humanoid that stand seven feet tall. He is muscular, sleek muscles rippling under his crimson red skin. Twelve tendrils hang from the back of his head. Each tendril measures two inches in length. The ears do not form a closed ring, but the edges are separated from each other at the base of the ear. His face is broad and flat. Above each of his three large ridged brows is a fin-like crest. Each fin-like crest runs across his head and down his neck. His three eyes are luminous, sulfuric yellow orbs with the third eye being located in the center of his forehead. His jaws are lined with sharp, pointed teeth. His chin is long and bony. The hands have two long fingers in a "V" shape and a small thumb on each side of the fingers. A sharp claw comes out each hand’s fingers and thumbs. Both feet have two forward facing toes and one backward facing toe.
  12. Re: Character with an external respirator How much protection from damage should a Refrigeration Suit offer? Right now I have it have along with the helment PD 10/ED 10. What about giving him a jet pack? What abilities besides protection from cold could he have as bieng alien from an Ice Planet? What aliens are from ice planets if any in Champions and Star Heroes?
  13. TheNaga


    Re: Chaos What I meant was I wanted the character have ability to have Bad luck plague the character's enemies.
  14. Re: Meadyaon How do I make weapon where it can be stuck in the ground or water to create a spreading area of frozen ice? How do I make the people not protected take cold damage when touch/holding Hoarfrost due to it being made out of ice?
  15. Re: Meadyaon What could I give Hoardrost to make a little more powerful beside the fact inflict cold damge in addition to the normal damage and Hoarfrost returns to Meadyaon after it thrown whether or not it hits it target. Could the Hoarfrost head/point be made made out of unmeltable ice? Would having Hoarfrost's head/point meing made of ice be original?r What suggestions could you give on making Hoarfroast look original? If I was to give Meadyaon a pet right now or in the future how would that work? I want the pet to be an ice age animal Whould he look better as a demigod if he has ice blue eye? How would he go from being a demigod to a true god?
  16. TheNaga


    Re: Chaos So they are not dedicated to tearing the planes' fabric asunder and transforming all of creation into a writhing sea of chaos? How would I do the following? Chance and random luck swirl about the lords of chaos like a storm. Any creature that tries to fight them must struggle with this effect. Bad luck plagues chaos’s enemies.
  17. Re: Meadyaon What could I look at help with making his ability to control the weathe?. I would like if I can do it for him to have the ability to cause the weather to snow. How I fix this to soumd better? I know that in the Lost Lands the Megafauna of the ice age do not die off. The Lost Lands are accessed thru caves in the Vietnamese jungle today and where accessed thru other areas. The Lost Lands are located in a pocket dimension, The place used to access the Lost changes as the position of the continents changes. The Lost Lands house live thing and terrains found from the Cambrian Period up the end of the last ice age. That means for any that lived during any time with in 542 million years ago to 10,000 years ago can can be found in the Lost Lands. The Lost Lands have around possible as long 542 million years. That means a Neanderthal could meet Archeopteryx. The technology level of the Lost Lands right now is the same as 10,000 years ago.
  18. TheNaga


    Re: Chaos You made me think of this I made. An Ancarotaur resembles a gigantic, extremely horrific looking starfish. Its smooth rubbery skin is oily and dark as the darkest night in color. Instead of the starfish arms, it has twelve symmetrically spaced incredibly flexible appendages. Two of its appendages are tentacles, measuring forty feet in length. Both of these tentacles have small but strong white sucker-like disks that are aligned in four rows. Each of its suckers is ringed with sharp teeth. These two tentacles are the most flexible of all its appendages. Four of the appendages split at the end, into three radial "fingers." Another four of the appendages are nightmarish looking tentacles. A single vicious looking barbed claw is found at the end of these tentacles. Another two of its appendage are tentacles. At the end of these two tentacles is a vicious looking mouth. Each mouth is lined with a double row of eight inches long razor sharp pointed teeth. In its central disk, it has three round glaring red eyes that measure two feet in diameter set in an upside down triangle pattern. Above each of those eyes is a thick brow ridge. On both of each side of those eyes is a glaring red that measures six feet in diameter. All the eyes have a large rectangular shaped pupil. Below all of its eyes is a large powerful round mouth lined with sharp, serrated, triangular teeth. Instead of a normal tongue their mouth has five black tentacle-like tongues that when fully extended, are about a third the length of their body.
  19. TheNaga


    Re: Chaos Who are the Lords of Edom?
  20. TheNaga


    Are their any beings out that want to spread chaos such as Chaos Lords? A Chaos Lord in my mind is dedicated to tearing the planes' fabric asunder and transforming all of creation into a writhing sea of chaos I was think that the character below is going to serve a Chaos Lord. A diminutive male with six arms walks in moving with grace and ease. His broad body is muscular with sleek muscles rippling under rust-red bony plates with hornlike protrusions. The long head is oval shaped. A bone ridge runs down the center of his skull. His face is broad and flat. His monstrous looking segmented horns start at the in front of his hairline if he had hair, to the back of his skull where they extend outward, curl, and come to a point. The ears are large and fan-shaped, with sharp spikes connect by thick membranous skin. The eyes blaze with an eerie red flame. Long jagged fang-like teeth that are jet-black in color line his large powerful mouth.. Multiple wicked chains are wrapped around his chest and torso. His arms nearly reach down to his knees. The monstrous hands are 50% larger than normal. A sharp claw comes out of each of his hand’s two broad fingers and broad thumb. The feet have two large toes.
  21. Re: Alien with a big brain That system was d20 and the game was Infernum. The characters with that feature in that game are demons from hell. So how big could I make my character's brain if its is clone? How do I make the description below more alien? I really want the character to be trully alien in appearance. This vile creature resembles a gigantic, tremendously horrific creature that blend the features of a monstrous humanoid with the worst features of a segmented worm. He stands twelve feet tall. His whole body is covered in hard jagged chitinous plates that are sickly yellow in color. Both of his monstrous eel heads are perched upon a flexible foot long snake-like neck. On each side of both heads he has one huge round eye and behind that eye are three smaller round eyes. Each one of his eyes is an unearthly orange orb that blazes brightly with a fiery light. Both of his large powerful mouths are lined with a double row of razor-sharp, serrated, triangular teeth. Instead of a normal tongue both of his mouths have three black tentacle-like tongues that when fully extended, are about one-third the length of his body. In place of each arm he has three highly flexible prehensile nightmarish looking tentacles. A triple row of inch long backwards curving spines protrudes from his back. The segment worm body is twelve feet in length with each jagged segment measuring a foot in length.
  22. Re: Alien with a big brain Then the skull would have to extend down its back to protect the brain? Why would some ones brain grow out of skull and down their back? I saw in one game system that the person with this took temporary Intelligence damage when his head was struck. I was wanting the characters brain being bigger then what is right now which is six inches tall.
  23. Re: Alien with a big brain Its massive brain would extend down its back. Think of the Uber-Morlock from the 2002 Time Machine.
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