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Posts posted by BoneDaddy

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    "Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."

    -- Rudy Giuliani, in a 1994 speech



  2. SPOILER ALERT: This thread references a power in the new novel "Soon I Will Be Invincible," which I recommend as heartily as I can recommend a book. If you haven't read it yet and are a tender soul about spoilers generally, you may wish to back away from this one. It isn't a major plot point or anything, but I try to be considerate.


    Here goes.


    A character has a power called awareness.exe, a program that works with her many enhanced senses, providing information about everything she sees around her. That information is culled from public and possibly restricted government databases, and includes information about which powerlines are buried where, basic city mapping, archived information about people recognized by facial recognition software, and even the likely travel histories of individual vehicles based on their plates and the credit purchasing habits of their registered owners. It's a nifty power that provides a scad of potentially useful date that ordinarily shouldn't be too damaging to game balance.


    How to stat it out? It has aspects of retrocognition, instant (limited) AKs, a sort of danger sense, too, if her on board computers determined the heat source to be a potential threat.


    quoted from the book: "Awareness.exe is on, tagging the world's heat sources, metals, and fast movers, chattering away. Cars are fountains of information, driver bios and state by state itineraries. Power cables run like ley lines through the park."


    If you haven't read the book, for heavens sake go out and get a copy right away.

  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Do you like to read?




    About how often do you read?


    I devour books, and your puny scale can't cover my voracious appetite for books.


    I want to read more often than I do.


    Will you be reading the final Harry Potter book?


    As soon as I finish this poll.


    Recommend a book to me.


    Amy's Eyes, By Richard Kennedy


    And, just because this poll isn't complete without it . . .


    Check box.

  4. Re: Heroes and Nukes!


    I'd go with "comic book science".


    If fairly hard science fiction can have nuclear grenades, I can buy a comic book superhero having a nuclear tipped arrow.

    Let me echo that.


    Hand waive the damage. Make the effects more creative than destructive. Say, something 40 stories high that spits nuclear fire. Helpless people on subway trains screaming to God as he looks in on them, all that good stuff. The literal damage is catastrophic. Stopping a tsunami from killing California, preventing a cloud of atomic ash from poisoning the earth, and rounding up more radioactive giant critters than you can shake a radioactive giant stick at could be fun. Make it fun. That's why we play. It's a game, you know.


    And yes - more superpowers for the supervillain, plus some extra insanity and a serious mad on for the heroes.


    It would be best, from a storytelling perspective, for the hero to recognize his error and try like heck to stop it. Heck, maybe someone equally deranged could steal the darn thing from him and then he'd have to stop another hero from doing what he was going to do. That'd be OK.


    Good luck. And next time, don't put bombs that big in your universe.

  5. Re: The ElDorado Directive


    The 25th Infantry Division was at Fort Huachuca, in southeast AZ. I think there were a few other forts still in use at the time too...


    Edit: Looks like Fort Defiance was an office of the Indian Agency until 1936. It was demilitarized years before though. After 1936 Indian Agencies in the area were centralized at Window Rock.


    Hmm...further reading shows Fort Defiance was abandoned and reactivated several times before it was taken over by the Indian Agency.


    Looks like most of the other military installations in AZ were abandoned by this time (or not yet established).

    Thanks! Do you have a quick and easy source for that, or was it piece by piece research? Abandoned 19th century military forts in the desert are a perfect place for all sorts of nefarious activities.

  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Slight derail.


    The only reason everyone thinks Pedantic Ass is a class-feature of Paladins is because almost no one has a clue on how to play them properly.

    I agree with your post in its entirety. I was grammatically imprecise - the GM is the pedantic ass that I had in mind.
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Since when does a D&D Paladin's Cure Disease ability have to abide by the real-world technically correct definition of disease? My GM pulled that one on me and I was a bit miffed -- "Oh' date=' you can cure the [i']Disease[/i] :eg: but not the Viral Infection. Also, if someone's not suffering any effects from an Infection, they don't have a Disease for you to cure."


    Which means my character wouldn't be able to cure someone who is a carrier -- like Typhoid Mary. :thumbdown :thumbdown :mad:


    Yeah, I know there is a technical real-world difference between the words "Disease" and "Infection". But the game is for 10 and up (at least that's what it used to say). Since when did we expect 10 year olds to know this technical hairsplitting crap?


    To me, a disease *is* an infection. Regardless of symtoms or lack thereof. Just about all infectious organisms have an incubation period during which there are no symptoms. Are we to conclude that they are disease-free during this period?


    Respectfully, your GM is an asshat at best. Playing a Paladin involves so many limitations as to what they can and can't do and how they must behave, being a pedantic ass about their one point of glory is real joykilling. You could have been a fighter if you wanted to be the guy with the sword, and then you could be a treasure mad bandit instead of a boyscout who's always at the head of the party, trying to keep the thief from getting hurt. Seriously - bad GM. You have my sympathies, and I hope he sees reason. Is it possible that you could communicate that he's crapping on the cool part of being a paladin? (It's gotta be a he, no she would do that unless you were dating her.)

  8. I'm setting up a PBeM pulp campaign - setting up I said, not taking character submissions. I'll let you know when that happens. The setting is the American Desert Southwest circa 1937 - 1939. The genre is ... well, it's pulp. There's some weird science, some spycraft, some cults, some detective work, a nameless horror here and there... It's complicated, and I'll show all as soon as I can.


    Here's what I want - I want a little help with that period in the fourcorners region. What was there? There was still the occasional dust storm, I get that, and ghost towns, and Native Americans. Does anyone know what else was there? Vegas was just starting and Bugsy knew about the place but didn't have funding for the Flamingo yet, and that's way the hell and gone over in Nevada. I found the incredibly useful, astonishingly annoying http://www.ghosttowns.com. Does anyone know a resource for history of US military presence in the area at the time? The Army Air Corps wasn't officially there at the time...


    Advice, suggestions? What must the 1930's desert southwest have? I have a few hooks that will let the group leave the area, which isn't a bad idea, but it really centers there.

  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos


    TKD and Krav Maga have two entirely different functions. It's like comparing skeet shooting with hunting. TKD is a competitive sport with rules and TKD specific tactics - it started as a martial art and evolved into a sport, much like fencing. (Preaching to the choir here, I know - bear with me) The kicks are DAMNED impressive, and I'd like to add a few to my JKD repertoire, although I don't know where I'd use them except to show off. TKD is a really impressive looking art, and obviously damned effective - keep your hands up for pity's sake!


    tkdguy, I saw very little jamming - is that common? By "jamming" I mean stopping an opponents kick before it starts, usually by placing a foot in front of the oncoming shin. I saw some of it, but I wasn't sure if it was on purpose or by accident.

  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    I cannot for the life of me understand what would possess anyone to consider getting a mortgage from people who use such pervasive, unappealing advertisements. Women getting surprised dancing? Silhouettes walking on rooftops? A flash animated tattoo gun? Who the hell would trust these people with the deed to their house? I wouldn't tell them which pocket my wallet was in.

  11. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    Well, yes, I'm sure you can, but I'm quite poor, you see.


    I liked Anansi Boys (I borrowed it from a friend), though it's definitely a different story from American Gods. I completely missed a very prominent feature of most of the characters, though. Gaiman only bothers to describe people's skin color if they're white in that book.

    Just read it last week. I loved it. I also appreciated that detail. Gaiman impresses me a great deal, and some of his lines had me laughing out loud on the train.

  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    If I continue a previous musing, is it still random?


    I have repeatedly said, when asked, that if the stories about me helped inspire our troops and rally

    a nation, then perhaps there was some good. However, I am still confused as to why they chose to

    lie and tried to make me a legend when the real heroics of my fellow soldiers that day were, in fact,

    legendary. People like Lori Piestewa and First Sergeant Dowdy who picked up fellow soldiers in

    harms way. Or people like Patrick Miller and Sergeant Donald Walters who actually fought until

    the very end.


    The bottom line is the American people are capable of determining their own ideals for heroes and

    they don’t need to be told elaborate tales.


    My hero is my brother Greg who continues to serve this country today. My hero is my friend Lori

    who died in Iraq but set an example for a generation of Hopi and Native American women and little

    girls everywhere about the important contributions just one soldier can make in the fight for

    freedom. My hero is every American who says, my country needs me and answers the call to fight.


    I had the good fortune and opportunity to come home and I told the truth. Many other soldiers, like

    Pat Tillman, do not have the opportunity.


    The truth of war is not always easy to hear but it always more heroic than the hype.

  13. Re: And Straight On 'Til Morning... i


    The deadline for character submissions has been extended to April 18th. While no slots are currently filled, from the submissions there seems to be a dearth of mechanically inclined engineers, and a need for hard spacers with guns so that the rest of can sleep soundly. So far the following have been submitted:


    Akkilokipok Baaru (Nuliajuk security officer)

    Takashi Shimura (Ojingo Captain)

    Leila Hashimi bint Noor (Barakan Doctor)

    Taran DuCharm (Jingugo Doctor)

    Hanuman al-Sahhaf d'Estienne d'Orves (Jingugo technician)

    Masayasu Kuvezin (Jingugo operations officer)

    Tara Takahash (Sisian pilot)

    Ahkeva Katz (Barakan Ambassador)


    We need another security officer and another engineer, at least.

  14. Re: Rise up and smite them!


    Use summon. You'd like to have an indirect, uncontrolled EB as one attack. For 10d6 worth you'll pay 163 AP - that's fairly steep. For 163 AP you can summon a 16 250 pt stone Golems to do your bidding with slavish loyalty. I wouldn't recommend spending that much, but I hope you see what I mean. That's all before factoring in limitations, etc.

  15. Re: And Straight On 'Til Morning... i


    Straight On... Character Construction


    The player characters in Straight On 'Til Morning are all crewmembers on board a sanctioned trade-ship sent out to neighboring star systems (and beyond) by the Harmonious Empire of Ojin-Jingu. Their mission is to make contact, see what's out there, and to periodically report back to the Empire with their findings.


    Characters should have good intentions at all times. This means the PC should be willing to go out on a limb if it is the "right thing to do" even if it means some self sacrifice. This does NOT mean PC must have chiseled features and be named "Dirk Daring". PC can be rough and have quite twisted backgrounds. They can even be greedy and self-centered to a limited degree. The key is that they are not ruthless killers, heartless mercenaries, or loners. If I think there is a problem with your PC the GM will talk with you about it. Remember this is a game for a team of players not just one.


    In addition, the character should have a clearly defined motive for being on a member of the ship's crew.


    All characters should possess skills appropriate to the running of a small merchant starship that has been tasked to travel the stars trading and making contact with the other lost human colonies. Specifically, characters should be designed to fulfill the following positions on the ship's roster:


    Ship's Captain/Trading Master:

    Ship's Doctor/Science Officer:


    Operations Officer

    Two Security/Tactical Personnel


    Diplomat/Ambassador At Large



    As "Trading Master", the Captain is responsible for all economic negotiations with local populations outside of the Harmonious Empire, and is authorized to make temporary trade treaties, pending approval by the Imperial Senate. The ship's operations officer is responsible for operating the ship's communications, sensors, and library systems while the ship is in flight. The security personnel also operate the ship's defensive weaponry when the time comes. The Ambassador At Large is responsible for all political negotiations, and is the government's direct representation on the ship.


    In terms of the campaign, the player characters are Standard Heroic level, and must adhere to the following guidelines:


    Base Points: 100

    Maximum Disadvantages: 50

    Maximum Points From Psychological Limitations: 25

    Special Rules:


    1. All characters are assumed to take the Normal Characteristics Maxima limitation for 0 points. As always, a character can exceed the Maxima of a particular Characteristic at double cost. Package bonuses that cause a characteristic to exceed the Maxima do not cost double.



    2. Characters can be from any of the seven planets that make up the Harmonious Empire of Ojin-Jingu (Ayaka, Barak'allah, Jingu, Nuliajuk, Ojin, Sisu, and Thibbideau's World). The character's world of origin will dictate the purchase of certain Homeworld Packages:



    Ayaka This "planet" is more properly the largest moon of a gas giant in the Amaterasu System. It is not an independent world, but rather is a colony governed directly from Ojin. Since the moon has an atmosphere too thin to breathe, the people of Ayaka live in domed cities. Ayaka, like its mother world, is a Light World.



    Barak'allah This planet was originally colonized by transportees from Palestine. Governed by a moderate theocracy, Islam is the state religion of the planet and the culture of Barak'allah is colored by its influences.



    Jingu Jingu was one of the two original planets colonized by Japanese settlers. It is a hot jungle planet with abundant life (both animal and plant) and near constant rainfall.



    Nuliajuk Nuliajuk is an ice-world forcibly settled by Inuits and other Eskimo tribes during the Second Diaspora. In addition, the planet has a surface gravity of 1.87.



    Ojin Ojin was the other of the original planets colonized by Japanese settlers. Ojin is earthlike, for the most part, though it tends to be cooler year-round. Ojin has a surface gravity of 0.72.



    Sisu Sisu was originally colonized by Finnish and Indian deportees during the Second Diaspora. Sisu is a rocky, barren world with an axial tilt of 87º; quite literally, Sisu rotates "on its side". Unfortunately for its inhabitants, this causes the planet to experience constant hurricane-strength storms over its entire surface. The inhabitants live in cave systems underground.



    Thibbideau's World This temperate world was originally colonized by the Seekers of Perfection, a cult that has sought to use eugenics to produce "the perfect person". After five hundred years of carefully controlled breeding, they tend to believe they've succeeded.



    3. All characters begin with the following Everyman Skills (at 8 or less unless otherwise noted) for no cost: AK: Home Planet 11 or less, Acting, Climbing, Concealment, Conversation, Deduction, LS: Native Language, Paramedics, Persuasion, PS: Use Computer, PS: Any One Profession Or Hobby 11 or less, Shadowing, Stealth, and TF (Small Motorized Ground Vehicles).


    4. Characters should take a package appropriate to the position in the ship's crew they wish to fill.



    5. Only a single person from Thibbideau's World will be accepted at the beginning of the campaign.



    6. Characters who are members of the Empire's nobility must be negotiated with the GM and approved of beforehand. Given the nature of Ojin-Jingu society, characters with noble title should only be submitted for the Ship's Captain/Trade Master, Ship's Doctor/Science Officer, and Ambassador at Large.



    7. All characters begin with a bank account (tracked by the ship's computer and covered by very serious security software) of 350 * 4d6 Ojin-Jingu yen. Note that the yen isn't legal tender outside of the Harmonious Empire. Characters who take the Wealth perk multiply this amount by the number of points they put into the perk to determine starting funds.



    8. Each character begins the campaign with his own pressure suit and his own personal computer card. Characters are free to purchase a "equipment list" of other personal items, as long as those items are pre-approved by the GM. In general, however, this will be unnecessary (see Group Dynamics). Any item judged "Hegemony tech" by the GM is unavailable to the players at the beginning of the campaign (examples of "Hegemony tech" include things like most major cybernetic implants (and wetware implants), nanotechnology, Star Trek style universal translators, matter replication, and so on).



    9. Writing fiction pieces featuring your character is worth 1 experience point per story. Likewise, writing a journal that covers everything important that happens to your character is worth 1 experience point per written page. Fiction and journal entries you wish to collect experience points on should be forwarded to Jack so he can put them on the website. Particularly artistic writing can earn an extra point.



    10. Creating background elements for the game-world is worth 1 experience point per three items. These background elements could be new societies, historical elements, interesting pieces of geography, characters, alien animals, legends, stories, or what-have-you.



    Group Dynamics


    Character Names: When naming your characters, remember that the dominant cultural base of the Harmonious Empire of Ojin-Jingu is Japanese (being the primary culture of three of the seven planets). The secondary cultural influences present are based on Arabic, Finnish, Inuit, and French cultures. Character names thus tend to be a melange of the five cultures; a black man whose full name was Auguste al-Abdwala ibn Sato (with a name that combines French, Arabic, and Japanese) would not be considered unusual at all.


    Personal Computers: As noted above, each crewmember begins with a personal computer card. These hand-held computers are the size of a credit card and can be used as a PDA, calculator, clock, GPS locater (on worlds which have functioning GPS systems), news readers, web browsers, and email clients.


    Pressure Suits: As the saying goes, a man's pressure suit is closer to him than his wife. Each character's pressure suit is specifically fitted to his or her own body and thus cannot be used by another character without risking a loss of pressure. Each character's pressure suit is stenciled with a chest-and-back design registered as unique to each character. These designs are used to identify one character from another at a distance when in use.


    Ship's TO&E: As they are part of a ship's crew, the greater majority of the characters equipment lists will tend to be "ship's issue" rather than personally owned. The exact nature of the "ship's issue" equipment will be negotiated once the campaign lineup has been determined, but it will include the following:


    Vehicles: The ship carries a single Fujitsu Motors Daring Pioneer-model all-wheel-drive, all-terrain ground car, a single Aritomi Engineering Dancing Eagle-model helicopter, and a Katajamäki Watersports Porpoise-model inflatable boat.

    Weapons: The ship will have an arms locker containing a single pistol for each player character, along with three spare pistols and five thousand rounds of appropriate ammunition. In addition, the ship's arms locker will contain one assault rifle for each security officer, plus one spare assault rifle and five thousand rounds of appropriate ammunition. Only the ship's captain and the security officers know the codes to open the arms locker.

    Trade Goods: The ship will begin with a cargo of trade goods, the specifics of which will be negotiated once the campaign lineup has been determined.

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