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Posts posted by Enforcer84

  1. No. Hakeem Olajuwon went #1 to Houston. Portland lost the coin toss and took the next best big-man available.

    Also No. Brandon Roy's knees where both damaged before Portland took him hoping they could get a few good years out of him. 


    Brandon Roy was on his way to becoming one of the 10 best players in the NBA when a degenerative condition in his knees began to slow him down. The primary reason he dropped in the draft, Roy’s troublesome knees were gradually eroding as the cartilage wore away with the grind of an NBA season, and after three All-Star seasons in a row from 2008 to 2010 Roy hit a complete wall. He played in 47 games in 2011, retiring after the season. After extensive rehab and rest he attempted a comeback for the 2012-13 season, but he lasted just five games with the Timberwolves before being waived and retiring for good.


    Surprisingly, Greg Oden had 0 history (that I'm aware of) of the injuries that ruined his career. He had a torn ligament in his wrist his one year of college but no back or leg issues. Now Bill Simmons did say when Portland drafted him that he worried about him. One of his legs was shorter than the other, he looked like an old man when he walked. So it's entirely possible he had some issues but beyond his wrist the shorter High school seasons seemed to give him time to recover/hide them. The Microfracture surgery in his knee the summer he got drafted was the beginning of his Injury Parade.

  2. Oops! I started  thread too. Sorry guys. 


    Don't think Dame will go to the Lakers as a FA but wouldn't rule it out despite his words to the contrary, however; I do believe that Dame LIKES being the Man, this has been his team since year two. It was part of what made LA want to Leave (IMO) I doubt he'd want to be in LeBron's supporting cast. Also he's from Oakland, I'd be more worried for him to go to Golden State. 


  3. Alternate Title: Waiting for the Warriors to Disband.


    All I hope is that no fans of the Lakers, Celtics, Spurs, or Bulls gripe about the Warriors. 

    Because I'm not going to suffer you fools gladly. 


    Love them or hate them, what the Warriors have done was no less "competitive" and no "worse for the league" than the Wilt or Shaq Lakers, or the lucky Spurs who got the #1 Pick and top 10 all time player in Tim Duncan the year perennial all-star David Robinson missed the bulk of the season with a back injury. 


    Having said that, 


    I weep for my Blazers. The west is stacked and it's going to be a blood bath. Though the Lakers don't look ready to push yet. 

  4. Scuttlebutt now is that the Lakers have less incentive to make a deal believing they can jettison their one year deals and sign Kawai next season. LeBron signing for 3 years (w/option for 4th) gives them a lot of wiggle room and less pressure to win now.


  5. I can only hope that the warriors foul Ball through out the 4th quarters during their playoff sweep. 


    This continues the rich tradition of the Lakers bringing in big names at the twilight of their careers to chase a ring.


    It will be interesting watching LeBron having to go a whole year because he's not in the Leastern Conference anymore.


  6. I don't think there's anyone who believes that a LeBron Led Lakers team would unseat the warriors. 

    - caveat, Ingram really improved from year 1 to 2, if Ball can show that improvement, and Ingram keeps getting better, and Randall and Kuzma improve...then I'd possibly be eating hat.

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