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Posts posted by Enforcer84

  1. KNight & Knight of the Azure Shield




    Cost Power END
    10 1) Weapon Mastery: Find Weakness 11- (Single Attack), Sense Affected As Sight (+0)
    Knight of the Azure Shield
    19 1) Azure Shield: Force Wall (8 PD/8 ED; 2" long and 1" tall), Backlash (+1/2) (63 Active Points); Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-3/4), Requires both hands (-1/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) 6
    12 2) Sword of Stars: Aid 2d6 (max. Aided Points: 22): Strength & OCV (5pt levels) (25 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)
    12 3) Shield of Storms: Aid 2d6 (max. Aided Points: 22): PD/ED (Resistant) (25 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)
    21 4) Silver Tower Stance: (Total: 44 Active Cost, 21 Real Cost) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2) (Real Cost: 7) plus Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2) (Real Cost: 7) plus Knockback Resistance -7" (14 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2) (Real Cost: 7)
    1 5) Sentinal's Vigilance: Life Support (Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week)
    5 6) Iron Will: +5 Mental Defense (7 points total)
    14 7) Silver Rings of Security: +3 with DCV, Uncontrolled (+1/2), Usable By Other (x4 Number of Targets +3/4) (34 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Requires both hands (-1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 3
    8 8) Astral Shields: Force Field (7 Mental Defense/7 Power Defense/1 Flash Defense: Hearing Group) (15 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) (added to Secondary Value) 1
    Powers Cost: 102



    Cost Skill
    8 1) +1 with All Combat
    2 2) Animal Handler (Equines) 11-
    3 3) High Society 11-
    3 4) KS: Codes of the Order (INT-based) 11-
    2 5) PS: Knight 11-
    3 6) Riding 11-
    0 7) TF: Equines
    3 8) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Lances
    Choice of 15 pts worth
    8 1) +1 with All Combat
    5 2) +1 with HTH Combat
    3 3) +1 with any three maneuvers or a tight group of attacks
    3 4) Bureaucratics 11-
    3 5) Climbing 11-
    3 6) Defense Maneuver: I
    3 7) Fast Draw 11-
    2 8) Gambling (Other (General): Choice) 11-
    2 9) KS: Choice 11-
    3 10) Interrogation 11-
    3 11) Language: Choice (Completely Fluent, w/Accent)
    2 12) Navigation 11-
    3 13) Oratory 11-
    2 14) Survival 11-
    3 15) Stealth 11-
    2 16) TF (Aditional): Other, Other
    2 17) WF (Additional): Common Missile Weapons
    Knight of the Azure Shield
    8 1) +1 with All Combat
    3 2) Knight of the Azure Shield (Power) (INT-based) 11-
    3 3) Defense Maneuver: I
    3 4) KS: Order of the Azure Shield 12-
    2 5) KS: White Magic Orders 11-
    Skills Cost: 95


    Cost Perk
    1 Reputation: Knight of the Azure Shield (A small to medium sized group, 11-) +1/+1d6
    5 Fringe Benefit (Knight, Membership: Order of the Azure Shield)
    Perks Cost: 6


    Cost Talent
    12 Combat Luck: 6 PD/6 ED
    3 Lightsleep
    Talents Cost: 15



    Total Character Cost: 218



    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required: 18

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0



    Here is two "Knight Packages" I put together over the weekend when my internet service was on the blink. To take the Knight of the Azure Shield package you need the Basic Knight Package.

    A side note: None of the talents or "Powers" are required for either package. They are optional.

  2. Hmm, I have several alternate Earth's but the only one ever appering in an actual game was Marvel Earth. My character Powerman, got to go toe to to with (in this order); Thor, Hulk, Wonderman, Count Nefaria.


    He did better than I thought, but went 1 for 4 , only able to clock ol' Wonderman. He probably would have beaten the Hulk but some really unlucky early rolls, let ol' greenskin get angry and strong enought to counter Powerman's speed and agility advantage.

    Nefaria was just Powerman, only more so, and the battle was fairly one sided. I really wanted a rematch.


    I have written up my self or snagged write ups for CHaracters from Marvel, DC, Awesome, Wildstorm, V&V, Heroes Unlimited, Rock and Roll song titles, Consol RPG's, Comic Book Company Names, as well as two HERO universes. I always wanted to see a "last man standing" battle between

    Superman, Valor, Captain Marvel (Shazam), Hyperion, Thor, Gladiator, Powerman (my character), Count Nefaria, Supreme, Mr Majestic, Apollo, and Titan (from Darkhorse's Comic's Greatest World). Never got around to doing it though.

  3. Originally posted by Hermit

    Hmmm, these are oddly familiar ;)


    Actually, a lot depends on the characters' personalities. How closely do they identify with their ethnic group? Are they trying to embrace that ethnic group's culture, or escape stereotype? Once I figured that out, I would be able to decide better.


    Good point, well, for necessities sake, I want them to be fairly middle of the road ideas. These characters are individuals and they tend to identify themselves as Americans first, then what ever else. Lets assume they all come from fairly middleclass backgrounds and have at least a highschool education.

  4. Hey I was just wondering, we as a group here seem to be a bit down on the established companies (comics, gaming) for their handling of minority heroes.


    Here are four heroes chosen at random:D


    A Native American hero with growth powers.


    An African American hero with flight, electrical powers, and limited superhuman durability


    An Asian American hero with wind manipulation particularly whirlwinds


    and finally, a South American hero with a suite of nebulous "magic" abilities, at least including flight, Super human Strength and Durability, invisiblity, etc, heck he might be a DC Martian.


    anyway, what would you A) Name these characters, and B) what would their costumes look like.















    PS: If there are any other "Random" :rolleyes:ethnic Heroes I might have missed from the Superfriends Cartoons, let me know.

  5. Okay, lots of art, but I was non internet over the weekend and took the opporotunity to finally get my scanner set up. This is Omega. My digital painting skills are nascent at best.


    oops. too big. Lets see if you can see it at all

  6. Looks pretty good.



    I was thinking of writing the whole group of player characters up from that game as a superteam. Shion was a technomancer "Open Ether Circuit!"

    Chaos was an "angel"

    Ziggy and KOS MOS I pretty much would keep as is.

    MOMO is a curious creation. An artificial Sorceress. JR is a 1000 year old "boy who ages one year for every hundred" (got the idea from Child of the first VIPER Book) or a clone of a long lost hero who was released "too soon", I hadn't decided. I'd probably put

    Virgil in the group and possible Allen as a support member.

  7. Originally posted by Storn

    I am glad that some folks are finding these useful.


    In update news: my website is still down. Something to do with the domain and my host is working on it. I have no idea when it will be fixed.


    Here is a private commission done for a character created by RW Temple: Thunderbird. Hope y'all like.



    That is beautiful. All I can say. Beautiful.

  8. Well, that went badly.

    okay, here is my Heavy Knight Package.

    note: the Heavy Knight Package requires that you take the knight package first.


    This is a strudier version of the standard knights. They show up in the Suikiden Series all the time; examples include: Humphry, Leo, Fred, Georg Prime, Pesmurga, Lucca Blight, etc..


    BTW it is easier to post it this way. Ignore the attributes and the fact that all the optional skills are paid for.





    I can't find it to fix it. I'll have to rewrite it? Oh well...

  9. Re: Re: Staring us right in the blackface


    Originally posted by Worldmaker

    At least they don't have to wear feathers and warpaint. I'm still waiting for an American Indian hero... or even an American Indian villian for crying out loud... who isn't wearing feathers, warpaint, or some other sort of classical "Indian" accoutrements.


    Hey, and while I'm kvetching about the lack of representation for my particular ethnic group, why not wonder why the heck all of the Indian heroes are so obviously Sioux and/or Apache? What... a Seminole can't be a hero? Or an Iriquois?:confused:


    I don't think the artists know what one looks like sans war paint. Really, I have tried thinking of someone who was indian without at least fring boots and a headband and I can't think of one. (Forge, maybe?)

  10. Re: Captain America


    Originally posted by Southern Cross

    I,ve noticed that the first version of Captain America that was posted in this thread had both his REC & END bought down by 4 & 5 points respectively.

    It states on pg. 25 of FReD that one can only "sell back" one Figured Characteristc at a time.Furthermore,it seems out of the character concept "The peak of human perfection" to have REC & END reduced.The super-soldier serum was supposed to fix those sorts of problems...


    wow, I guess I forgot that the old program doesn't always adjust for the increase in figured characteristics.

    His rec and end should be 12 and 60 respectively. My bad...

  11. This is a reworked version of Jabberrock from Enemies III. By reworked, I mean completely different, sort of.




    Player: NPC Villain


    Val Char Cost
    35 STR 25
    23 DEX 39
    60 CON 100
    15 BODY 10
    13 INT 3
    18 EGO 16
    25 PRE 15
    12 COM 1
    25 PD 18
    20 ED 8
    6 SPD 27
    19 REC 0
    120 END 0
    75 STUN 12
    9" RUN02" SWIM012"/23" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 274


    Cost Power END
    18 Fiery Gaze(RKA): RKA 1d6 (vs. ED), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (37 Active Points); Does no STUN (-3/4), No Knockback (-1/4) 4
    45 Martial Arts abilities: Multipower, 45-point reserve
    3u 1) Paralyzing Strike (Entangle): Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Entangle Damage: Entangle Takes no Damage From Attack (+1/2) (45 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) 4
    2u 2) Butterfly Strike : Hand-to-Hand Attack +4d6, Penetrating (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 3
    2u 3) Catapaulting Strike : Hand-to-Hand Attack +4d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (35 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 3
    2u 4) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points)
    4u 5) Sword Fist (HTH): HKA 3d6 (plus STR) (45 Active Points) 4
    20 Martial Arts Prodigy: Find Weakness 11- (Related Group of Attacks)
    10 Body of Stone: Damage Resistance (10 PD / 10 ED)
    7 Ch'i Clarity: +7 Mental Defense (11 points total)
    11 Ch'i Shields: Power Defense (11 points)
    6 Increased Mass: Knockback Resistance -3"
    5 Great leaper: Superleap +5" (12" / 23" forward, 6" / 11 1/2" upward) (added to Primary Value) 1
    7 Running Leap: Superleap +11" (12" / 23" forward, 6" / 11 1/2" upward) (11 Active Points); Requires 1/2 Move (-1/2) (added to Secondary Value) 1
    6 Superior Athlete : Running +3" (added to Primary Value) 1
    Powers Cost: 148


    Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
    Stone Dragon Kung Fu (Self Developed)
    8 1) +2 HTH Damage Class(es)
    4 2) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
    4 3) Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 3d6 NND
    4 4) Crush: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +6d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab
    5 5) Defensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike
    4 6) Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    5 7) Flying Kick: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, STR +2d6 +v/5; FMove
    3 8) Grappling Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike; Target Falls; Must Follow Grab
    3 9) Hold/Joint Lock: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, +20 STR for holding on
    5 10) Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +6d6 Strike
    3 11) Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, STR +3d6 Strike, Target Falls
    4 12) Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike
    4 13) Reversal: var Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, +10 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs
    3 14) Suplex: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls
    3 15) Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +2d6 +v/5, Target Falls
    Martial Arts Cost: 62


    Cost Skill
    30 +3 with Overall Level
    6 +2 with Martial Arts
    3 Breakfall 14-
    3 Climbing 14-
    2 Professional Skill: Indstructor 11-
    3 Stealth 14-
    3 Streetwise 14-
    3 Scholar
    4 1) KS: Knowledge Skill: Analyze Combat Style (5 Active Points) 14-
    1 2) KS: Knowledge Skill: Taoism (2 Active Points) 11-
    1 3) KS: Knowledge Skill: Budhism (2 Active Points) 11-
    1 4) KS: Knowledge Skill: Bushido (2 Active Points) 11-
    1 5) KS: Knowledge Skill: Eastern Martial Arts (2 Active Points) 11-
    Skills Cost: 61


    Cost Perk
    1 Contact: Thugmaster (8-)
    1 Contact: Proffessor Pollum (8-)
    Perks Cost: 2


    Cost Talent
    15 Danger Sense (12-)
    4 Resistance: 4 points
    4 Simulate Death 14-
    Talents Cost: 23



    Total Character Cost: 570


    Val Disadvantages
    15 Distinctive Features: Bald man made of stone., Concealable, Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses
    10 Enraged: Spectra Injured , Common, go 8-, recover 14-
    10 Hunted: Cheshire Cat, As Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish
    20 Hunted: PRIMUS, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
    15 Hunted: Champions, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish
    5 Physical Limitation: Increased Mass (400KG) , Infrequently, Slightly Impairing
    20 Psychological Limitation: Honorable, Common, Total
    20 Psychological Limitation: Devoted to Spectra, Common, Total
    15 Psychological Limitation: Seeks out Martial Combat, Common, Strong
    5 Reputation: Martial Arts Master, Frequently (11-), Known Only To A Small Group
    15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Benjamin Jones), Frequently (11-), Major

    Disadvantage Points: 150


    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required: 220

    Total Experience Available: 220

    Experience Unspent: 0


    Background: Turned into a mockery of a man by Professor Pollum, Benjamin jones took the punnish name, Jabberrock and tried to become a first rate supervillain. After a number of years of failure; he took his girlfriend, Spectra, and travelled to Tibet. Managing to avoid confrontations with the Tiger Squad, Ben began searching for himself. It was during this time that he began to develop his own style of Kung Fu; dubbing it Stone Dragon Style. The meditation, training, and self discovery led to a startling transformation; one day he found a portion of his stone flesh had chipped off!

    After three months it had crumbled off; leaving a smoother, polished granite like surface. The shedding of his old form did more than just make him look a little more human, he now was faster, and stronger than ever! His eyes still danced with flames and he could still start small fires, but he was now a far more effective martial artist. Taking the name Stone and finding his desire to be a master villain renewed, Benjamin and Spectra returned to the US to further their criminal careers.

    Motivation: Stone has many motivations: he wants to be one of the preimminant martial artists of his era, a feared criminal mastermind, a devoted husband to Spectra, spread his style to worthy students, and achieve spiritual perfection. He realizes that his criminal goals interfere with his spiritual ones but he feels that he needs to prove himself superior before achieving perfection.

    Quote: "You will find that the Stone Dragon's teeth are quite sharp, mortal. "

    Appearance: A sturdy built man of above average height with dark, stone like skin and eyes of flame. He is bald but his eyebrows seem to be made of fire. He wears brown robes and no shoes.

  12. I forgot these guys


    I forgot about the Technarchy.


    These fellows are brilliant scientists that are working with a number of powerful nations to put a cap on the level of technology the world employs.

    Basically, they believe that they are the one's who should control the flow of advancement. They target heroes, villains and normals alike. They work in the shadows so much so that very few people even know of their existance.


    The main council consisted of Time Master, Beamline, and a few other home made villains.


    Dr Destroyer never noticed them since he didn't ever really try to market his technology, but they served as the main reason that all those supertech guys never brought about flying cars and such and that only a few nations had highly advanced agents.

  13. Originally posted by TheEmerged

    I love theoreticals :D


    /* cracks knuckles

    /* opens CKC to page 102-104


    *snipped the critiques of Binder *



    Okay, now to actually get to work on evolving him :D


    First and most notable issue: secondary targetting sense. The ability to sense your opponent is simply too important to bypass, IMO. Radar is usually the most appropriate for a battlesuit type, and can be snagged for 10 points (15 active, OIF) without much trickery, 8 points if you throw in "Flashed as "Sight" group as well". If I'm designing him this is a bigger prioirty than Flash Defense, but I've already criticized too much.


    Secondly, boy needs a little Mental Defense, even if it's not much. I find it hard to believe someone that fancies themselves a master villain with a "inferiority complex tinged with paranoia" in a super-powered campaign world in which mentalists exist is going to be walking around with 10 Flash Def but no MD, unless the GM has decided that MD is something rare/unobtainable via technology. Given the likelihood that such countermeasures are available (to protect non-super politicians & generals if nothing else), I'd say Binder can swing it.


    Third priority is another slot in the multipower: Dispel vs any one power of Mechanical special effect (as GM I'd rule this as a +1/2 advantage because the special effect is so broad). That would leave 60 points under Binder's multipower, enough for a 20d6 Dispel (70 active on average). Effect would be gluing the gears/locking the moving parts.


    Dispel is a terribly under-rated power that is especially effective against certain constructs like Continuing/Fuel Charges. This slot would give Binder an edge against many technological opponents, and in my opinion appropriate to the character.


    Fourth priority would be the "psi-breaker" entangle slot for his multipower: Opaque to Normal Sight and Mind Scan. 4d6, +4 DEF (8 final), and "Both Take Damage comes in at 87 active, 4 points real as a slot. You could also drop the DEF down to +2 (6 final) to have Opaque to Sight & Mental Groups instead, if you felt it more appropriate.


    Priorities after this depend on the opposition he finds himself against, and which Dead Horses you feel the need to beat. One that jumps out screaming at me is the prospect of putting Difficult to Dispel on the Life Support & Flight (dispel flight + altitude = trouble). Another possibility is giving Binder a special defense against entangles -- even something as simple as Martial Escape and some DC's.


    I like it! I hadn't thought of gumming up the works! I was thinking about an anti-entangle, hadn't liked any of the ideas I had for it yet...

  14. Wow. These are great ideas. I like the sensory imput and the attack based entangles! Very cool.


    Here is what I have done to him Its about 75 pts of improvement...






    Val Char Cost
    15 STR 5
    20 DEX 30
    20 CON 20
    12 BODY 4
    23 INT 13
    14 EGO 8
    20 PRE 10
    4 COM -3
    19 PD 5
    19 ED 4
    5 SPD 20
    7 REC 0
    40 END 0
    40 STUN 10
    6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 126


    Cost Power END
    75 Glue Guantlets: Multipower, 90-point reserve, all slots: , 32 Charges (+1/4) (112 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
    6u 1) Narrow Glue-Beam: Entangle 6d6, 8 DEF, Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4) (87 Active Points)
    6u 2) Wide Glue-Beam: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4), Area Of Effect (5" Radius; +1) (90 Active Points)
    6u 3) Glue-Stream: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4), Area Of Effect (20" Line; +1) (90 Active Points)
    6u 4) Glue-Blob: Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF, Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (87 Active Points)
    1u 5) Swingline: Swinging 12" (12 Active Points)
    22 Armored Costume: Armor (11 PD / 11 ED) (33 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (added to Primary Value)
    8 Adhesive aided climbing: Clinging (20 STR) (12 Active Points); OIF (Armor) (-1/2)
    13 Corrosive Glue: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6 (vs. ED), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (37 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), OIF (-1/2), Linked (To any slot in Multipower) (-1/4)
    7 Polarized Faceplate: Flash Defense (10 points) (Sight Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
    7 Helmet Air Supply: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
    24 Jetboots: Flight 18" (36 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 4
    6 Helmet Communicator: High Range Radio Perception (12 Active Points); Sense Affected As Sight And Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)
    19 Video Relays: Clairsentience (Hearing Group; Additional Sense Group: Hearing Group, Concealed (-2 to PER Roll), x8 Range) (47 Active Points); Only Through The Senses Of Others (-1/2), OIF - Helmet (-1/2), Sense Affected As Sight & Hearing (-1/4), Linked to Scrambled Team Link (-1/4) 5
    14 Scrambled Team Link: Mind Link (Specific Group of Minds; No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8)) (35 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), OIF (-1/2)
    3 Heat Detection Lenses: Infrared Perception (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)
    Powers Cost: 223


    Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
    Generic Martial Arts
    4 1) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
    4 2) Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    5 3) Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike
    4 4) Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike
    3 5) Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +v/5, Target Falls
    Martial Arts Cost: 20


    Cost Skill
    12 +4 with Glue-Guantlets Multipower
    3 Bureaucratics 13-
    3 Combat Piloting 13-
    3 Computer Programming 14-
    3 Cryptography 14-
    3 Demolitions 14-
    3 Electronics 14-
    3 Inventor 14-
    1 CK: Geneva 8-
    2 CK: Millennium City 11-
    3 KS: Literature (INT-based) 14-
    3 KS: The Superhuman World (INT-based) 14-
    2 KS: UNTIL 11-
    1 Language: French: Basic Conversation
    3 Persuasion 13-
    2 PS: Play Chess 11-
    3 Security Systems 14-
    3 Stealth 13-
    3 Systems Operation 14-
    3 Tactics 14-
    3 Teamwork 13-
    3 TF: Combat Aircraft, Helicopters, Large Planes, Small Planes
    3 Scientist
    4 1) SS: Adhesives & Solvents (INT-based) (5 Active Points) 16-
    2 2) SS: Biology (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 3) SS: Chemical Engineering (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 4) SS: Chemistry (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 5) SS: Computer Science (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 6) SS: Mathematics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 7) SS: Nuclear Physics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    2 8) SS: Physics (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 14-
    Skills Cost: 89


    Cost Perk
    15 Base: Contribution to Ultimate's base
    10 Vehicle: Contribution to Starbird
    Perks Cost: 25




    Total Character Cost: 483


    Val Disadvantages
    15 Distinctive Features: Facial Scarring, Concealable, Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses
    20 Hunted: UNTIL, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
    20 Hunted: The Champions, More Powerful, 8- (Occasionally), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence
    20 Psychological Limitation: Inferiority Complex Tinged With Paranoia, Very Common, Strong
    10 Psychological Limitation: Sensitive About His Looks, Common, Moderate
    15 Reputation: wanted and dangerous supervillain, Frequently (11-), Extreme
    15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Earl Whitacker), Frequently (11-), Major

    Disadvantage Points: 115


    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required: 168

    Total Experience Available: 200

    Experience Unspent: 32


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