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Posts posted by rebeccared50

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Born Again Pagan? :D (I have seen a woman wear a button proclaiming this)


    I have one of those... although I really can't say I was "born Again" - I was never formally brought up with religion when I was growing up. I found Wicca when I was 18, did a Self-Dedication and never looked back... Amused, on the other hand, grew up around me and my beliefs (imagine that) but I when she was older, I tried to encourage her to find what works for her. I'm not a very good teacher when it comes to religion, but I do what I can...

  2. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: There is an unspeakable ritual that will summon all the Elder Gods simultaneously ... it involves wasting untold millions of gallons of clean water on verdant ground, producing nothing of any use, and walking randomly round those grounds in bright-colored polyester pants, flailing away at small spherical fetishes with cruel metal tools, for at least one day a week for a hundred years. It will annihilate all realities when complete, but ... what's it called again?


    A: Add some kind of sexual excesses, and then you'll have a real cult going.


    Q: Well, we're going to dress in togas, practice Elder Rituals, live in a commune up in the mountains, give all our worldly goods to charity and possibly to ritual sacrifice on random hikers that cross our path... oh and possible dress in orange and hang out at the airports.. Can you think of anything else?


    A: No, in fact it seems to be making it worse...

  3. Re: The Last Word


    It's unthinkable for me' date=' too. Not because it's "not something people do," but because I consider a promise to be binding. I wouldn't have stood up at the front of a church, in front of my family and friends and two pastors, if I didn't think I could keep the promise I was making.[/quote']



    yeah... I wanted to... but sometime that whole growth and change thing leaves you with someone you don't know...

  4. Re: The Last Word


    True.. the second marriage was a "fairy tale" - then he sat down in front of the computer and didn't move again... Chris and I have the advantage of having know each other for close to 13 years before falling in love... we knew all about each other's quirks and flaws, and fell in love anyway...*sigh* ain't love grand?

  5. Re: The Last Word


    And emotions have been known to change over time.


    But luckily, where Josh is concerned, my affection only grows.


    that allways seems to be the challenge with relationships... realizing that you are each going to grow and change... being encouraging to that growth... and findings ways to grow and change together... takes work, but is definitely worth it...

  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    Flowing capes of power are back in, except around the air port areas.


    NT: A sign that Karma isn't just working, it's on the warpath


    You fail to hold a door for someone and immediately have someone not paying attention to where they are going knock you down, dropping everything you were holding and spilling hot coffee on your pants.

  7. Re: Answers & Questions


    Q: Why are you carrying three 2x4's, a hammer, and a bunch of nails, while dragging me to the linen cupboard?




    A: There wasn't any kind of sherry!


    Q: I send you to the store for sherry for the Sherry's Jubilee and you come back with vodka?


    A: *Whine*

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