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Posts posted by Foxx!

  1. Taxboy4:


    I give 3~5 CP per session, and IÂfm careful about how many CP can be spent on an ability at one time. I give points at the end of an episode, not necessarily at the end of each session. Everyone gets the same XP, but I find other ways to reward players who deserve more.



  2. Dust Raven:


    How about doing it as a skill? It sounds like you are doing the same as what a technician does with a skill, not a power. You could not only fix devices but also ÂethumpÂf them into doing other things: turn on a jukebox, etc. This may be an Extraordinary feat.



  3. Heroes:


    My favourites are Hermit's GRAB, Lord Liaden's Jimmy Dugan, and Carl Sagan's 'You just won a date with FOXBAT!'



    Istvatha V'han makes a peaceful visit to a troubled third world country and, in exchange for their joining her empire, she offers to raise their quality of life beyond any other country's on Earth. Is this a sincere offer? What happens if she gets a legitimate foothold on Earth? Will other countries join by free choice, by being conquered, or by secret manipulation? Will she name her league of nations 'The IV League'? If super villains attack the empire, what will the heroes do? If Istvatha V'han eventually gains control of the world, peacefully or by force, will the heroes serve the new regime or become super rebels?



    Cheshire Cat discovers that the old man supporting GRAB is actually a front for Dr. Destroyer. At the same moment, Dr. Destroyer discovers the discovery, and only Cheshire Cat's Teleportation saves him. Wounded and fearing Dr. Destroyer has preparations in case of this event, Cheshire Cat does not go back to base but directly to the PCs. He asks them to fetch the other GRAB members and give them all sanctuary, but he is too injured to help. How will the heroes convince the other GRAB members to come quietly? Has Dr. Destroyer already fed the GRAB members another story, or arranged an 'office visit' for them? Was the old man really in league with Dr. Destroyer from the start? If Dr. Destroyer seems too much, use DEMON, PSI, or another.



    In CKC, there is a plot seed where Istvatha V'han falls in love with a PC. What if she fell in love with Foxbat?


    Does anyone have any stories involving Foxbat and Captain Chronos? I imagine Foxbat having a new scheme and Captain Chronos saying it needs to succeed.



  4. Tywyll:


    IÂfm happy with both. Even though I can create beast characters myself, I want to know what the creators of Hero think is appropriate. They did a lot of outside research and work, and they know the system better than I ever will. I'd only be redoing their work in a lesser form because making this stuff is their job, not just their hobby.


    If you can buy only one, I recommend the Bestiary for the reasons John Desmarais said. There are few beings in MMM that I use, but it is nice to have them as a ready resource. Even if I donÂft plan to use them, my players might want to encounter them or even play them as PCs. You can always edit parts. ItÂfs easier than creating from zero.



  5. Heroes:


    I'm refining a spell skill system, and I'm considering some rules I created. Please share any comments.


    1: spell skill cost = AC/10.

    2: spell level cost = RC/10.

    3: Every spell must have at least -1 in Limitations and a skill roll, both with no RC reduction. Every extra -1/2 adds +1 to the skill roll and reduces the RC.


    (edited after trying out the system)



  6. Originally posted by farik

    Like all games a rule will only be as limiting as the GM lets it. Yes a VPP can be ripe for unlimited power but if you check the Fantasy HERO magic system examples you'll see that the GM is expected to place arbitrary limits on magic use. The key to a good magic system is a reasonable framework of expectations so the GM and player can work together.

    Grim Jesta:

    This is good advice from Farik.


    Read Fantasy Hero p. 240, ÂgEven if the GM...Âh Players donÂft have to buy all their spells in one VPP. They could buy a single spell as a VPP to make the spell flexible.


    Arthur has an interesting idea too.




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